
MARVEL: Let The End Begin

Hello,my name is Anthony and lets flip my life into the marvel where there are 'powers' that are present like there is some sales offer on them. Let's see the mad scientists who are everywhere with powers that can end the world casually. Where heroes are mainly saving people in their uncomfortable suits. Where you have to be atleast beautiful to even be a female super hero. Lets see the fights from the front row seat and feel the thrill. Even emotions are present if any of you forgot about them Lets start the story by flipping in the sky like a coin and very obviously falling in a world called MARVEL. One thing for SURE,it is going to be an rollercoaster of adventures. So 'LET THE END BEGIN!!!!' //// Hello GUYS, I'm the author and I'm ranting about some shit,please don't mind me and start reading the novel if you want to. So,this is my first novel and the much needed constructive criticism is required and please comment new ideas which I can take inspiration from . I am very open minded about new concepts and ideas.My grammar is also a little shaky as it is my first time to narrate a story .So,please bear with it for a while. Enjoy the story. Fun fact: THIS IS 'NOT' A 'MTL' //// PS:I don't own marvel and its characters. PS:The cover picture isn't mine,its credit belongs to its creator. please contact or comment me if you want to remove it.

jackrose · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs


Clara and Anthony arrived at the location to collect their relatives bodies.

She didn't want to believe that her sister was dead till she saw her body.She walked towards the bodies covered with a cloth and her hand was trembling as she removed it to prove that it was not her sister who died.

Sadly she was experiencing the shock that the cruel reality some times gives.

Clara broke down into a puddle of tears as soon as she saw the dead bodies.She couldn't even identify their faces as the were disfigured beyond recognition.

It was only due to their clothes and accessories that she could that tell it was them.

She was clenching her jaw tight as she didn't want to cry out loud here and was quivering a lot.She just sat there on the floor and became a sobbing mess.

The police and others present didn't say anything as it was best to let them cry as it would relieve them.This has became a common habit in their field of work as they see deaths like this every week.

In fact this is some what normal than some other cases where psychopaths kills the victims in various ways that made them have nightmares even till today.

For those who are observing something they noticed something unnatural to what was happening, and the cause of it was a little boy.

Even during all this time there was an odd kid that was watching everything in a detached manner.

A little boy about 6 or 7 years old that came with Clara was watching all that was happening in a daze till a female officer questioned him in a soft tone.

"Hey little guy,I'm Jessica,what's your name?"

As if snapping back to reality, he whispered his name in a volume that was hard to hear. Thankfully she was close to him to hear the answer. 

"Anthony". He said.

"Hi Anthony, can tell me who they are? please". Asked the female officer as she already had a hunch of it.She just was asking for clarification.

"....They are my parents". Replied Anthony in an almost inaudible tone that showed how difficult it was for him to believe what he was seeing.

"Don't worry,they will always be seeing you from heaven.So cheer up okay?" 

Said the officer seeing his the emotional turmoil.

She pitied the kid who has lost his parents at a young age.She just sighed at the situation and slowly walked away to complete her report.

It was her job to check the reports before submitting them and check for errors.

Meanwhile Anthony slowly walked towards his Aunt and hugged her as to soothe her anguish.

Clara cried louder as the flood gates of the tears opened and hugged her nephew tightly finding the comfort in his small frame.

People watching saw an unnatural scene of a kid consoling and sobbing mess of an adult who lost their loved ones.They will remember this scene for quite a while and it will be story for another time.


Both aunt and nephew has returned to their home.

They were entering the house was the same as before as they left for only few hours, but felt some what empty for Clara.

She just steered her way in with her nephew and started making a conversation to make the loneliness in her heart dissipate.

"So, do you want to eat anything? Anthony,I will make it for you".

Asked Clara in a hoarse voice of someone who cried a lot.She just wanted to sleep for some time with all that has happened.

But she still has to look out for Anthony as he is feeling the same or even worst than her because he lost both his parents.

"No....I don't want to eat, Aunty" replied Anthony in a calm but somewhat detached voice that made her sigh in sadness.

"Okay,then you will sleep with me today and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Said Clara in a tone that doesn't take no for the answer as Anthony wanted to reject her.She was worried that being alone may make him more sad about his parents death's.


Said Anthony with reluctance oozing in his words with a mock salute for not having a say in the matter.

This conversation helped them loosen some of their tense nerves they had from the whole ordeal.

They both went to their rooms and freshened up and Anthony went to sleep in Clara's room.

