
Marvel: Rise of the shadow legion

Vali reincarnates into the marvel world with his own special set of skills and powers he gets from making a deal with a higher being. “Arise! Cover worlds in darkness and show the universe the power of the shadow legion!” “As you command, Shadow Monarch!” ——————- 1 chapter a day at any time

Chickennugget · Película
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27 Chs

Follow the kitty cat

Trask Industries is a privately funded military research facility meant to research and block the x gene of mutants which somewhat succeeded but didn't. It was shut down around 2006 and has only recently been started again by Roderick Campbell.

This new Trask industries was started again to research and weaponize the x genes. To do this they first developed a specialized robot meant to hunt down, "dangerous" mutants called sentinels.

They were only in their earlier stages of development of this robot so they were still unknown to the world but for some reason they managed to catch the attention of magneto and his goons?

While relaxing, Vali was doing some research on Trask Industries to see if he could find a reason why magneto would hit such an unknown research facility but even after reading about its history, he couldn't find a reason.

Magneto also entered the facility with a pretty powerful force which included himself, Juggernaut, Sabretooth, and an unknown person who didn't seem very important. Just three of them were enough to raid the entire place.

"Well, it seems my shadow found Trask..." Vali mumbled then in the next moment vanished after being replaced with a shadow.

When Vali arrived, he didn't have to look very hard to find the two story building with the name Trask Industries on its front door. It looked like it was closed right now, there were no signs of activity at all.

Vali first tried opening the door normally but seeing that it was locked, Vali use a bit more force and ripped the door open immediately causing alarms to blare. He then summoned three shadows and gave them each a strange looking gun.

"Guard the entrance, don't let anyone or anything in! The guns are for emergencies only, use them only for those you can't handle! Also, don't lose these guns!" Vali ordered before headed inside.

The guns he gave his shadows were specialized to instantly vaporize anyone or anything into nothingness, he didn't want any possible clues left behind to be messed up by anyone.

Vali also summoned all the shadows he had on hand to help him look through every nook and cranny. Unfortunately there wasn't much to be found, magneto did a good job of covering up his tracks.

Only when Vali entered a room that looked like a holding cell did he actually find anything. All the cages weren't functional, probably because of magnetos power.

"He came here to break people out?" Vali muttered under his breath but he felt that there was definitely something more to this, he felt like this was all a diversion meant to mislead others.

Every holding cell was made of dense glass and each of them had an automated lock, there was just one that Vali found different from the rest and it was completely dark and isolated.

Only that dark cell was pried open, it looked like a sheet of metal that was ripped apart from the center. Judging by how the cell was opened up, Vali was sure it was juggernauts doing since he was with magneto in the video and the cell had some big fist indentations.

This was it, this was most likely magnetos goal. The only question was, who was being held in the cell that magneto personally came to break out? Magneto valued whoever was held in this cell weather he or she had a useful power or is incredibly powerful, maybe both.

As Vali was studying the dark cell, two of his shadows came to him, one with a stack of files and the other with a single flash drive. Vali stopped what he was doing and started looking through the files.

They seemed to be records on all the mutants held in the cells causing a Vali to smile. Most of the mutants weren't that noteworthy but a few of them had some pretty decent powers but none of them were really worth the trouble of breaking into an unknown facility like this.

There were definitely bigger things magneto could have done. The only explanation was most likely linked to the dark cell but Vali couldn't find anything pertaining to it in the files, they were either destroyed or magneto took them.

Vali then looked at the flash drive. He turned on a random computer and inserted the drive into it only to find that it was pretty much the same as the paper files but nothing on the dark cell.

Sighing helplessly, Vali figured there was nothing else he could really find so he recalled all his shadows besides the three he left to guard the door and walked down to see if the situations changed at all.

"We have you completely surrounded, come out with your hands in the air!" Outside, the entire building was surrounded by the police.

When he arrived downstairs he could see that his shadows were just standing there in plain sight, the only surprising thing to him though was that they all had their guns out and ready to fire.

