
Machine Man 77 Shredder vs Specter

Machine Man 77 Shredder vs Specter

On one side stood Shredder, clad in his mechanized silver suit, his multiple katanas gleaming in the low light. Opposite him stood Specter, the cybernetically enhance warrior, his gaze steady behind his blue cobalt helmet as he assessed his opponent.

Shredder who is now staring in battle quickly received a call from one of his men. "Sacks!" Shredder barked into the device, his voice laced with impatience. "What is it?"

The voice of his loyal lieutenant crackled through the speaker. "Boss, we've been captured by Specter's ship," Sacks's voice trembled with urgency. "We can't move into position. The helicopter is out of commission—it's being held under Specter's alien-like vessel."

Facing Specter, who stood across the room with his blue cobalt helmet and mechanical eyes shining, Shredder's voice dripped with venom. "You!" he growled, his fists clenching with rage. "You ruined my plans."

Without hesitation, Shredder unleashed a barrage of katanas from his mechanical suit, the blades hurtling through the air towards Specter with lethal intent. But Specter was ready, his cybernetic reflexes kicking into overdrive as he swiftly drew his two smart pistols.

With precise aim, Specter fired off rounds, each bullet intercepting a blade with pinpoint accuracy. The clash of metal against metal rang out as the bullets struck their targets, some blades destroyed in the process while others were deflected off course.

Shredder's eyes narrowed as he watched his attack thwarted by Specter's quick thinking. "You picked the wrong battle, warrior," he growled, his determination burning bright.

With a surge of power, Shredder charged towards Specter, magnetically pulling the blades towards him. Collecting the remaining intact blades and slashing them towards his adversary with ferocious speed. But Specter was equally agile, using the braces in his arms to block the incoming onslaught.

Punch after punch, Shredder pressed his attack, each blow aimed at wearing down Specter's defenses. But the cybernetic dark knight danced effortlessly out of harm's way, his movements honed and mastered with unapparelled experience in the Matrix.

As Specter attempted to launch a counterattack, Shredder proved to be a formidable opponent, his martial prowess and mechanical armored samurai suit allowing him to anticipate and deflect each blow with uncanny precision.

With a swift dodge, Shredder evaded Specter's strikes, his movements fluid and calculated. He countered with a series of rapid punches and kicks, each one delivered with lethal intent. The two seemingly equal fought with ferocity their armored bodies clash creating an almost hypnotic metallic sound.


In the midst of their intense battle, Specter's mind raced with calculations and strategies. He knew he needed Shredder alive if he was to gain access to the advanced technology possessed by the alien-like brain he sought. Plus, it's not bad to finally fight a martial artist of Shredder's caliber. He can't wait to copy shredders martial art techniques. Every movement of Shredder, every punch and kick were recorded by Skynet storing it for future use so Alex can assimilate it.

The ones he had previously fought were not really masters of martial arts. Although Black Widow was good, she doesn't have that superhuman factor. But Shredder was completely different. Not only was he a master of ancient ninjutsu with countless experience, but he also had a mechanical suit. Although nothing amazing, it was still able to give Shredder around 5-7 tons of power.

As Specter attempted to analyze and hack Shredder's suit, Skynet's voice broke through the chaos. "No, it seems his suit is not connected to any internet or external devices," Skynet's voice replied with disappointment. "It's mostly an archaic exo-suit, following his every movement, rather than compensating his movements with computer calculations."

Specter's brow furrowed in contemplation. He had encountered many forms of technology in his time, but Shredder's archaic mechanized suit presented a unique challenge. It seemed his usual methods of hacking and control would be ineffective in this situation, not that he really uses it in a lot of situation.

"Looks like we just have to fight him then," Specter remarked, his tone resigned yet determined.

Skynet's response was swift and pointed. "You're just going to play again, aren't you? You could easily finish him if you wanted."

Specter couldn't help but smirk at the accusation. "Sometimes, the game is more interesting than the prize," he replied cryptically, his eyes never leaving Shredder's advancing form.

With a wry smile, Alex continued his dance of combat with Shredder, his movements precise and calculated. He knew that while he could end the battle in an instant using his cosmic powers and superb technology, there was something exhilarating about testing his skills against a worthy opponent. Cocky maybe, but to fight Shredder someone who was able to win against Batman. Although you can argue that it was barely a win since he use Ancient Techniques, it was still a win.

With a roar of determination, Shredder unleashed the full power of his armored suit, charging towards Specter with unstoppable force. He seized the cybernetic dark knight in a powerful grip, hurling him towards the wall with brute strength.

