
I Want a Divorce

Joe didn't know that his casual guess was right.

What Tony Wendys asked him to do was not something else. It was really to kill someone.

And the target was not someone else. It was Tony Wendys's wife, Margaret, and Josh, Margaret's "lover."

Of course, the main target was still Margaret.

Didn't Margaret want a divorce? Didn't she want him to leave?

Then let her die.

As long as Margaret dies, the huge property that originally belonged to her, in the case where she no longer has any other relatives, will naturally fall into his hands.

However, this matter is not as simple as just hiring someone to kill.

The pattern of gang revenge is not feasible among truly upper-class people.

After all, in the land of freedom, capitalists are the real controllers.

Most of the time, the so-called gang is just the hounds picking up their crumbs.

Similarly, in Hong Kong, when the gangsters were most arrogant, they dared to challenge the military and police, but have you heard of any native gangsters going against those wealthy families, except for someone like Zhang Ziqiang, who became a gangster later in life?

Suppose Tony Wendys really dared to let Josh go and directly kill Margaret without any care. In that case, if someday Josh enters and exposes him, even if the police don't trouble him, the friends of Margaret's father will definitely not let him off.

So Tony Wendys must use a perfect plan to completely remove himself. Even if Josh exposes him, no one will believe it.

And before calling Joe over, this plan had taken shape in his mind.

However, Tony Wendys did not initially tell Joe the plan.

"What I want you to do is not one thing, but several, but don't worry, they are not difficult." Tony Wendys said slowly, "For example, the first thing is that I need you to follow my wife, take pictures of her and her cheating partner, and then find a chance to steal her handbag. This $1,000 is the reward for this first step. As for what happens next, I will notify you after you finish these."

"I understand!" Joe nodded.


Josh and Margaret didn't know about Tony Wendys's plan.

For Josh, Margaret's husband had only remained a name until now, and he hadn't even seen him.

And Margaret, a relatively simple wealthy housewife, didn't expect her husband to want her life just because they had a fight, and she mentioned divorce.

The next day, Margaret didn't want to see Tony Wendys, and she went to Josh's house early in the morning. But Josh was in the yard chatting with Tommy, a middle-aged man from the neighborhood, across the fence.

"Why did you come so early today? Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Thomas Tommy Angelo, my neighbor, a very friendly elder, and we get along well." Josh greeted Margaret and introduced his neighbor at the same time.

"Hello, Mr. Angelo. Nice to meet you. I'm Margaret." Margaret gave Josh a face and greeted the other party very ladylike. Still, for some reason, she did not mention her surname.

Perhaps in her heart, she felt that the surname Wendys was probably not something she would wear for too long.

"Hello, beautiful lady, just call me Tommy. Okay, I won't disturb you, young people, anymore, and my flowers haven't been watered yet." Tommy smiled and greeted Margaret, then shook the sprinkler in his hand, found an excuse, and ended the conversation with Josh.

Seeing Margaret's appearance, she obviously had much to say to Josh. This old man naturally wouldn't be a killjoy here.

"What's wrong? You look really upset and a little haggard," Josh said to Margaret after Tommy left. It wasn't just Tommy; Josh also noticed that Margaret didn't look quite right.

"Oh? Is it that obvious?" Upon hearing Josh's words, Margaret couldn't help but touch her face subconsciously. She didn't sleep well last night because she had a fight with Tony.

"Of course. Come inside. It's still cold outside. Oh, have you had breakfast yet?" Josh asked casually.

"Uh, not yet." Margaret shook her head. The household servants usually prepared breakfast early in the morning. Still, she didn't pay attention because she didn't want to face her husband.

"Well, I made some buns this morning. Let me prepare them for you. We can talk after you eat if you have anything to say!" Josh said immediately upon hearing that Margaret hadn't had breakfast.

Then the two of them went into the house.

Josh made the buns himself this morning. He went to the farmer's market early in the morning to buy the flour and fresh onion beef for the filling. The taste was pretty good.

After making them, he even sent some to Tommy's wife, who was also making breakfast.

That is also the reason why he was chatting with Tommy earlier.

After traveling to this era, Josh rarely slept in late. This so-called "late" usually wouldn't exceed 8 am. The main reason was that the entertainment in this era was still relatively scarce.

There were no smartphones, computers, internet, or console games.

There was television, but it was just the beginning, and there were few television programs. The three major broadcasting television companies in the future United States, ABC, CBS, and NBC, were still mainly broadcasting. ABC was not officially established yet and was still part of NBC, also known as the Blue Network.

Moreover, the rough programs of this era made it difficult for Josh to adapt.

Overall, Josh naturally had to sleep and wake up early to keep his body healthy.

Of course, there were various entertainment venues in the city at night, such as brothels, so the nightlife was not monotonous.

It was just that Josh's finances didn't allow it before, so he didn't have a chance to experience the corrupt capitalist society.

But perhaps because he moved to a new home today, he woke up before 6 am when it was still dark outside and then drove to the farmer's market to see if anything was good. When he went yesterday, the market was already in the afternoon, so there weren't many stalls left. Josh also asked and learned that the farmer's market usually opens at 6 am.

Regarding this, Josh could only say that every country's laboring people were quite diligent.

After heating the buns a bit, he also heated a glass of milk.

Margaret was really hungry and even felt a little unsatisfied after eating three big meat buns.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After seeing Margaret finish eating, Josh finally asked.

"My husband came back. I want a divorce," Margaret said.

Meanwhile, after Josh and Margaret entered the house, Tommy, who was watering the flowers, seemed to sense something.

He looked around and saw a black car parked across the street, and the people in the car seemed to be looking toward the next door.

Upon seeing this, Tommy couldn't help but frown.

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