
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Película
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88 Chs

Machine Man 74 TMNT vs Specter.

Suddenly, a strange-looking knife soared through the air towards them, it hit the wall as sort of a warning to them… It's a Neurotoxin knife usually use by Specter, to temporarily paralyze his enemies. The air quickly turned with tension as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stood on high alert, their senses sharp and their muscles tensed for action.

"What the hell was that?!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices ringing out in alarm. They have only been in the surface for less than a week and are unfamiliar with the surface world or the super heroes and villains roaming in the city above. They have only met April Oneil and dealt with their first villain Shredder and his foot clan.

Behind them, a figure clad in futuristic armor emerged soaring in the air, his iconic blue cobalt helmet gleaming in the moonlight, at his back is a full moon, shining like a backdrop making him appear more mysterious. It was Specter, a formidable Super hero known for his stealth, cyberware enhancement and martial art prowess.

With a deft maneuver, Specter executed a hero landing, his movements a blur as he moved quite fast even midair. Michelangelo couldn't help but be awed by the spectacle. "Woahhh," he breathed, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination. "That is freakingly cool… kinda scary, but still cool…"

Donatello, seeing this, quickly interjected, "Holy cow, it's Batman! No wait, That's not Batman." Ralph, overhearing their exchange, chimed in with a grin. "Yeah, Donnie's right. Batman's just a fictional character. This guy's the real deal." Referencing to the comics, dvd movies and cartoons that made their way to the sewage system.

Just then, the Arkham Mobile sprang to life, its lights illuminating the chamber as it rolled forward towards Specter. Michelangelo couldn't resist making a quip. "Um… Wild guess here? This might be his car."

Meanwhile, Raphael, tried to put a few things together, pondered the situation aloud. "The Russian gang mentioned someone about a dark knight," he mused. "Think this is the guy working with Shredder?"

Leonardo, the group's leader, considered the possibility. "Could be… wait for my signal to—" But before Leonardo could finish his sentence, Raphael took matters into his own hands. "Nahh, I got this," he declared confidently, rushing towards Specter with determination.

With a series of acrobatic moves, Raphael launched into a frenzied attack, attempting to land blows on Specter with his twin Sai weapons. But Specter proved to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly dodging Raphael's strikes and countering with precision.

As Raphael's anger grew, he screamed in frustration, "Hold still!" But Specter seized the opportunity, executing a swift leg sweep that sent Raphael crashing to the ground, his shell taking the brunt of the impact.

As Raphael was knocked off balance, Specter swiftly followed up with a kick, sending him tumbling towards the other turtles. In the chaos that ensued, Donatello was inadvertently caught in the fray, the force that propelled Raphael also bringing him crashing down alongside his brother.

With tensions escalating and the need for answers paramount, Leonardo, the leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, wasted no time in issuing a directive. "Take him down! We need answers," he commanded, his voice firm with determination.

Specter, his demeanor calm and collected, faced the four turtles with confidence. "You're welcome to try," he replied, his tone cool and composed. As he knocks his two fists together creating a metallic sound, taunting the turtles to attack him.

In response to Leonardo's command, He and Donatello sprang into action, launching a coordinated attack against Specter. Donatello, armed with his trusty bo staff, aimed a series of strikes at Specter, only to find his attacks effortlessly parried by Specter's brace-armored forearm.

Specter, utilizing his superior strength and agility, deftly pulled Donatello off balance, delivering a precise elbow strike to his chin. As Donatello staggered, momentarily vulnerable, Specter capitalized on the opening, delivering a powerful palm strike that sent Donatello crashing to the ground, unconscious.

As the battle intensified, Leonardo seized the opportunity to strike, his katana slicing through the air with precision. But Specter, unfazed by the attack, easily caught the blade in his brace-armored hand.

Undeterred, Leonardo pressed on, wielding his second katana in a flurry of strikes. Yet, Specter remained agile and swift, effortlessly blocking each blow with his armored forearm and slipping through Leonardo's defenses with ease.