The room was a mess as Clara was packing her things in the morning when she heard the news and left them as it is.

knock! knock!

"Come in!".

"The door is open and I will be there in 5 minutes".

Replied Clara as she was in the shower.

Anthony came in and closed the door and walked towards the bed which was in the middle of the room.

He was observing the room as he never had a chance to observe how it was as he was more interested in books and knowledge than a girls room.

He always wondered why kids in his talked about with such interest.

For him they are nothing different with a addition of lots of pink objects and more plushies/soft toys like teddy bears and other cute things,if you ask his opinion.

Clara came to the bedroom and she was embarrassed as Anthony was observing her room with an expression that labeled her as a girl whose room is a mess.

"I was in a middle of packing the clothes today and I had to leave them there.Hope you don't mind"

Clara said suddenly to clear the misunderstanding while fidgeting her hands together in the back to hide her nervousness.

With a soft chuckle he replied.

"It's ok, I understand and it's just some clothes".

Clara just wanted to dig a hole to hide from the embarrassment and shame she is having.

Mean while Anthony was watching her with clear amusement in his eyes about her plight.

Clara who saw this started to talk as she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of a kid.

"So how was your school?".

She said as she moved towards the bed and slept facing Anthony.

"It's okay, I guess.They don't have anything to teach me from the start". Answered Anthony.

"Is that so, being a genius kid is different I guess".

She said more to herself as she saw him read books that most even don't understand a thing.

"Then are you planning on skipping the grades early?". She asked,as it is what normally happens for geniuses as they don't learn anything new if they pass grades normally.

"No, I don't think I will." He replied.


"Do you have a crush on any girl in your school?, I can give you some tips if you want to impress her."

Clara teased him as she had been ashamed in front of him more times in a day than she could in a year.She wanted to tease him to ease her poor heart.

"No, I can take leaves when I want and no,I don't have crush on some nosy brats."

"Who would want to be with them."

Said Anthony with an expression that displayed ridiculousness at her question.

Clara said nothing as her tease made a awkward situation where she couldn't wait run out of the room.

"Good night aunty". Said Anthony.

"Call me Clara, I'm just some years older than you".

"Calling me aunt feels like I'm a 40 years old women".

Said or demanded Clara in a no nonsense tone.

"But you are almost a decade older than me". Mumbled Anthony.

"Did you say anything?".

Questioned Clara in a icy tone that gave a chill down his spine and the look that would have made anyone terrified for a lifetime.

"Nothing...it's nothing.. Clara". Replied Anthony wiping his imaginary sweat on his forehead as he thought her glare was enough to kill him.

"Okay, let's sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow.Grandpa will come in the early morning.We will pick him up."

Said Clara in a much milder tone.

Suddenly everything happened today came to her mind.She slept with her back facing him as she didn't want him to see her crying.

Silence regained as Anthony said nothing as he her quivering back was visible to him.

Even he was feeling down.The talks till now made them forget about what happened.The sudden silence has brought back today's memories to light once again.

He slowly moved towards her and hugged her.

She didn't say a word and just cried with muffled sobs breaking intermittently which broke the saddening silence present in the room.

After some time she slowly turned to face him and buried her face on his chest.

Anthony didn't say anything and just let her cry as he soothingly patted her back.

Clara didn't want to think about anything as she was crying to her hearts content. She couldn't do that when see saw her sister dead, as many people were present and she didn't want to appear weak in front of everyone. She didn't have a chance to do anytime soon.

Clara felt warm that some one was there for when she needed it.Even though it was unnatural for a adult to be comforted by a kid. She didn't mind it one bit.

".....Good night". She said feeling sleep take over her consciousness.


Anthony couldn't say anything as he was in a strange state where his mind was having an brain overload with memories of some one which was already very familiar to him.

But lately from a year,the memories lapses became frequent from weekly once to daily once.

Fortunately this happens only when he is resting.It stops in the same memory if suddenly woken up from the rest.Otherwise he wouldn't know when the memory lapse would start suddenly.

They both slept soundly in a calm and soothing silence that was broken by the synchronous breathing of them.Which was like a sweet melody in the night.

What they don't know is the changes happening with in him and the future that will change the lives of many from his existence alone.

People will have think twice to even become a villain.

One thing for sure, once fully awakened carnage may be the least of the problems our heroes has to face.

*****May He Awaken*****






Hey Guys;

thank you for reading the chapter and please comment your constrictive ideas and note that I am writing for myself so no commenting unnecassary things.

Enjoy the story.

jackrosecreators' thoughts