
Battle of the Five Armies... and Wade

Multiple heads were blown at the same time and their bodies fell like lifeless dolls. However, another would take their place and continue advancing without any care for their life. What they need to do was to fill their insatiable hunger.

The crows on electric poles were watching patiently, waiting for their prey to waste his energy. But it never came, hours had passed since the boy started his rampage and he was 1km away from where he started. Holes were carved here and there with an irregular pattern. Of course, such a loud event wouldn't be left unnoticed. But the witnesses only said one thing, there was a fleeting shadow moving around, and the next thing they knew, corpses would fell on his path. This was caused by the effect of Edward's set equipment that allowed his presence to diminish under shadow or dark places.

Wherever his feet step on, there would be headless corpses laid on top of each other. Of course, by now he felt so tired. He almost spent all of his bullet stocks, forcing him to switch to a melee fight. His Mental Power was already in a negative state. But he was still feeling contended, because, he already leveled up once, and it wouldn't be long until he reached the next level.

"Piston Punch!" his target flew and smashed on to a group of zombies taking them as well, but they hadn't died yet, only making an empty path for Edward to breathe. His breathing was ragged, but he couldn't stop yet. It was not a matter of EXP, but...

"Now! Run!" A few survivors hesitatingly walked out of their hiding. They flinched when they saw the number of zombies around them. "Stop hesitating! Run! Or you will be their dinner!"

All five of them then run straight to the alley that Edward pointed at. Once they went it, Edward would stand between the zombie and the survivors and hold his ground. It already happened more than he could count. He didn't know how many hours he wasted to convince them, but at least they could be saved.

Another hour passed, and he was at the limit of his endurance. He wanted to fall back, but the zombies were surrounding him. He could jump over them to the next building, but there was no energy left to jump that high. He already leveled up again 20 minutes ago. The number of eliminated zombies already reached more than a thousand, which was 10% of the total number of zombies. And he had done it alone, uninterrupted.

However, it was then that the gauntlet on his right arm awakened from its deep slumber and the small eye on it shone like a beacon. A Genma has appeared for the first time, in this city. When Edward's attention was taken by the gauntlet, a huge figure stood behind him, while muttering a word in a low growl.



Elsewhere in the city, three groups were involved in a battle. They were firing their own weapon toward each other instead of the zombies in the city. They were currently in front of Raccoon General Hospital. One group was defending while the others were attacking while interrupting their competitor in every way they could.

The defending group was, of course, the UBCS mercenaries, while the attacking groups were the ninjas from The Hand and an inconspicuous SWAT team. The Hand's ninjas were currently in a melee against a masked man, equipped with a metallic left arm. If Edward was here, he would notice that it was the Winter Soldier. He soloed more than 10 of The Hand's ninjas and kept them in place while The SWAT disguised HYDRA forces were trying to get into the underground lab.

An hour ago, new information arrived, pertaining to the two secret laboratories of Umbrella. Of course, Edward was the culprit of this current bout. Not only that, Colonel Stryker took a whiff of this current battle and decided to take part in it. A new challenger arrived after an hour, and now there were four forces stuck in a battle in front of the Hospital. UBCS mercenaries were far too outnumbered, there were reinforcements deployed from the HQ, but they wouldn't arrive until tomorrow morning, at least. By then, the Laboratory would have been ransacked.

Left with no choice, the Delta team aka Wolfpack were deployed once again, but HUNK was still out of contact. No one knew where he was.

One of the Hands members was blown to the wall, his right arm was bent in a weird direction. The leader, seeing that they couldn't do anything against him asked, "Who the hell is this man? Why he suddenly fought us?"

The answer came from beside him, from a white-suited man, he was one of Wilson Fisk's men, "He is the rumored man that roamed the city for this last two days. I met him once, accidentally."

One of the men that were facing the Winter Soldier pulled out a gun, but it was instantly crushed by the latter and with a simple kick to the waist, that man dropped on the ground, wailing in pain.

"Why he roamed that dangerous area?" he asked.

"He was the cause of the current situation." answered, the white-suited man. He could still remember it clearly, that man keeps crushing the barricades that the police and the U.S. Army made. Not only that, he personally carried the zombies to a certain spot in the city. No one knew why he did that, until today. It was just for a mere distraction.

The sound of the battle was heated once again when the Army arrived. They made blockades to surround the other parties, but the zombies keep getting in the way.

The more heated the battle the more zombies were attracted to the center of the battle. Now, they did not only have to worry about getting shot but also they have to keep aware of their surrounding. One bite was the only thing that could render them useless. In a way, Edward's plan could be called successful. With a lot of commotion on this side of the city, the number of zombies on the other side could be surprised because they were attracted to noise.

The HYDRA members, after looking at the U.S. Army's arrival decided to cooperate with them. They were still Ally in this small war, so they could use this chance to fall back and monitor the development from the sidelines. The Winter Soldier was also ordered to fall back. But the sound of firearms being fired never ceased even once.

Natasha Romanoff was spying on them from one of the empty building's windows. The whole situation was too weird and absurd. In a city that currently in an outbreak, some groups were trying to take advantage of this chaos. Not only that, but the U.S. Army was also trying to involve themselves like a lost child. They didn't know what's the objective, but they keep engaging in this useless battle. She just sighed and reported everything to Nick Fury.

Behind her, was an unconscious member of the Hand that somehow got 'lost'. Natasha baited him with some explicit promise, not knowing he was already trapped inside the thick spider net, ready to be eaten. From him, Natasha gained information about the objectives of these violent groups. She wondered, who was the one that threw the bait for these forces to be this desperate.