A body blow followed by a punch to the head sent Leonardo reeling, but the resilient ninja turtle refused to back down. With determination burning in his eyes, he attempted to counter with his swords, but Specter's movements were too quick, easily dodging the strikes.

Leonardo continued to slash and thrust with his dual blades, but Specter proved to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly countering and evading every attack.

Seeing an opportunity, Specter swiftly deployed a mechanical device equipped with a grappling hook. With precision aim, he launched the device towards Leonardo, the grappling hook attaching itself to the wall of a nearby building.

With a sudden pull from the device, Leonardo was pulled off his feet, hurtling through the air towards the wall. Donatello, just recovering from his daze, watched in horror as Leonardo crashed into him, the force of the impact knocking them both down.

As the chaos of battle unfolded, Michelangelo, undeterred by his previous setback, surged forward with his nunchucks, unleashing a flurry of strikes in an attempt to catch Specter off guard. However, Specter's masterful martial arts skills proved too much, effortlessly evading or blocking each blow with precision.

Growing impatient with the playful antics, Specter decided to put an end to the skirmish. With a swift movement, he used his metallic armored boots to step on Michelangelo's toes, eliciting a pained cry from the jovial turtle. Seizing the opportunity, Specter grabbed Michelangelo's jaw and slammed him crashing into a nearby pizza parlor.

Amidst the chaos, Michelangelo's voice rang out in warning as he cried out to the startled bystanders. "Everybody run! There's a crazy guy in a black armored suit who's trying to kill us!" he shouted, his words met with disbelief and panic from the unsuspecting patrons.

In the midst of the commotion, one who got startled screamed, "It's a talking toad!" they mistook Michelangelo for a toad, prompting a lighthearted response from the turtle. "I know, right? Spooky stuff," he quipped, his trademark humor shining through even in the face of danger.

But as the panic-stricken crowd fled the pizza parlor in terror, Michelangelo couldn't resist the temptation of a freshly baked pizza, indulging in a slice without a care in the world. Little did he know that danger lurked just around the corner.

Specter turned his palm towards the turtle who's busy munching on pizzas, from his palm, he launched his grappling hook towards Michelangelo, the hook found its mark with surprising accuracy, With a cry of "Get over here!" Specter pulled Michelangelo towards another turtle with incredible force,

Crashing into his brother Donatello, Michelangelo couldn't help but engage in some banter. "Nice of you to join us," Donatello remarked, his tone laced with amusement. Michelangelo, recovering from the impact, retorted, "I was protecting the citizens, man. The citizens."

Meanwhile, Raphael, fueled by anger and determination, launched a fierce attack on Specter with his twin sai. "It's gonna take more than a jerk in a fancy comicon costume to shock me!" he declared defiantly.

Specter, undeterred by Raphael's bravado, responded with a smirk. "We'll see about that," he replied, his palm morphing into an intricate gauntlet with metal rods. With a swift motion, he unleashed a powerful shock from his taser morph hand, incapacitating Raphael in an instant.

Seizing the opportunity, Michelangelo, the agile fighter, snuck up behind Specter, he then screamed "Think fast!" as he launched himself into a flying kick. To bad Specter think to fast for him, Specter caught him mid-air grabbing his feet and slammed him forcefully to the ground. As Michelangelo groaned in pain from the impact, he couldn't help but mutter, "He thought too fast."


As the battle reached its climax, Donatello, fueled by determination, launched himself at Specter, aiming to strike. But before he could land a blow, Specter swiftly countered with a straight punch to Donatello's turtle chin, knocking him down.

Leo, witnessing his brothers fall one by one, felt a surge of anger and determination. "Whoever you are, you better back the hell away from my brothers!" he declared, his voice ringing with authority as he launched himself at Specter.

