
Marvel : Hyperion (On Hold)

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made opposite to then. The Deviants. Hyperion is by far the special one of the bunch as he has multiple abilities making him the strongest one of them all. After the Eternals separated, he chose to roam around the world to learn new things and blend in but one event turned things upside down. THIS STORY IS NOT MINE. I'm just a big fan. Also this is NOT my story as this story belongs to Monster Zero on Wattpad.

HarHarMahadev · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs


Disclaimer: I don't own Hyperion or any related to Marvel properties, all rights belong to their respective owners. I'm just a big fan. Also this is NOT my story as this story belongs to Monster Zero from Wattpad. So all credits goes to him.


[Earth : 5000 B.C.]

We see a ship flying near the sun as it flew towards the planet full of life, Earth. This ship is called the Domo and inside the Domo housed eleven beings. The Eternals. The race of Immortal beings with unique powers and abilities. They are all sitting around a statue of their creator. The Celestial Arishem who tasked them to go to Earth and eliminate their enemies. The Deviants.

Arishem : "It's time."

The statue said as a gold orb went towards the Leader of the Eternals. The Prime Eternal Ajak. The orb merged with Ajak as they all stood up and went towards their stations as their armor surrounded them.

After preparing, they went to do their thing and introduced themselves to the others. One particular Eternal was seen standing in the corner as he watched the Domo passed the sun. Seeing this Ajak, walked towards the Eternal and put a hand on his shoulder.

Ajak : "Are you feeling alright Hyperion ?"

The Eternal now named Hyperion turned around to face Ajak as he smiled and nodded. Hyperion has brown hair, teal eyes and also has a muscular physique. He's wearing his Celestial Armor which consists of black and gold with a golden cape (same as Hyperion of Earth-13034 but with long sleeves).

Hyperion : "I am fine Ajak. Thanks for asking. Just a little nervous is all."

Ajak : "You are going to be fine. Nothing can harm you even the Deviants. The special one here so don't worry.'

Hyperion : "Thanks for your kind words Ajak."

Ajak : "Anything for my family."

Ajak then went to talk to the others as Hyperion just stared outside the Domo in wonder. He then sensed something coming his way as he grabbed a hand that was almost touching his shoulder.

Kingo : "Woah! Easy big guy."

Hyperion : "Sorry about that. It was instinct."

Hyperion let go of his hand as Gilgamesh also approached the duo.

Gilgamesh : "That was fast."

Kingo: "Yeah. What can you do exactly?"

Hyperion: "I can do many things actually. Ajak called me the special one earlier."

Kingo: "Well that's cool. Kingo is the name by the way."

Gilgamesh: "Gilgamesh is mine. Nice to see another big guy around here."

He punched Hyperion on the shoulder which did nothing to the Eternal as he just smiled.

Hyperion: "Nice to meet you two. I am Hyperion."

Ajak then called them as one of the Eternals Phastos explained everything to them about helping the humans advance and kill the Deviants. After that, they can finally go.home to Olympia. Hyperion is seen preparing himself for the fight as Ajak approached him.

Ajak: "Ready?"

Hyperion: "Always."

Ajak: "I want you to stay back and let the others go in first. When the time comes, I'll signal you to drop in."

Hyperion nodded as the Domo arrived on Earth as Sprite used her illusions to cloak the Domo from the human eyes. The fighters of the group went in first as Hyperion also jumped off the Domo but floated high up in the air. He watched as Ikaris fought a flying Deviant in the air then Makkari and Phastos tag teaming another one killing it with Kingo shooting it with his Cosmic Blast.

He then saw Gilgamesh and Thena fighting another one as Gilgamesh punched the Deviant on the head as Thena slid in and used her Cosmic weapons to slash at the Deviant with ease. Gilgamesh punched one more time before Thena jumped on top of it and stabbed it on the head.

Hyperion then saw Ikaris fighting the flying Deviant as he used his Cosmic beams to injure the Deviant. The Deviant went for a swipe grazing Ikaris on his shoulder but he just shrug it off. He fired his Cosmic beams once more making the Deviant screech in pain. He then flew towards it and with one mean punch, the Deviant fell down dead.

