
Marvel Dark Overlord !

After being reborn into the Marvel world, Jason Walter acquired the Big Villain System which rewarded him for committing evil acts daily and allowed him to increase his prestige by recruiting fellow party members. With the help of his system, Jason engaged in a variety of wicked deeds such as cuckolding the Kingpin, kidnapping Tony Stark, assassinating SHIELD agents, and even robbing the Infinity Stones I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I AM editing it making it more fun

NobleNexus · Película
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69 Chs


Wesley became nervous, "What do you want?"

"I need information about the Bikers."

"Why do you need that?"

"I need cash, and I heard they recently acquired a large shipment of high-end motorcycles to smuggle to South Asia. I want to get my hands on them."

Wesley was skeptical, "You don't have any beef with the Bikers. Why go after them?"

"I need the money, and they're the only game in town right now. Give me the information, and I won't go after Kingpin. It's a win-win for both of us."

Wesley countered, "No, I won't do it. This is a sensitive time, and all the gangs need to band together against you."

Jason threatened, "I have dirt on you, Wesley. Give me the information, or you'll spend the rest of your life in jail."

With that, Jason hung up.

Wesley knew he had to make a choice.

Upon returning to the kitchen to finish his breakfast, Jason received a text message from Wesley. The message contained an address and a warning.

"Jason! I've sent you the address, keep your word! This is the last time I'm helping you. The next time we meet, it'll be the end for you!"

Jason sneered dismissively.

The next time we meet, it'll be your end!

The address Wesley sent was unfamiliar to Jason. He showed it to Franklin, asking if he knew the location.

"This address is up in the north of the Bronx. It's an abandoned factory," Franklin replied.

An abandoned factory? It's a great place to stash stolen goods.

"Boss, what's at that address?" Franklin asked.

"That's where the New York Motorcycle gang has a stronghold. I heard they've got a large number of high-end motorcycles that they've stolen. We've got work to do," Jason replied.

Having a job meant having money. Franklin was suddenly excited.

He was sick of Dennis and tired of living under the fence. He wanted to make some real money, to move out and live in a big house.

"Boss, what do I need to do to prepare?" Franklin asked.

Jason said, "Well, the gun is in my safe house. And we need a car, but we can't use yours. The police will find it."

"No problem, stealing a car is easy for me," Franklin said confidently.

"The other thing is we need to disguise our identities. My reward in the black market has gone up again. If I slip up, I'll be a target for countless gangsters and killers," Jason cautioned.

"How much did it go up?" Franklin asked, concerned about the bounty.

"All the gangs in New York are offering a total reward of $15 million," Jason replied.

"What?!" Franklin exclaimed in shock. "Boss, do you have that many enemies in the underground world?"

Jason explained, "I'm an old gangster. I've seen and been a part of the development of gangs in New York for over ten years. I know all the high-level gangs in New York, and I know almost all the dirty secrets they keep."

"If I get caught by the police and I start talking, it'll be like a 10-magnitude earthquake for the underground forces in New York. Hundreds of thousands of gang members will be destroyed. So, in order to survive, they'll try to kill me before the police do."

Franklin's expression turned serious.

It was a matter of life and death for hundreds of thousands of people. No wonder those gangsters were willing to go to extremes.

"Okay boss, I'll be careful," Franklin replied.

"Let's split up. You go get the car, and I'll drive your car to get the gun. We'll meet in the parking lot three kilometers away," Jason instructed.

Jason drove to the safe house in Queens to get a gun, and then went to the agreed upon parking lot to wait.

It was getting dark when a Honda S2000 Roadster pulled into the parking lot and Franklin got out of the car.

Jason got out of his car and asked, "No accident happened?"

Franklin shook his head.

"Then get ready for action!"

Jason took the gun out of the car and asked, "Will you shoot?"

Franklin said embarrassedly, "I can shoot, but I don't have much experience."

Good marksmanship requires practice. Being poor, Franklin didn't have much money to spend on training.

Jason didn't care. The purpose of their trip was to steal cars, not to kill people.

If all went well, there should be no need for a gun.

Even if they needed to use a gun, Jason had one and Franklin just needed to drive the car well.

The two sat in the S2000 and Franklin was a little excited: "Boss, I found a treasure today."

Jason didn't understand: "Isn't it just a broken Honda?"

Franklin corrected him: "This is the Honda S2000, the number one sports car in my mind. There's nothing better."

On the way to the Bronx, Franklin explained in detail how awesome the car was.

Although he was enthusiastic, Jason lacked interest.

To him, a car was just a tool for traveling and flirting with girls.

When they were still a kilometer away from their destination, Franklin drove the car into the abandoned factory and hid it. He then took the weapon and approached quietly.

At that moment, the roar of an engine came from behind.

A heavy truck with a container slowly drove past.

A smile appeared on Jason's face.

The timing couldn't be better. This heavy truck must be used to smuggle motorcycles. "Let's go, keep up!" he said.

Taking advantage of the dark night, the two quickly approached the factory.

Among the many abandoned factories, only one was still lit.

More than a dozen burly men with flashy clothes were sitting on motorcycles, smoking and chatting.

The heavy truck turned around in the open space, backed up, parked in front of the factory, and put down the car ladder.

The bikers threw away their cigarettes and started to work. They rode high-end motorcycles hidden in the warehouse and loaded them into containers one by one.

Jason, who was hiding in the distance, counted 52 motorcycles in total.

"Franklin, you know cars. Can you calculate the total value of these motorcycles?"

"I can."

Franklin stretched out his fingers and started doing the math on the dusty concrete floor.

Jason was a little speechless: "Can't you just count?"

"Boss, I'm not Archimedes."

After five or six minutes of calculation, he finally figured out the result, making a mistake twice in the process.

"52 motorcycles with a total value of nearly 4 million dollars!"

"Are you sure?"

Jason had doubts about Franklin's arithmetic skills.


"That's great. Even if the $4 million is from illegal activities, we can still make half of it." Jason was eager to try.

After securing the motorcycles in the container, they sent a speeding party to retrieve the car. The heavy truck left the factory and slowly drove onto the avenue.

Jason and Franklin got back into their car early and when the heavy truck was about to leave their sight, they started the car and followed.


UPDATE:- It was like stumbling upon a gold mine of embarrassing content when we discovered what the intern had in his Google photos and docs. This guy had some serious issues with impulse control! There were pictures of him dressed up in women's clothing, dancing like he was in a music video. And let's not forget the recording of him singing "Let It Go" from Frozen, while wearing a dress and a diaper...what was he thinking? It's like he was trying to audition for the next season of RuPaul's Drag Race or something! okay i don't know if the show is good or bad okay i never watched it so don't get offended fans of this show