Vali was confused and hid next to a window. He carefully scanned the entirety of the blockade and found the reason for his shadows actions. Although he was hidden well within a crowd, Vali didn't miss him, Sabretooth!

This made Vali smile, they haven't left Atlanta yet! Using this chance, Vali summoned I.C.E and ordered him to get outside without getting noticed and once he did that to secretly slip into Sabretooth's shadow.

Watching as I.C.E smoothly exited the facility from its own handmade back door, Vali smirked. Then he watched as I.C.E jumped from shadow to shadow without being noticed before arriving right beside Sabretooth's shadow.

"Now!" Vali whispered with a smile.

I.C.E immediately jumped into Sabretooth's shadow causing Sabretooth to look around in confusion, for some reason he felt a cold chill just for a few seconds before it disappeared like it was never there.

Scratching his head in confusion, Sabretooth looked back to the facility. Ever since he arrived, he felt like the three dark figures guarding the door were fixated on him, the guns in their hand were pointed in his direction after all.

When he turned to the facility again, the dark figures were gone. Looking around he also saw that everyone else was confused as well, in just a few seconds the dark figures just up and disappeared.

The cops hurriedly rushed in after the three shadows disappeared but unfortunately Vali was already long gone and was currently back at home watching the news about his break in into the facility.

On the other hand, Sabretooth frowned. With his instincts, he felt that there was something off about the cold chill he felt earlier and even more weird that the three dark figures disappeared at the same time he felt that chill, this was definitely no coincidence.

Even though he felt this way, there was no way for him to find out the reason as there wasn't that much to work off of so he just shrugged and left the scene after giving the facility one last look.


"How is he?"

"He's starting to regain his sanity... anyone placed in a cell like that would have gone completely mental after just a few days, this guy is insane for not going insane after 6 months in there!"

Magneto nodded his head then looked into the room containing a frail looking man with a look of emptiness in his eyes however there were signs of him regaining himself.

"Make sure to keep an eye on him at all times, with his power there's no one that can stop him from leaving if he wants to." Magneto said.

"No problem, he seems to really care for this woman, as long as I talk to him with her looks, he's content." Mystique replied.

Magneto shook his head, "people are unpredictable, if you slip up even a tiny bit and he finds out we're all screwed."

Mystique looked into the room with the appearance of a very charming asian woman with blue highlights in her hair and locked eyes with the man's mystical purple eyes and before she knew it the man suddenly appeared in front of her and caressed her face gently.

Both mystique and magneto didn't even see him approach at all, it seemed like he just teleported there but both of them knew the man's power was much more than that.

"Alice... I missed you..." the man with purple eyes whispered as he teared up.

Mystique smiled and replied, "me too, I've missed you very much. Let's go back into our room okay?"

The man nodded and let mystique lead him back into the room. Magneto watched from outside the room as mystique talked to the man, she had studied up on the woman named Alice and figured out a way to convince the man she was actually her.

Magneto didn't stick around for too long and headed off to do his own things. On his way to his own office he noticed Sabretooth walk in with a frown on his face.

"Victor, what's wrong?" Magneto asked.

He didn't answer magneto for a while then growled, "something strange happened while I was out. That facility we raided, someone else broke in as well."

Magneto thought about and it was indeed strange but it wasn't anything really worth worrying over so he asked, "that shouldn't be what's got you acting like this, right?"

Sabretooth nodded and explained, "it was strange, the people who broke in aren't simple..."

"How many were there?" Magneto asked.

Shaking his head Sabretooth answered, "I don't know, I saw three but I think there were more and I also felt like they had their eyes on me the entire time. They were also able to disappear almost instantaneously."

Magneto frowned after hearing Sabretooth's description of the events and he muttered unsurely, "mutants with teleportation powers?"

"Maybe..." Sabretooth replied then went silent along with magneto.

"So this was where you guys were hiding... I never thought that this trip would've been so fruitful." Behind Sabretooth an unexpected figure appeared out of nowhere with a wide grin on his face as he eyed magneto.

Dun, dun, dun!

Chickennuggetcreators' thoughts