Hyperion then saw more Deviants running towards the little village. He turned to the Domo and saw Ajak nod as he rocketed down towards the incoming Deviants with a Sonic boom. The others were about to run but they felt someone passed the. At super sonic speed leaving a dust trail. As Hyperion neared the towards the closest Deviant, he punched it with so much force it was sent flying back and crashed to the ground.

He then saw a large Deviant throwing boulders towards him. His eyes glowed red as he shoot his Atomic Vision disintegrating the boulder with ease. He dashed towards the large Deviant and rammed it to the ground. While he was dragging the Deviant he used his Atomic Vision again as he melted the Deviants head. He said the last one was a flyer as he flew towards it and grabbed it by it's wings before pulling them off from its back. When the Deviant was falling, he used his Atomic Vision one last time sending the Deviant crashing to the ground dead.

He then floated down as the humans stared at him in amazement. Like he was a God. They knelt down and praised him as he told them to stand back in acient language. The Domo appeared as Ajak and the others floated down using Phastos' technology. Ajak then used her healing abilities to heal Ikaris' wound.

The humans walked towards them with spears in hand but Druig used his mind abilities to stop them in their tracks. Sersi then walked towards an old knife the boy used and used her abilities to change it to a brand new looking one. She gave the knife to the child as Phastos and Sprite went towards the humans. Ajak approached Hyperion and patted his shoulder.

Ajak: "You have done well Hyperion."

Hyperion: "Thank you. I'll scout the place to see if there's more of them. I'll be back in a minute."

Ajak: "Be careful."

Hyperion nodded and flew up in the air pushing some dust on the ground.

He flew around in search for more Deviants around the area when his head suddenly ached. He then saw visions he can't understand. He lost his momentum as he crashed down on a mountain and towards the ground. He slowly got out of the crater as his head stopped hurting and the visions went away.

Hyperion: "What was that?"

Two Deviants then appeared on both side of Hyperion. He grabbed the first one by the neck and the other one by the head. He slammed the one he caught by the neck on the ground before kicking it away. He then other one's mouth and pryed it open before shooting his Atomic Vision inside the Deviant's mouth killing it.

He then approached the injured Deviant he kicked earlier as he grabbed a giant boulder on the way. Once he got close, he slammed the giant boulder on top of the Deviant squashing it into paste.

Hyperion: "That's the last of them. Let's head back."

He jumped in the air and flew back towards the others and joined them in helping humanity advance.

[Earth : 575 B.C.]

It's been centuries since Hyperion and the others arrived on Earth. They have helped humanity evolve throughout the years. Hyperion also got close with the other Eternals especially Kingo, Gilgamesh and Sersi. They have moved from different places to exterminate the Deviants. They are still amazed by how powerful Hyperion even they have been together for centuries now.

Now they are in Babylon, evacuating the people as they others held the Deviants back. Makarri is seen running around grabbing people as many as she can. We see Kingo shooting Cosmic Blasts from his fingers as Thena killed one by slashing it's head off.

Kingo: "Hey, that one was mine! Nevermind."

He then shoot one killing it. A girl was running away from a spider like Deviant as Ikaris swoop in grabbed the Deviants leg before using his Cosmic Vision to cut it's leg off. Makkari then pushed the Deviant using her shockwave as she let out a flurry of punches.

Ikaris: (Babylonian) "Do not fear."

Ikaris flew back to the fight as the girl just sat there. A Deviant sneaked it's way behind the girl but got pulled by Hyperion as he slammed the Deviant then grabbed it by the neck before snapping it.

Hyperion: (Babylonian) "Go to safety little one. We'll handle the rest."

The girl nodded as she ran towards Gilgamesh who is escorting all the people to go inside the gates where it's safe.

Gilgamesh: (Babylonian) "Quickly! Inside the gate!"

Gilgamesh then smirked as he saw a gorilla like Deviant with bull horns charging towards him. He conjured a Cosmic gauntlet on his right arm as he punched the Deviant on it's hard making it roll over and landed on the ground. It roared angrily as it pushed Gilgamesh away but Makarri caught him and put him down safely. Ikaris then flew towards the Deviant and shoot it with his Cosmic Vision while Kingo did the same using his Cosmic blasts.