But Specter was not so easily defeated. With a graceful flip through the air, he effortlessly evaded Shredder's attack, using the wall as a platform to launch a counterattack. With lightning speed, he delivered a swift kick to Shredder's chest, sending him staggering backwards.

As the two warriors continued their battle, it became clear that they were evenly matched in skill. Each blow landed with precision and force, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the chamber with every strike.

Despite the intensity of their fight, Specter couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through him. Finally, he had found an opponent who was truly worthy of his skills, a master in his own right.

With a smirk behind his visor, Specter taunted Shredder, his voice filled with amusement. "It seems the leader of the foot clan lives up to his name," he remarked, his words laced with sarcasm.

Shredder responded with a growl of frustration, his eyes blazing with determination. "And you are a worthy warrior, but that won't save you from defeat," he retorted, his voice dripping with contempt.

With a flick of his wrist, Shredder unleashed a flurry of strikes, his katanas flying and slashing through the air with deadly precision. Specter met each blow with grace and agility, his cybernetic-enhanced reflexes allowing him to deflect, evade and counter with equal ferocity.

The two warriors moved with fluidity and grace, their movements a deadly dance as they exchanged blows with lightning speed. Shredder's ancient martial technique and mechanical strength clashed against Specter's multiple martial arts from different fighters, each strike reverberating through the warehouse with thunderous force.

But Specter was not content to merely defend himself. With a smirk behind his visor, he launched a series of acrobatic maneuvers, his cybernetic enhancements enhancing his speed and agility to levels unmatched by any ordinary human. He reveled in the challenge of facing an opponent who matched his own skill in combat, relishing the opportunity to test his abilities to their limits. As the battle raged on, neither warrior seemed to gain the upper hand.

As the tension in the Fort eased, the turtles found themselves suddenly overwhelming with power, like overdosed in caffein. With incredible strength they broke from their confinement of reinforced glass cage. The overdose of adrenaline coursing through their veins had granted them unexpected strength, allowing them to break free with ease.

Raphael wasted no time in checking on his brothers. "Are you guys okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Mikey's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh man, I feel amazing right now!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I feel like I could run a marathon!"

Leo, ever the responsible one, took charge of the situation. "I feel like cleaning!" he declared, his voice filled with determination. "Who wants to clean the dojo? I'll clean the dojo!"

Donnie, always the scientist, found himself caught up in the rush of endorphins flooding his system. "Endorphins! Endorphins!" he cheered, his voice filled with exhilaration.

Raphael, ever the pragmatist, quickly refocused their attention on the task at hand. "We've got to help Specter," he reminded them, his tone urgent. "He's fighting Shredder right now."

Mikey's brow furrowed in confusion. "But aren't we enemies?" he asked, uncertainty coloring his voice.

Raphael shook his head, his expression serious. "Not right now," he replied firmly. "Specter's helping us at this moment, and we owe it to him to return the favor."

As the four turtles rushed towards the battle unfolding before them, their eyes widened in awe at the sight of Specter and Shredder locked in combat. It was a dance of blades and fists, each move executed with precision and grace. The Fort reverberated with the sound of their clashes, creating a symphony of combat that seemed like a symphony.

"Whoa! They're amazing!" Mikey exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement at the spectacle before them.

Donnie nodded in agreement, his analytical mind processing the skill on display. "They're both at master level, maybe even more," he remarked, a sense of admiration in his voice.

Raph's muscles tensed with anticipation as he prepared to join the fray. "Well, let's quickly help and finish him off," he growled, his determination shining through.

But Specter, ever the pragmatist, shook his head with a grim expression. "Looks like fun time is over," he muttered, his voice tinged with seriousness.

With a shared nod of understanding, the four ninja turtles leaped into action. They quickly rushed forward to confront their arch-nemesis, Shredder.

"Let's take him down, guys!" Leonardo shouted, his voice filled with conviction as he led the charge.

"Yeah! We've got this!" Michelangelo chimed in, his nunchaku twirling with energy.

With a roar of defiance, the turtles launched themselves at Shredder, their weapons flashing in the dim light. Leonardo led the charge, his twin katanas slicing through the air with deadly precision. Michelangelo followed close behind, his nunchaku whirling in a blur of motion. Donatello and Raphael flanked them, their bo staff and sai poised for battle.

But Shredder was ready for them. With a swift movement of his armored hands, he deflected Leonardo's strikes with ease, the clang of metal on metal ringing out through the alley. Michelangelo's nunchaku were knocked aside by the sheer force of Shredder's blows, leaving him vulnerable to a counterattack.

