

I didn't want to be here... I never wanted this, any of this, but the universe and its sick sense of irony decided otherwise... Now I'm here... What now? What happens when you throw a man without ambitions into a world where the grandest of dreams can be actualized? Does he dream or wakes up? 5 chapters/week. ============================ The first 20 or so chapters may not be the best, narrative wise, since this is my first fanfic writing experience so there were bound to be some mistakes here and there. But rest assured, everything falls in place after chapter 18. Happy reading. pa.treon.com/Draul_TheOminous

Draul_TheOminous · Película
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244 Chs


Electromagnetic manipulation was a very broad power, ability-wise.

The little mastery I had in it already gave me nice multipliers to my constantly improving arsenal.

The things I could do with the ability ranged from removing the magnetic or destabilizing the poles of metals, generating electricity by vibrating the EM fields, generating force fields and it also came with a significant boost to my telepathic abilities which correspond well with the ability to sense bioelectricity. Now that I think about it, Ororo had virtually the same powers as Magneto but it was their approach that differed. 

While Magneto came from the direction of controlling metals, Ororo started with the electricity part of it. 

That being that, I was trying to see if I could control the earth around me since geomancy was linked to electromagnetic manipulation. Magneto did it a lot of times during our fight. 

Magneto must have been a natural of metahuman powers or it came with an 'how-to-do-it' sticker note because whatever it was that I was doing definitely was not working. 

I sent out a magnetic pulse, basically a lightweight EMP, towards the earth and around me and tried to 'hook' it to the reverberations that were sent back but it felt as if I was trying to catch fog. It just escapes my grasp. 

Maybe I was looking at it the wrong way. Maybe instead of jumping straight to control the earth's polarity, I should first maybe, I don't know, learn how to manipulate gravity first or maybe something like electrokinesis which was something I had already learned. 

Times like these made me remember how hard it was to control simple elements like fire and ice when I first started. Right now? I could make ice constructs that were stronger than most metals and I could create magma if I wanted to. I could even increase the heat around specific persons or drop the temperatures of their body. 

I would try to practice my abilities in that vein. Sure, I knew all there was to know about electromagnetism but trying to use that knowledge and applying it were two absolutely different things. 

That didn't mean it would take me as long as it did when I was learning my dual element, it wouldn't even take me half the time. 

So foregoing trying to learn how to control the earth's polarities, I tried increasing the gravity around me. 

I was able to do this with the Space Stone without much stress so it could be said that I had a bit of familiarity in manipulating gravity. 

I controlled the magnetic waves around me and used it to weigh down on the polarity of the earth's influence on the space around me. It was pretty weak compared to what Magneto had done but I was just getting started. 

I kept at it even as the gravity 10 meters around me fluctuated, rising and falling. 

The distance increased ever so slightly as it expanded to 50 meters of a 4x earth gravity. The problem however was that I couldn't do it in an instant. It took roughly six seconds to get it to 4x gravity. 

It took some getting used to but I was able to get the time down to 2 seconds and increase the radius to 200 meters. All it would take was some getting used to and I would be able to stretch it to over a kilometer. 

Manipulating gravity was a bit tricky given that I need to use more of my psychic strength than outright energy from my body. 

"Guess I might need the Power Stone sooner than I thought."

The Power Stone was basically a multiplier of sorts. It worked, in basics, to increase the power of anything you could do. Conversely, it was also the stone that had the greatest toll on the body. 

Power comes with a price after all. 

The Power Stone was just a convenient stone to have. I could just use the ridiculous amount of energy in my body to boost whatever ability I was using which also covers my telepathic ones and it wouldn't make a difference, but having the Power Stone was different. I could bypass the limits of energy I could direct and just increase the potency of my abilities to whatever limit of the Power Stone I could reach. 

I continued experimenting with what I could do which included large range EMP, manipulating gravity, I could already fly seamlessly with EM energy which was actually something I learned to do way back. Right now, I have different modes of flying such as using flames, using magnetic energy to propel myself forward or use a magnetic barrier and propel that forward. 

I could also make EM constructs which was admittedly something I didn't know I could do. It was as if I was forming a green lantern construct but it was as if it was intangible, a state I could change if I wanted, and I could also change the property of it whenever I wanted. 

I wonder how the Space Stone would work with my electromagnetism. I could use it to increase the gravity of my surroundings which meant that I could use it in tandem with my abilities, same goes for some of the other stones. 

Next thing I wanted to learn was teleportation rather than opening a portal. The idea of moving from one point in space-time to another in an instant was the ideal method of traveling rather than opening a portal. 