Gilgamesh threw Thena on top of the Deviant as she slashed it's head multiple times. Makkari then let out a shockwave pushing the Deviant back with Gilgamesh letting out a powerful uppercut making the Deviant stumble and fall. The Deviant slowly stood back up as everyone got ready to finish it. The Deviant went to charge at them but stopped when Hyperion came crashing down stomping it's head killing it and creating a crater below them. Hyperion grabbed the large dead Deviant and threw it to the side effortlessly.

Ikaris: "That's all of them. I'll scout ahead for more survivors who didn't make it to the gate."

Hyperion: "I'll do the same."

Ikaris flew up as well as Hyperion. Hyperion used his Enhanced Vision to help in locating survivors. He then used his X-ray vision to see through destroyed houses. He then saw someone trying to lift a pillar as he landed and approached the person.

Marcus: (Babylonian) "You need any help?"

The person was wearing black robes that covers the entire body except the eyes. The person turned and stared at Hyperion as he realized that it was a woman.

Woman: (Babylonian) "Thank you. I have something under this pillar and I can't lift it."

Marc: (Babylonian) "I'll help you with that."

Hyperion walked towards the falled pillar and lifted it without effort as the woman grabbed a satchel from underneath. Hyperion saw a rogue Deviant tried to run away but he used the pillar as a javelin and hurled it towards the Deviant crushing it.

Marc: (Babylonian) "You should head towards the gate. It's much safer there."

Woman: "Thank you. Eternal."

Hyperion: "How did you-"

He was cut off as the woman's eyes glowed a purple as his head suddenly started hurting. He then saw another vision of the future where six stones floated in the middle of the universe. Once the vision faded, he saw the woman was nowhere to be seen.

Hyperion: "This visions...They are from the future? I should talk to Ajak about this."

He flew back towards Babylon where the Domo is being hidden. He saw Ajak there standing, communicating with Arishem. He landed just in time as Ajak just finished talking to Arishem.

Ajak: "Hyperion, great job for defending the city. You all did a wonderful job."

Hyperion: "Thank you Ajak but didn't come here to talk."

Hyperion nodded as he explained everything to

Ajak on what he saw in his vision. After explaining, Ajak has a worried look on her face she approached the Eternal and gave him a motherly hug.

Ajak: "It's going to be okay. Those visions are not real."

Hyperion: "I don't know. They feel real to me. I'm having this visions for centuries now. And that woman I helped earlier, she knew I'm an Eternal."

Ajak just stared at him in surprise before it all fade as she gave the Eternal a smile.

Ajak: "Maybe you just need to relax after all that first. Go with the others and help the survivors."

He nodded and flew towards the others who were tending the injured. Ajak just sighed and look on in worry.

Ajak: "He is starting to remember everything and I don't know what to do."

After helping Babylon for years, the Eternals moved on to another place to hunt down the Deviants. Hyperion started to see more visions after encountering the woman. It was all the same. Six stones and a golden gauntlet. But he just pushed them to the back of his head.

Centuries passed, they are now in the Gupta Empire, Pataliputra for Ikaris' and Sersi's wedding. Everyone was there wearing the places traditional clothing. Hyperion saw Sprite looking sad as he just comforted the girl. Centuries more passed and the Deviants started decreasing at a fast rate thanks to Hyperion as he would just obliterate them with ease.

[Earth : 1521 C.E.]

They are now in the place where the last of the Deviants are located. Aztec Empire, Tenochtitlan. We see Hyperion and Ikaris fighting Deviants as Hyperion would just punch them and throw them like a ragdoll as Ikaris fires his Cosmic beams at them. One Deviant was about to pounce on Ikaris but it got sliced in half by Hyperion's Atomic Vision.

The two stared at each other and nodded finally killing the last one they are fighting.

Ikaris: "That's the rest of them. Let's head back."

Hyperion: "Let's go."

They flew up in the air as they went back to the others only to see a wounded Sersi, Phastos and Makkari. Ikaris landed beside his wife as Gilgamesh was trying to subdue a rampaging Thena.

Ikaris: "Sersi."

Gilgamesh blocked an attack from Thena as he tried to reason with her.

Gilgamesh: "Then stop, please. Come back to us."

Thena still attacked as Hyperion went to help out but Ajak held her hands up signaling him to not interfere. Gilgamesh dodged a few slashes until he grabbed Thena's arm and used his strength to knock her unconscious. They are now inside a temple in the city as they waited for Thena to wake up.