But Specter, his movements swift and calculated, effortlessly blocked Leo's sword strikes with his armored bracers. As he replied playfully to Leo, "You're the ones who wanted to take me down, though?" With a swift motion, Specter produced one of his X-22 Flashbang Grenades, temporarily blinding Leo and leaving him disoriented.

Leo, now struggling to see through the bright flashes and ringing in his ears, found himself vulnerable to Specter's attack. With a jumping Roundhouse Kick, Specter sent Leo crashing to the ground, bringing an end to the fierce battle.

With his brothers unconscious around him, Donatello, the only one still awake, acted quickly, deploying a smoke bomb and declaring, "It's ninja vanish time." In an instant, he and his brothers disappeared into the shadows, leaving Specter alone in the aftermath of the battle.

Unbeknownst to Donatello, Specter's cobalt-shaped helmet glowed with a menacing light as his Kiroshi Optical eyes tracked their every movement, a silent reminder that their encounter was far from over.

The clash between Specter and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had come to an expected end. Specter had been testing the turtles, intrigued by their reputation and abilities. Memories flooded back to him of his previous life, when his father was an avid fan of the TMNT.

He remembered watching the cartoons together, sharing laughs and excitement over their adventures. Even when the movie adaptation fell short of expectations, his father found it enjoyable, a sentiment that lingered in Alex's mind from his previous life and childhood days.

As the smoke cleared and the echoes of battle faded, Specter stood amidst the aftermath, silently assessing the situation. With a calculating gaze, Specter reviewed their battle and said, "Skynet make a profile about those four…" pausing for a moment he continued, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", his cobalt-shaped helmet glowing softly in the darkness.

He had allowed them to escape, recognizing that they were not enemies but rather unsuspected anomaly to this new world, it got him thinking that it this world might not just be a world of Marvel…maybe it's something even more…

As he made his way to his vehicle, he continued to assess the turtles, "2 to 5 tons of strength," Alex commented, breaking the silence. "Way low compared to Spider-Man, but their agility, speed, and strength are commendable. They are well trained in the basics of ninjutsu."

Acknowledging the turtles' prowess despite their unconventional appearance. The thought crossed his mind to invite them to Arcadia when the time came, recognizing the potential of their skills.

With a sense of satisfaction, Specter boarded his Arkham mobile, the sleek vehicle gliding silently through the streets as he left the premises behind. As he disappeared into the night, he knew that the encounter with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been more than just a battle—it had been a test of their fighting prowess and a glimpse into their enemies hiding in the shadows Shredder and the Foot Clan.

As Alex in his Specter persona cruised through the labyrinthine streets, his sharp eyes caught sight of a familiar figure—a nosy reporter named April O'Neil. Taking a closer look with his Kiroshi eyes, he looks like Megan Fox on her transformer days. Intrigued by her presence near a chemical factory, he activated the ejector seat of his car, propelling himself into the air with silent grace.

With a flicker of his chameleon cloak, Specter vanished into the shadows, tailing April as she ventured deeper into the heart of danger. His senses heightened, he trailed her every move, a silent guardian watching over her from the darkness.

As April delved deeper into the mysteries of the chemical factory, Specter remained ever vigilant, his presence undetected as he observed her investigation. In the shadows, he watched, ready to intervene at a moment's notice should danger arise.

It was at this time that she stumbled upon the Foot Clan Ninjas and some thugs, Bebop and Rocksteady, she felt a chill run down her spine. The tension in the air was palpable as the criminals closed in on her.

It was then she accidentally cause a commotion, by hitting a small can and sent it thumbling. The sound echoed throughout what seems to be an old chemical factory. "Well, who do we have here?" Bebop sneered, brandishing his bat menacingly. Rocksteady joined in, his gun pointed directly at April. "A nosy reporter," he growled.

With a sense of urgency, the Foot Clan ninja urged his companions to dispose of April quickly. "Just get rid of her. We need to report to Master Shredder before the sun goes down," he commanded.