I had a rather extensive knowledge when it came to the mysteries and theories about space due to my time learning magic. 

The Space Stone ought to be able to do something like that, though I could guess why everyone would like to use a portal as it added to the badass factor. Not like I needed one. 

Anyway my arsenal was steadily improving to the point that I wouldn't even be able to use all of them in a battle but I wasn't one to say no to more power. It actually made the number of ways I could take care of an enemy that numerous. 

Take Thor for example. 

If I had used my abilities, then Thor would have been heavily scarred by the time he was beamed back to Asgard and Loki would have had a foot in the grave at the same time. 


[Ororo Munroe POV] 

Ororo had been in a very good mood for the past few weeks, which was something the other two women took note of but none of them made a comment on it.

They all had their good and bad days after all. 

"So Ororo, are we clear on his support? It is imperative that we know how willing he is to help our cause in regards to planning forwards." Emma asked. 

"I would say it's a guaranteed one." Ororo said. 

"Very well then. Now onto more pressing issues, we need to find a way to house them. We also need to find a way to chaperone them as we can't leave them unattended to. There might be volunteers but we can't count on that." She laid down what should be their primary target moving forward. 

"I have some people who might be willing to help from those who deserted the Brotherhood. There are a scant few that I can trust." Raven gave her two cents. "What about you, Ororo? None of Xavier's philanthropic students feeling up to the task?" She asked with a blatant teasing tone to her voice.

"I haven't told them yet, I will eventually but not now. I will ask them if they are willing to help when the time comes." Came Ororo's reply. 

"In other words, you are taking precaution against Charles knowing what you are doing this early on." Raven interpreted to which Ororo remained silent. 

"That aside, another problem we would face is relocating the metas when we have somewhere to keep them safe. Our movement is bound to be found out since word would eventually get around. I might be able to erase their memories but I can't do that for every single person and their neighbors we encounter. And from what my sources had found out, the international warfare is now shifting. Different agencies around the world, Russia, China, Germany, England, South Africa, Congo, Korea etc. Even our very own, are now stealthily recruiting metahuman for special forces, turning them into armies. There was a case I was recently made known to about how two children of two mutant couples were abducted by some shadow organizations while the parents were killed."

Emma Frost was angry as she recounted the horrific things and length that people would go to for power, especially what was being done to metahumans. Though she wasn't any different, she had her own bottom line, something to keep her grounded and make sure she knew when to step back. 

"Not to mention organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D taking notice of our movements. To be honest, we have quite the work cut out for us and we can't afford to make any mistake this close to the start. We will have to move very slowly and it might even take years before we make any tangible difference but we all know that so I won't get into it."

"Hmm, evading authorities might prove to be a problem since they currently have their sights on metahumans. I do have a way to evade them, so there's that. We'll have to find metas with a particular set of skills if we are to continue moving efficiently. Right now what we need is information and how to access it, rather than blunt power." Raven shared her thoughts. "I know someone who can create illusions and also read minds, also with someone who can see through walls and any construct. They might not be strong individually but they'll provide very crucial help."

They continued their meeting for a while before Ororo left them and went back to the Mansion. 

On getting there, the first person she met was Logan who was working on his car. 

"Chuck's been asking about you for a while now." The man said while under the bonnet, already knowing who it was from the scent. "You might want to give him a long lasting excuse if you don't want him to keep asking about you."

"Thanks for the opinion." She said and made to turn before Logan called back to her. 

"So… about that Draul guy, you guys goin' out of something?" he pushed himself out of the car and faced her this time. 

"I don't see how that's your concern, Logan." She rolled her eyes at him. 

"Just asking, nothing else." He raised his arms up in a show of peace. "You need it. Being cooped up inside the house all day ain't no way to live." He said before he focused back on his car as Ororo made to ponder on his words. 

Maybe it wasn't so bad after all, was it? Apart from a few key differences, nothing had changed. 

She walked through the halls, greeting her students by the way as she made her way to her office, thinking about how she could help with what they discussed today. 

Right now her help was very limited due to the fact that she was a lone party. She hadn't brought this up with Charles because she knew exactly how that particular conversation would end. She also didn't want to involve her other teammates and students, at least not at this point.

It was something the three of them agreed on that for the time being, only they would be privy to what it is they were doing while anybody that was brought in to help would not be given the true reason for whatever it was that they were brought in, and she intended to keep it that way. 

She knew how they would react and try to snoop around if she told them, so they too were on the black list. 

She resisted the urge to sigh as she knew that it would be even harder going forward. 


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