

"I want a divorce!"

Hearing Margaret's words, to be honest, Josh was a bit puzzled.

If you want a divorce, just get one. Why do you have to tell me? We've only known each other for a few days, woman.

Of course, just because Josh had never been married in his previous life didn't mean he was clueless about this. If he really spoke his mind, the goodwill he had earned from Margaret before might not be completely lost, but it would certainly be greatly discounted.

"From what you've said, he doesn't love you. He probably married you for your huge fortune back then. It's better to divorce early. After all, you're still young and have a bright future. There's no need to delay your future because of such a person." After Margaret poured out her grievances, Josh comforted her.

He meant it sincerely.

As long as Margaret wasn't lying, it was obvious what kind of person Tony Wendis was.

Using his name as a sports star, he had fascinated Margaret, a little girl back then. When Margaret's father was still alive, he behaved well at home and was a model husband.

However, the situation changed after Margaret's father passed away and it became easy to manipulate her.

He traveled the world under the guise of competition.

Of course, the competition was real, but in addition to the competition, he also indulged in pleasure-seeking. The so-called competition results were getting worse and worse, comparable to a certain soccer team.

But he didn't care. After all, Margaret had money.

Why keep such a person around? Although Margaret had been married to him for seven years, she was only 26 years old... When he targeted Margaret, she was only 18 years old, and they got married when she was 19.

Under Josh's consolation, Margaret's mood improved much quicker, and her thoughts of divorce became even more determined.

However, as noon approached, she was still prepared to say goodbye to Josh.

"Not staying for lunch?" Josh was a little surprised.

"No, I have an appointment with Uncle John at noon to talk about your gold affairs, and I also need his help with my divorce," Margaret explained.

Josh understood immediately and offered to send her off.

But he was also politely declined by Margaret. She could handle these things herself, so he just saw her off at the door.

Watching Margaret drive away, Josh returned to the house and prepared to go out.

These past two days, because of moving and dating Margaret, he hadn't been able to do anything during the day, which meant he had to chat with Daenerys during trading hours at night.

This wouldn't do.

It was time to stock up, and he also needed to prepare the books Daenerys wanted.

But just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by his neighbor Tommy.

"Is something the matter, Tommy?" Josh asked curiously.

"Yes, I just wanted to ask if Margaret has offended anyone recently?" Tommy sorted out his words and asked.

"Why do you ask?" Josh felt a little puzzled.

"When Margaret came over earlier, I noticed a black car parked across the street, apparently monitoring your side, but I couldn't be too sure at that time. But when Margaret left just now, the car also followed her, so I'm sure that car was there for Margaret." Tommy quickly told Josh the details and gave him the car's license plate number.

What? Margaret was being watched? Josh was suddenly at a loss for words upon hearing Tommy's words.

What followed was anxiety.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, and Josh has to some extent had an opportunistic attitude towards Margaret, he is also aware of her feelings of goodwill and the help she has given him.

He is not a heartless person.

He couldn't just ignore it when Margaret might be in danger.

After thanking Tommy, he drove and headed in the direction Margaret had left.

Since some time had passed since Margaret left, it was impossible to catch up with her under normal circumstances.

And in this era, there were no cell phones or pagers, so he couldn't contact Margaret.

Fortunately, when he talked with Margaret about his Uncle John earlier, he learned the name and address of the jewelry company.

He should be able to meet Margaret there or ask about John and Margaret's whereabouts.

So at this moment, Josh could only hope that the person following Margaret, if they were really after her, would not act too quickly.

Tommy watched Josh's figure leave and couldn't help but think of his youth, full of vitality.

But soon, he shook his head. When he started out, he was just a poor refugee.

It took him decades of hard work to afford his current house.

This young man had a much higher starting point than himself.

And he walked the hated path of the underworld when he was young.

There was no comparison, no comparison.


Josh drove fast and even encountered a traffic police checkpoint on the way.

After all, Roosevelt's edict was not a decoration.

But Josh was anxious and directly used a cash attack. When he encountered the police blocking the road, he handed out a hundred-dollar bill.

No law enforcement recorders existed in this era, and corruption among federal detectives was rampant.

But in any era, the income of ordinary patrol officers is generally the lowest.

One hundred dollars is already more than the extra money they can earn in a month.

So Josh's journey was unobstructed, and he soon arrived at the jewelry company's building.

After entering the parking lot and turning around, Josh finally saw the familiar Packard. His nervous mood relaxed slightly.

Since the car was here, Margaret had not encountered any danger on the way.

And this was the downtown area, and the other party was unlikely to do anything there.

So Margaret should be safe at this time.

Thinking of this, Josh didn't rush to get out of the car but drove a distance away and parked the car in an unobtrusive corner before carefully folding back and observing the situation around the Packard.

This was a business district parking lot, and security patrols were frequent, so he didn't have to worry about the car being stolen.

Moreover, he was driving a luxury car like a Lincoln now. Car thieves rarely target such luxury cars because they are difficult to sell.

After careful observation, Josh did indeed see the black car.

But after seeing the people in the car, Josh was stunned.

Because the person in the car was the fat Italian man who stole his car a few days ago.

How could it be him?

Josh furrowed his brow.

After a little thought, he retreated.

It wasn't that he didn't want to do anything. Still, this place had occasional cars and people passing by, so it wasn't very secretive.

Since the other party was monitoring Margaret, he would just monitor them.

With this in mind, Josie retreated to the corner where he had parked, made sure there was no one around, and took his Lincoln into the system warehouse. Then, he left a regular car he had previously "borrowed" after breaking into it.

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