
Marvel: power bender

You know, sometimes I wonder why things happen. Is there any meaning to it or is it all just a coincidence? coincidences is what lead me here, to be in a world I didn't knew existed. It's a dangerous world out there. fortunately I got some power of my own in my pocket. [Or, a guy get's the power to make anything happen, so long as he can generate enough energy.]

godofsystems · Cómic
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5 Chs

chapter 3: the journey begins

Intelligence. What defines intelligence? Is it knowledge? Is it creativity? what truly defines intelligence? It's a simple yet not many people truly know the correct answer. This is because many confuse the many forms of knowledge and wisdom as intelligence. Yet that intelligence gains only over time, and sometimes that 'intelligence' becomes useless and dull as technology develops.

This isn't saying that studying is useless or learning a skill is dull for the fact technology exist. They are important, like knowledge. They just don't define intelligence.

Matter of a fact all this falls under wisdom. But wisdom and intelligence are two very different things.

So then, what is intelligence? Well, it's simple really. Intelligence isn't knowing more, no. Intelligence is someone who learns the quickest and improves the fastest.

A simple answer isn't it? If wisdom is knowing knowledge and having experience then intelligence is how quick and you obtain, understand and use this knowledge.

Take a child of 7 learning the periodic table. That screams intelligence since he learnt it so quickly. Yet you know that you have much more then this child for the fact of age and experience.

But no one can deny that intelligence is simply who learns and improves the quickest, wo can adapt and absorb information and knowledge like a sponge. I know this answer quite simply because, well

I am in the dying breed of intelligence of humanity.


walking with a wound on the leg was a quite the painful experience. As expected after some time my leg became numb, as my body adapted to the pain.

But I wasn't truly focused on that. Sure the pain bothered me, yet I can't help but feel so.... free. Many people are shocked, then happy and excited about having powers. Then comes the downfall. Eventually something happens that knocks people out of their heads. Could be death of someone close or the fact that they did something so horrendous that they lose their minds.

Yet I didn't really feel that. Or at the least excitement came and went so quickly. What remained is simply knowing that I have an ability. And that fact just frees me.

But now isn't the time. Sure I have something unique but until I get out of this school I rather worry about it later.

As I continue to 'walk' my way out of this dead zone, I go down the stairs trying my best not to stumble and fall. I grab the bar and hopped with my good leg and slowly went down the stairs. As I reach the end I look across the hall for anyone alive. What I see is what I dodged just moments earlier.

Dead bodies littered around. Blood spread around the ground with bullets lithered in them. Death was here, and he reaped all there souls. To any normal person this would be extremely traumatized, but I'm not normal.

So i stepped through the hall and go too the entrance of the school. The doors were wide open and there I see the guard, only this time he stood much more closer to the entrance than before. He roughly stood at 6 feet tall, maybe 200 pounds and had his rifle held in one hand and the other he had a lit cigarette. However he wasn't paying attention to the entrance since he looked a bit lost in thought for some reason. And as any sapient creature that has a will to live, I just simply raised the rifle and...

"BANG!" Shot him in the head. He dropped his cigarette as he dropped to the ground like a sac of potatoes. Truly I am quite fortunate that the guard was lost in his head. Had he been paying attention he would of lived to see another day. But I guess today was just his last day.

I stopped dwelling on my thoughts as I dropped the rifle in my hand and simply started walking out of school. While making my way out I finally begin to think and start to think on how to figure out my power. Since there is no way in hell that didn't happen because of luck. That man dying was my doing and I plan on figuring out what I truly have.


Walking home with a injured leg is fairly stupid. I have a clean flesh wound that hit my leg just a few hours ago and I decided that going home is better for the simple fact that medical bills are to expensive and I rather fix it myself than fall into debt.

So imagine my surprise when the wound started to heal. I noticed it when I felt a burning sensation in my leg and worried a bit but after opening my bandages I see that the hole was actually closing, albeit slowly. It took ten minutes before the hole was completely gone. All that showed an injury is the hole in my jeans and my blood.

So with that I had simply begun to walk home and since I could use both legs now it was no like a normal end of the school day. With this i now started to think what would I would do now. I had just left a school that will most likely shut down. So i would have to change schools, but I honestly don't want that. I have something that I no want time to invest in. My powers.

I'm also fairly sure that I know what it is. It's most likely reality bending or manipulation. The fact that i not only killed that man with a sudden heart attack and the wound on my leg healed both came from what i wanted to change. I wanted that man to die and he died. I wanted the wound too heal and it healed.

Both times i felt something inside me be taken, and then refilled like a bottle. This is my energy source that made what I wanted happen and so It did. This is quite the powerful ability that seems only limited so far by this energy I have.

Now is it possible to increase this energy? Are there limits to what I can change and what I cannot? If i overused my power would there be drawbacks? So many questions that need to be answered, and I need the time to see these through.

Going home i realized that my father is against mutants and powers. If he ever see me using my power he will kill me. There is no doubt in my mind he would put a bullet through my head if he notices anything. 'I should just leave the place.' I thought. I rather not take the chance of being killed in my sleep over leaving home.

I will need money, but since I know were he puts his money I could just take everything and leave.

Making the plan up in my mind i decided that i will leave that man dusty and dry of money. He would be home by 7 and that's more than enough to get out of that house.

I then reached home and started to pack my things. I then went to his 'secret stash' of money and took all 5000 dollars. With that I then open the door out to the world as I moved out of the place. 'Let the journey begin.'