Donatello and Raphael fared no better. Despite their best efforts, their weapons proved no match for the overwhelming power of Shredder's armor. With a sweep of his massive arm, Shredder sent them flying through the air, their bodies crashing into the walls of the alley with bone-jarring force.

What... How is he so strong?" Donatello muttered, his bo staff clashing ineffectually against Shredder's armor.

Raphael gritted his teeth as he struggled to land a blow. "Doesn't matter! Keep fighting!"

As the dust settled, the four turtles lay battered and defeated, their weapons scattered around them. Shredder stood victorious, his mechanical armor gleaming in the darkness as he surveyed the scene before him.

With a triumphant laugh, Shredder declared his superiority over his adversaries. "You turtles may be skilled in combat, but you are no match for the Shredder," he taunted, his voice filled with contempt.

But his moment of glory was interrupted Specter, who had been silently observing the battle from the shadows. Clapping his hands with genuine admiration, Specter praised Shredder's prowess. "That was wonderfully done. Dealing with the four turtles with such ease was truly impressive."

With the turtles defeated and he has everything he need from this mission, he needed to end the fight before SHIELD or worse HYDRA comes in, "Well it seems the party is over, time to end the battle."

Shredder's gaze locked onto Specter, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Then let's finish this!" he declared, his voice filled with determination.

"Get ready then. In 10 seconds, you will be defeated," Specter warned, his words laced with a promise of impending doom.

Shredder scoffed in response, his arrogance shining through even in the face of imminent defeat. "Preposterous! Here I thought you were a warrior, but you're nothing but a clown!" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

Not minding Shredders taunting, he finally use his cosmic power, his cybernetic arms morphed into an imposing form—a gorilla arm cyberware, crafted for devastating blunt damage and made entirely of adamantium. He activated his Militech Berserk Implant and Sandevastan, a surge of red lightning crackling across his body as his arms released gas and began to rotate. It was at this time that an AI voice was heard, "START UP" then 10 seconds appeared on specters hud.

Time seemed to slow down around Specter as multiple boosters sprouted from his back, propelling him forward with incredible speed. With a flash, he vanished from sight, leaving only the sound of a barrier breaking in his wake.

In that moment, the world seemed to blur around Specter as he tapped into his speedster-like abilities. His surroundings became a streak of colors as he moved faster than the eye could follow, a phantom in the darkness.

As he closed in on Shredder, every detail of the scene seemed to crystallize before him. He could see the minute cracks in Shredder's armor, the tension in his muscles as he prepared to strike. With a surge of adrenaline, Specter launched himself forward with blinding speed, his gorilla arm leading the charge.

Suddenly, Specter reappeared behind Shredder, his gorilla arm striking with unstoppable force. Shredder's shoulder armor exploded into pieces, reduced to scraps by the sheer power of Specter's blow. But before Shredder could react, Specter disappeared once again, leaving behind a trail of shattered armor in his wake.

Time seemed to stand still as Specter's attack connected, the force of his blow shattering Shredder's armor into a thousand pieces. The sound of metal rending echoed through the chamber as Shredder was thrown backward, his defenses utterly obliterated by the sheer power of Specter's assault.

But Specter was not finished yet. With unparalleled speed, he vanished once more, leaving behind a trail of destruction in his wake. Piece by piece, Shredder's armor was torn away until he stood defenseless before his adversary, his once-mighty form reduced to nothing but a shell of its former self.

After ten seconds the AI voice resounded in the air again saying, "REFORMATION" With his Sandevistan implant stopping, Specter's cybernetic arms shifted and transformed, seamlessly integrating back to its normal Arkham Armored appearance.

The turtles could only watch in amazement as Specter's armor returned to its original state, their eyes wide with wonder at the sight. Mikey, ever the excitable one, couldn't contain his awe.

"Did you guys see that?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "He was like there, and then boom! And then he appeared in another place, and boom!"

Donnie, the brains of the group, nodded in agreement. "He was moving so fast," he observed, his analytical mind processing the events of the battle. "So fast that his every movement broke the sound barrier."

Raph, ever the skeptic, couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Specter hadn't unleashed his full power on them. "Glad he's on our side," he muttered, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "And glad he didn't use that speed against us."

Leo, the leader of the turtles, turned to Raph with a furrowed brow. "How did you get in touch with him?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Raph shrugged, recalling the events that had led them to Specter's aid. "It was April who called him," he explained simply.

As they reflected on the events that had unfolded before them, the turtles couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Specter. His unmatched speed and strength had turned the tide of battle in their favor, and they knew that with him by their side, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

My bad was busy and uploaded the chapters later than usual. Thanks for liking this half arse fanfic, cheers~

TheMainPlagiariscreators' thoughts
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