The number of The Hand members that currently engaged in the battle kept increasing, now there were around 100 of them, while the defending UBCS were around 200 members including those that still on standby inside the building. The U.S. Army forces numbered around 400 soldiers. They were outnumbering the two by more than a hundred. But UBCS have the Wolfpack as their partner that kept harvesting the life of the soldiers, keeping them in check. Unless the HYDRA members decided to move once again, the battle would be locked in a stalemate.

Some of The Hand's members were dragging their injured partner and asked for a medic. "Anyone knows how to do first aid!?"

"Here! Here! I know how to do it!" said someone raising his hand. He took out nitrile gloves and wore a mask and surgery garments.

The one who brought the injured man couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get that?"

"Nu...uh... you're not sterile! Go away, do you want him to get an infection or something?" answered the 'surgeon'. Once that man went away with a dumbfounded expression, the surgeon asked, "where did it hurt, young man?"

"I... was shot and... I can't feel my hand," he answered, with a ragged breath.

"No wonder, you were shot in the head," said the surgeon.

"Huh? But I'm not..." he couldn't finish his word because a handgun was shoved into his mouth.


The brain burst with a muffled sound and Wade said, "Now, you are. I'm taking these two Katanas. I left mine in the backpack. Damn you, Leon."

Thinking about all If his weapon left in the backpack made his stomach hurt. He put his gun in his holster under the surgery garments and equipped the two swords in his hands. "I need organ donors! Sacrifice yourself for a good cause!"

Then he slashed the Hand's members that were in his way. His main target was infiltrating the Laboratory and fulfill his mission. Limbs and heads flew left and right. Some were cut in half from the waist, some fell with his legs missing.

The Hand's leader saw the commotion on the backline and moved by himself, meeting with the culprit.

"Who dares to fight against The Hands!?" he shouted in fury after looking at his lifeless subordinates.

"Pfftt..." the leader heard someone trying to hold his laugh behind him. A man with surgeon garments was holding two Katanas with both hands. "My name is Shredder from the Foot Clan, how dare you use other limbs to imitate my clan!"

The Hand's leader was perplexed by the man in front of him. 'The Foot Clan? It's the first time I heard it.'

He shook his head. It didn't matter whoever it was, he will take revenge for his fallen subordinates. The Leader dashed toward Wade with two Katanas in both hands. "I will take your head and offer it to our ancestors!"

"Good! Just like my name, I will shred you to pieces..."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"...With my guns!"

The leader's body was carved with holes. His eyes widen in shock. The man in front of him was clearly holding swords in both hands, where did it come from? Is it a trap!?

His body fell on the ground, his bloodshot eyes still focused on Wade. Wade's two hands that were holding the swords fell on the ground. It was cleanly cut, and new hands holding two handguns appeared from the sleeves. The two hands' origins were actually the hands of his subordinates. All this time Wade hold it using his armpit while the real hands already aimed the gun since the beginning. Wade laughed at the irony that The Hand's leader was deceived by hands.

'I... was killed by a clown?' that was the last thing he muttered.

Wade continued his advance and arrived in the parking lot, where the entrance to the underground lab was. Because of the heat of the battle, nobody noticed his presence as he took the already opened elevator downstairs. 5 minutes later, he arrived in front of a half-opened steel gate. A group of UBCS mercenary saw his arrival and aimed their weapon at him, having nothing to hide at, Wade shouted, "Don't shoot!! Someone called me to treat wounded soldiers!"

The UBCS mercenaries looked toward each other, the doctor looked suspicious because he was covered in blood, "someone called? But nobody's injured in here."

The elevator kept getting closer and arrived in front of them. "Nobody's injured? Then, I'll make it myself."

Wade then dashed and started slaughtering the UBCS groups. He pulled his sword hid under the garments and slashed at the closest man in front of him. Because Wade keeps positioning himself behind their partners, the mercenaries couldn't shoot properly and hesitated. Blood splashed, hand slashed. Horror filled their face as they met their end, leaving Wade standing alone. After he cleaned the blood on his Katanas, he moved into the Laboratory. A lot of the doors had been locked with an automatic system. It seemed someone else already went in and activated the security system.

He spent a full 30 minutes to find his way, the damn lab was too huge for a single man to explore. Finally, he arrived at a place that looked like a Command Center. It was filled with monitors and computers inside. Some UBCS mercenary also guards the place, but it didn't take long for Wade to finish them all.

Wade was full of curiosity as he scanned the colorful buttons and keyboards. He wondered if he could play porn in here, it would be a blast since there were a lot of monitors of various sizes. That was when his eyes glued to one big red button, under a glass with a word, Danger, in it.

"Pfftt... who's the dumbass that built it." Inside his head, the word meant something else. It was saying please push me gently and ignore the word if you want to have some fun.

A barely alive UBCS member that saw Wade opening the glass cover, shouted with his last energy, "No! Don't!"

But Wade just ignored him and pushed the button so gently that it looked like a mother holding her baby for the first time.

"Boop," Wade muttered.

Then all the lights turned red and with announcements resounding throughout all of the facility's area.

"Did I got a prize!? Is it because I'm the 100.000th customer to push the button? Yay!!" he said in pure happiness. But the announcement cut his moment.

"Warning: All of the creatures have been released from its confinement, all of the locked doors will be unlocked. Every personnel will be advised to get out of the facility or go to the Weapon Room."

"Well, Shit!"

At the same time, from an unlocked door, a man walked out while holding a disk in his hand containing every single evidence to indict Umbrella for the current outbreak, and that man was the missing John Wick.

Uh oh, now not only Nemesis had arrived, but all of the Hunter Class monsters were also released. But don't worry, Edward will find a way and save the day!

Well, I decided to upload this one earlier because tomorrow I might get a bit busy and forgot to upload it.

See you in the next chapter!!

NightHowlcreators' thoughts