
Marvel Dark Overlord !

After being reborn into the Marvel world, Jason Walter acquired the Big Villain System which rewarded him for committing evil acts daily and allowed him to increase his prestige by recruiting fellow party members. With the help of his system, Jason engaged in a variety of wicked deeds such as cuckolding the Kingpin, kidnapping Tony Stark, assassinating SHIELD agents, and even robbing the Infinity Stones I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I AM editing it making it more fun

NobleNexus · Película
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69 Chs


Jason flexed his arm, indicating that his injury was nothing to worry about.

"Since I started down this path of crime, getting injured and shedding blood has become as common as eating and drinking for me. As long as I can take down that old witch, this injury means nothing to me."

Stan nodded, impressed by Jason's determination.

"Okay boss, I'll make arrangements immediately upon my return."

As he walked towards the door, Stan turned back and added, "This house is a secure location for our Drug Enforcement Bureau. You can rest easy here, as long as Franklin doesn't go and do something stupid. No one will dare to mess with the head of our bureau."

Franklin's face contorted in anger, as he pointed a finger at Stan and shouted, "FUCK YOU!"🖕

Stan simply shook his head and smiled, before making his exit.

"Boss, since the operation is set for tonight, take this time to rest up. I'll go make some lunch for you."

Franklin helped Jason to his bedroom to lie down, while Stan headed to the kitchen to start cooking.

After lunch, Jason turned off the lights and rested up, preparing himself for the night's action.

As the sun descended in the west, casting the sky into darkness,

Jason's complexion had significantly improved.

Emerging from the room, Jason was met with the sight of Stan, donning a police uniform and sitting on the sofa, fixing his gaze on Franklin.

After exchanging greetings with Jason, Stan gestured towards a suitcase lying on the ground and informed him, "Boss, I've brought you police combat uniforms and weapons. Get dressed, and we can move out."

Jason wasted no time and immediately made his way into the bedroom to change his attire.

Within two minutes, a heavily armed 'SWAT' emerged from the room.

Franklin's countenance was slightly apprehensive, "Damn! I know it's the boss, but I can't help feeling a little uneasy. Is there something wrong with me?"

Stan did not hold back, "It's not an allergy, it's cowardice."

A DEA police car was parked outside the cheap apartment. With Jason and Stan inside, the alarm blaring, the vehicle sped off towards the New York Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters.

[Ding! Trigger the mission [Vengeance of the Villain], mission reward: 2000 villain points]

[Mission details: As a great villain, retribution is the basic principle. Destroy Mrs. Gao's factory and make her pay for her stupidity. ]

It's like a mouse walking into a cat's den, Jason couldn't help feeling a bit jittery as they pulled into the underground parking lot of the New York Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters.

"Hey Stan, do you think they have a 'Welcome, Gangsters' sign waiting for us?" Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Stan chuckled, "I don't think so, boss. But with those police uniforms on, you look like a real badass."

Jason grinned, "Well, it's not every day that I get to dress up as a cop and take down a drug queenpin. Let's do this!"

With newfound confidence, Jason followed Stan into the grand building, taking in the imposing surroundings with a new sense of purpose. After all, he was the big brother of the director of the Drug Enforcement Administration. What could possibly go wrong?

As they made their way towards the elevator, Jason couldn't help but crack another joke, "Do you think they have a secret handshake or something for family members of the director?"

Stan rolled his eyes, "I highly doubt it, boss. But hey, you never know, you might be inducted into a secret society of DEA insiders."

As they stepped into the elevator, ready to take on the drug queenpin and her minions, Jason couldn't help but think that this was going to make for a hell of a story to tell his children

As the elevator doors opened, Stan's deputy greeted him with a sense of urgency. "Stan, everyone's here, and they're itching to get started. They're just waiting on you, man."

Stan took a quick glance at Jason, decked out in his SWAT uniform, and introduced him as his

"special police detective."

"Nice threads," the deputy quipped, causing Jason to blush.

But it was time to get serious. Stan asked about the situation around the Hi Grass Factory, and the deputy reported that they had it under control. "But," he added, "there's been some activity. The gangsters under Mrs. Gao have been gathering at the factory all day. The total headcount is over 200."

Stan chuckled. "Just a bunch of fools thinking they're safe in numbers. Any word from the military?"

"They've got three carrier helicopters en route, should be here in 20 minutes."

"Alright, let's do this thing!" Stan barked.

The team of special police officers quickly piled into the explosion-proof vehicles and tore out of the parking lot, sirens wailing.

Stan and Jason hopped in the elevator to the top floor, where a police helicopter was waiting to whisk them away to the action.

As they soared over the city, Jason couldn't believe his eyes. "This is insane," he said. "These gangsters don't stand a chance against the state's violent machine."

Stan just grinned. "That's why they pay us the big bucks, kid."

Mrs. Gao sat in her plush office chair, her mind racing with thoughts of who could be causing her sense of panic. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched by a devil's eyes from hell.

To calm her nerves, she ordered all of her armed forces to gather at the Hi Grass Factory in Hell's Kitchen. But even with all her people there, her unease only grew stronger.

As she pondered who could be behind this feeling, she dismissed the idea that it could be Kingpin, her business partner. He wouldn't dare cross her, especially since she was the one supplying him with the good stuff.

But if it wasn't Kingpin, then who? Certainly not that muscle-bound extremist, Jason. In her eyes, he was nothing but an ant on the street, and if he dared to show his face at the factory, he would be crushed like one.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't come up with an answer. Her brain hurt from all the thinking, so she decided to take a walk on the factory floor to clear her head.

As she strolled amongst the busy Chinese workers, one of her cronies approached her and asked why she had gathered everyone together. Mrs. Gao responded cryptically, saying that it wasn't just because of Jason.

Before she could elaborate, the sound of a helicopter overhead interrupted her. The cronie looked up and exclaimed, "Boss, is that a bird or a plane?"

Mrs. Gao chuckled at the reference to Superman and said, "No, it's not a bird or a plane. It's the cavalry coming to take down our little operation."

The cronie's eyes widened in shock as Mrs. Gao continued, "Looks like we've got ourselves a little showdown. Time to show these boys who's boss."

With a smirk on her face, Mrs. Gao walked back to her office, ready to face whatever was coming her way.


AUTHOR NOTE : Listen up, y'all - today is a day to remember, and I ain't playin' no games. I got a real special surprise up my sleeve, and trust me when I say, you ain't gonna wanna miss it. (Seriously, I got eyes everywhere - I'll know if you skip out on me.)

I got somethin' real sweet for each and every one of ya. (No, it ain't no stolen goods, don't get your undies in a bunch.) Just sit tight and wait for my signal - trust me, it'll be worth the wait


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