Rocksteady rolled his eyes in exasperation. "All right, all right, sheesh. Talk about killjoys," he muttered before pulling the trigger and firing at April.

But before the bullet could find its mark, Specter suddenly materialized, his chameleon cloak dissipating as he shielded April from harm. "Hide," he instructed tersely, his voice carrying an air of authority.

Bebop, recognizing Specter, felt a surge of terror coursing through him. "S... Specter!" he stammered, his bravado crumbling in the face of the masked vigilante. "Don't move! Just stay there, or... or we'll fire at the girl again."

Unfazed by the threat, Specter swiftly disarmed Bebop and Rocksteady, rendering their weapons useless with quick and precise shots from his gun, Skippy 1.

As Specter assessed the situation, his top priority was April's safety. Seeing her recording in the open, he knew he couldn't resort to lethal force. Instead, he prepared to confront the approaching threat with less deadly means.

As the tension hung heavy in the air, Specter's keen senses picked up on every subtle shift in the shadows. He found himself surrounded by a motley crew of criminals. Five deadly Foot Clan ninjas, armed to the teeth with razor-sharp ninjatos and katanas, stood poised for battle alongside the brutish thugs Bebop and Rocksteady, their menacing bats gripped tightly in their hands.

Unfazed by the odds stacked against him, Specter remained calm and composed, his futuristic armor gleaming in the dim light of the alleyway. With a flick of his wrist, he activated the non-lethal mode on his two smart handguns, ensuring that his foes would only be stunned and incapacitated, not killed.

As the first ninja lunged forward with blinding speed, Specter moved with a fluid grace reminiscent of a master martial artist. He sidestepped the attack with ease. With lightning-fast reflexes, he fired off a series of shots from his handguns, each bullet finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy. The ninjas staggered back, their bodies convulsing as the electrical charges from Specter's weapons coursed through their veins.

Meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady watched in horror as their allies fell one by one before the masked vigilante's onslaught. Fear gripped their hearts as they realized the sheer power and skill of their opponent. This was no long an ordinary street brawl, this was a battle for survival against a foe who seemed more than human.

"Hey, Bebop, you seein' this?" Rocksteady exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear as he watched Specter effortlessly dispatch another ninja.

Bebop nodded frantically, his eyes wide with terror. Gulping he said, "…Yeah, yes… I see it, Rocksteady! This guy's is worse than the rumors, his a freaking one army boogeyman! We gotta get out here!"

But before they could make a move to flee, Specter turned his attention towards them, his eyes gleaming with steely resolve. With a determined stride, he advanced towards Bebop and Rocksteady, his guns held at the ready.

With a roar of defiance, Bebop charged forward, his bat raised high in a desperate attempt to strike Specter down. But the masked vigilante was quicker, his movements like a well-oiled machine. With a deft twist of his body, he sidestepped Bebop's attack and delivered a swift kick to his midsection, sending him crashing to the ground. He then fired off his gun making sure the guy is knockout.

Rocksteady, seeing his companion fall, let out a guttural growl of anger and rushed forward, swinging his bat wildly. But Specter easily grab the bat, using one hand he crumpled it scaring the wits out of Rocksteady, he said "I surrender" raising his arms up.

With the bat clattering to the ground at his feet. Specter then knock the lights out of him. As the last of their adversaries lay defeated before him, Specter stood tall amidst the chaos, his breaths coming steady and controlled.

After the fight, Specter walked over to April, who was still holding her phone to record the whole thing. "Are they dead?" April asked, her voice filled with concern.

Specter's response was calm and measured, his synthesized voice ringing out mechanically. "They are fine, just stunned and knocked out. I've already notified the police; they should be here in a few minutes."

April couldn't help but express her amazement. "That was amazing! You're even better than my turtle friends," she remarked as she pocketed her phone.