Sersi: "I thought Mahd Wy'ry was a myth."

Phastos: "There is no cure...so no one really talks about it."

Thena then started to wake up as everyone came forward to check on her. She stared at them in confusion not know ling what happened.

Thena: "What happened?"

Ajak: "You have Mahd Wy'ry. Your mind is fracturing under the weight of your memories. And all I can do is erase them so you can start over. I will have to inform Arishem and take you back to the ship where we have the technology to help you."

Makkari: (Sign) "But she won't be Thena anymore."

Hyperion: "Makarri is right."

Kingo: "What if it happens again? She could've killed you. She could have killed us all."

Thena: "Please, please. I...I want to remember. I want to remember my life."

Ajak: "Thena, I love you. But listen to me. It's not

Druig: "Why should she trust you? You're asking her to let you erase who she is."

Ajak: "Druig, I know you're upset..."

Druig: "Upset?!"

Hyperion: "Druig. Stop."

Druig: "We've trusted you for 7,000 years, and look where you've gotten us. I've watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world, huh? We're just like the soldiers down there. Pawns to their leaders. Blinded by loyalty. It ends now."

He then used his power to stop everyone from fighting as they all looked up to Druig until Ikaris grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him to the wall. Hyperion then approached the two and pushed them apart.

Hyperion: "That's enough. Both of you."

Ikaris: "Let them go."

Druig: "You're gonna have to make me."

Ajak: "Stop."

Druig: "If you want to stop me, you're gonna have to kill me."

Hyperion: "Stop it. Now."

The two turned to Hyperion and saw his expression that they haven't seen before. For the first time, they finally saw him became serious and it was terrifying. The two walked backwards with Ikaris doing it hesitantly as he doesn't want to back down. Druig just scoffed and walked down the temple with the people following him.

Gilgamesh: "I'll watch over Thena. Let her keep her memories."

Ajak: "One day when she attacks you, you might have to kill her."

Gilgamesh: "We'll take that chance."

He smiled at Thena as she smiled back. Ajak then. turned towards the others.

Ajak: "You may all go. The Deviants are gone. There is no reason for you to stay with me."

Ikaris: "Shouldn't you ask Arishem first? We're a team. We should stay together."

Ajak: "I didn't ask you for your advice, Ikaris. Do not forget your place. This is where we say goodbye. You are free to go. I want you to go out there. And live a life for yourselves. Not as soldiers. Not with the purpose you were given. Find your own purpose. And one day, when we see each other again, I want you to tell me what you found."

They all gave each other a hug goodbye as they slowly walked down the temple. All that's left is Hyperion and Ajak as they watched the other Eternals live their own life.

Ajak: "You too Hyperion. You should go out there and explore. Find your own purpose and help the innocent."

Hyperion: "Are you sure you don't need my company Ajak?"

Ajak: "No Hyperion. I want you to live your own life. The people of this planet look up to you. They call you the Sun God as you bring light and the brightest hope to people."

Hyperion hugged Ajak one last time as they seperated still in each other's arms.

Hyperion: "I'll visit when I finish exploring the world we made and cared for."

Ajak: "And I'll be there to listen to your stories."

Hyperion walked towards the door of the temple be began floating up. He turned back to Ajak as he gave her a warm smile.

Hyperion: "See you again soon. Ajak."

Ajak: "Good luck out there my boy."

Hyperion then soared through the air as he felt a little excited to roam around the world. The world they helped advance and evolve. What he didn't know is that, someone is watching his every move. And that someone is a Primordial Goddess.

[Earth : 2012]

South Dakota

Ajak is seen cooking something inside her home. After doing so, she walked out and sat down on a chair outside her home and ate her meal when the wind blew pass her. She smiled as she stood up from her chair and walked towards the field to see someone floating in the air. She smiled at the figure floating above as he was wearing a black coat with casual others inside the said coat.

Hyperion: "I told you I'd be back."

Ajak: *chuckles* "I know you would. Now come inside, let's eat lunch together."

Hyperion floated down and walked beside Ajak as he told her all the adventures he had while exploring the world.



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Also read Marvel+DC : Superman on my profile.