One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.
If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó
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If I had to write a novel in the following worlds, which one would you prefer?
One Piece
Both would start way before canon, so tell me your picks.
I was tired.
Tired of having to deal with the same problems over and over again, tired of Odin bending over every time Loki did something wrong instead of punishing him like he should.
Tired of not being able to act like I wanted because Odin would become my enemy.
In short, I was done with the idiotic behavior of the King of Asgard and his adopted son.
No more I would allow such things to happen, no more I would trust in Odin to discipline his unruly child like a father should do.
It was time to take matters into my own hands.
Fortunately for me, dealing with the likes of Loki was currently a rather easy task, in fact. I had many options to deal with the Loki problem.
I wasn't lying when I said I had many options to deal with Loki, heck, I had hundreds, but the most efficient one, was claiming earth as my own.
Two weeks ago, I had discovered I could basically block people from my territory, as long as I was a higher level than them. Meaning, for example, as of today Loki was physically and magically unable to enter my apartment and company.
Now, all I had to do to keep Loki out of sight forever was to claim earth in its entirety as my own.
Now, how did I do that?
Well, for that I had two options, one killing every other organization on the planet, or convincing them to sign some papers to make me the big boss so to speak.
You see, earth was technically owned by the clans or organizations spread across the globe, and not any organization, or clan for that matter, just the strongest.
The Hand
The Masters of The Mysticals Arts
Asgard - Mostly because Odin had laid claim to Earth a long time ago.
The Hellfire Club
Brotherhood of Mutants
The Maggia
The Eternals
The X-Men
The Order of the Crane Mother
The Ten Rings.
Currently those were the organizations that held territories on the planet and if I managed to submit them to me be it by an alliance or war, would give me total ownership of Earth.
Hydra apparently used to be on the list, but they were no more, so hurray for that.
Now, all I needed was an approach, A.I.M I already knew I was going to destroy, if they didn't submit, in most comics or movies they were a very difficult nuisance, like Hydra.
The rest, well, S.H.I.E.L.D I had Fury, who I was sure I could convince, and with the Masters of The Mystical Arts, well, I had the Ancient One.
The real problems of this operation were the other organizations, the ones I didn't know shit about, meaning that funny enough Wakanda was the least of my problems.
Time to google them in my internal library I guess.
Opening my library with a simple thought, I looked through the files in my library, finding the first one on the list.
[The Order of the Crane Mother = Also known as the Elders of K'un-Lun, is an ancient warrior monk society based in K'un-Lun, a dimension whose sole entrance opens once in China every 15 years. The Order trains its members in martial arts and chi control in order to fight the Hand, an evil organization that stands against everything they believe in. The Order is known for appointing a warrior every few years to protect the gate between Earth and their realm, this warrior being known as the Iron Fist, whose sole purpose besides protecting the gate is destroying the Hand or die trying.]
Maybe I could make an alliance with them by offering to destroy the hand for me, and who knows, maybe I'll learn how to use chi in the process.
Ok, next one, The Hand.
[The Hand = Also known as The Yami no te, is an ancient and powerful ninja clan with the ultimate goal to gain immortality through any means. The Hand originated in K'un-Lun, when the five founders were banished from the heavenly city and have since lived on in the shadows for centuries, promoting their goal through wars, crime and influence on powerful people.
Their goal besides immortality is destroying everything K'un-Lun stands for.]
Definitely evil, I doubt I can get something out of them without them trying to betray me in the process.
Alright then, time to check the next one, The Maggia.
[The Maggia = Also known as the Original Mafia, it's an international crime syndicate that originated in southern Europe under the influence of Satannish, eventually expanding throughout all of Europe to the point of reaching the Americas. Nowadays they control most of the world's loan-sharking, illegal gambling, narcotics, drug distribution, protection rackets and prostitution rings.]
They are also most definitely going down, after I take every penny in their account that is.
But putting that aside for a moment, who the fuck is Satannish?
[Satannish The Servant Of Dormammu - LV 339
Race: Demon
Age: 3481 Years Old
Description: Satannish is one of the most powerful demons Earth has and will ever know. He was created by Dormammu, who placed him as an undercover agent inside the Hell-Lords for unknown reasons, but many say it's too keep an eye on Mephisto.
Satannish lives in a dimension adjacent to Earth's, of which he is the lord. In spite of not dwelling in the Earth, Satannish has had contact with Earthlings throughout the centuries. The demon promised superhuman powers to his followers, in exchange for their souls. Some of these followers formed a cult to the demon, known as the Sons of Satannish While others formed the organized crime syndicate called Maggia.]
Holy shit, I better have a plan for that monster if I plan to take out the Maggia, who knows what his reaction will be?
"Maybe I leave them for last, sounds like a wise choice if a demon lord is backing them," I concluded with a sigh, as I searched for the next organization I knew nothing about, the Hellfire Club.
[The Hellfire Club: The Hellfire Club came to existence in the 18th century as a social club for the British social elite and wealthy, as a way to provide its members with pleasures that often defied the moral standards of the time and also to allow its members to consolidate their influence over economic and political matters.
Over time, the club's purpose changed little by little, and now it's sole purpose is to obtain and exert power through politics and economic influence instead of outward conquest and domination.
Since its foundation, they have been involved in wars and assassinations like Howard Stark's death, which was arranged by them with the help of Hydra.
The organization is ran by the Inner Circle, this secret group assumed the titles of chess pieces, with the leaders being the respective Black King/White King and Black Queen/White Queen, followed by Black Bishop/White Bishop and Black Knight/White Knight.
Membership is hereditary, meaning many of the world's elite are members by birth but many do not accept the formal membership or just attend their lavish parties.]
They were behind Howard's death? Shit, that was something I didn't expect, at all, if they had enough influence to order Hydra to do something then it's safe to assume they are a big threat just like them, or at the very least one that I need to take care of.
Oh well, time to check the last one, the Eternals.
[The Eternals: The Eternals are a race of near-immortal synthetic beings created by the Celestials. They were sent to multiple planets to protect and help evolve sentient lifeforms to power a Celestial seed inside the planet, which would absorb the energy made from the sentient lifeforms. Eleven of these Eternals arrived on Earth during the Stone Age to protect humanity from the Deviants.
Currently there are twelve eternals on earth.
Well, at least the last one doesn't sound so complicated to deal with, eleven targets it's not that bad, heck they even sound friendly, though their goal and mine differ a lot.