"Ninja Turtles?" Specter queried. "Anyway, what are you doing here, Miss O'Neil?"

"I'm investigating the Foot Clan ninjas. They've been stealing some dangerous chemicals," April explained.

Specter advised her to wait for the police and go home, emphasizing the danger of the situation. But April seized the opportunity to get closer to the mysterious vigilante.

"But it's dangerous. You wouldn't leave a woman all alone in this dangerous part of Hell's Kitchen, right?" April said, using her charm to try to land a one-on-one interview.

Specter, aware of her intentions, agreed and said, "Okay, follow me to my car."

April couldn't help but comment on the imposing vehicle before her. "Are you sure this is a car? This looks more like a tank."

"Just get in," Specter instructed, his synthesized voice devoid of emotion.

As they entered the Arkham Batmobile that's been modified to have a second sit beside him, April marveled at the interior. "Fancy ride. How much does this cost?" she asked.

"Around a billion or more," Specter replied bluntly.

April was taken aback. "Seriously? How can you afford all this then?"

"I'm rich," was Specter's simple response.

During their journey, they discussed about the Foot Clan and the challenges they posed to the New York police. "The ninja's are not your everyday criminal, they are a highly trained group like special forces. Good thing that Arasaka donated some robots; they made a special task force out of them to deal with the Foot Clan," April shared.

Specter then inquired about the Shredder. "Do you have any information about the Shredder?" he asked.

April shook her head. "No, it's my first time hearing this name. Who is he? A supervillain perhaps?"

Specter remained silent, his focus on the road ahead. Despite April's insistent demands to talk to him, he offered no further information.

As the Arkham Knight Mobile rumbled down the street, its distinctive silhouette immediately caught the attention of the crowd. Gasps of recognition rippled through the bystanders as they realized whose vehicle it was.

"Look, it's Specter's car!" someone exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the sleek, armored behemoth.

"Yeah, I've seen it before," another person confirmed, nodding in agreement. "That thing is like a car tank on steroids."

Phones were quickly whipped out, and the sound of shutter clicks filled the air as people scrambled to capture the iconic vehicle on camera. Specter's reputation preceded him, and the sight of his car only added to the excitement of the moment.

As the vehicle comes to a complete halt, April stepped out of the Arkham vehicle and turned to Specter. "Worst uber driver 1 out 5 stars," she remarked, a hint of frustration in her voice as Specter kept silent only replying like a one liner as she can't get any information on him at all. But then again, she winked at Specter and continued, "But very dashing, will there be a second date?" she inquired.

Specter thinks for a second, and hand her a communication device, although this could bring her trouble; but he really needed away to get in contact with the turtles. "Here take this. Call me if there's an emergency and only when there's an emergency. Got it?" not waiting for a reply, he drove away into the night.

Whispers of recognition spread through the crowd. "Isn't that April Oneil?" someone murmured, their eyes widening with surprise.

"Yeah, it is!" another person confirmed, their voice tinged with excitement. "But what's she doing getting out of Specter's car?"

Speculation buzzed through the crowd as they tried to make sense of the unexpected sight. Some exchanged knowing glances, while others eagerly shared their theories about what April's presence meant.

But amidst the chatter, there was an undeniable air of admiration for both Specter and April. "Wow, Specter's really out here with April Oneil," someone remarked, their tone filled with awe.

"And did you hear what she said?" another person chimed in, their voice tinged with amusement, gossip and murmurs. "Sounds like she had quite the adventure tonight."

As April made her way through the crowd, she couldn't help but smile at the mix of reactions around her. The encounter may have been unexpected, but it only added to the mystique surrounding to Specter. And as she went back to her apartment building, she knew that this night would be talked about for a long time to come.

Bat news there's only a few available chapters right now. I've only written upto Thor's movie and their unedited. Been busy playing so really don't have time to write some more. Might enter hiatus, but will see. Anyway thanks for liking this half arse fanfic. Cheers~

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