
Marvel - One last sacrifice

In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot. But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning. He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else. This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows. So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth. After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth. ---------- hello guys, Author here... By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this. I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system. I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future. That's about it. So enjoy reading. ---- note: you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

Blood_God_ · Película
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67 Chs

Convene for Black lotus

General pov.....

At night alice told ethan about bomb blast in newyork there were no causalities. Cause blast took place far from residential area.

After hearing this he again thought about his idea of moving to newyork. he had black mansion in newyork too. Which can be ready to live in just after little cleaning.

It had same facilities like here. Everything From interior to the secret room same as here. He just have to move all the equipments there. which wasn't that hard. after all having money is never a bad thing. After lots of thought he finally dicided to move to newyork after newyear. Which was only week away.

Few days later. It was Christmas and gwen had Christmas party at her home to celebrate gwens first rank graduation. At first ethan thought about rejecting the invitation but since he was moving to newyork. He thought he should at least attain the party.

So at evening he got ready for the party which had dancing ball as theme. So he wear full black suit on silk black shirt on black pants. coupled with black shiny shoes. And ofcourse his silver chain with silver Phoenix pendant.

When he reached the venue he was greeted by gwen's mother. He met all his old schoolmates but he didn't talk much with them and just walked to the corner with glass of champagne. Seeing him gwen went toward him and asked "are you old enough to have that ??"

Ethan didn't say anything and just pointed to the door from where peter was coming.

He came straight to us. We talk for while and then ethan left them alone. After few minutes gwens mother went on the stage and speak few welcoming lines as host. and announced the starting of ball. Ethan saw peter sneaking out from party. He knew already were he was goig but still asked alice and confirmed that it was some spidey business.

Gwen's mother then announced that gwen would have the first dance of ball. Hearing that gwen become stiffen. every one started to clap and looked toward gwen giving her a way to the stage.

She got nervous when she didn't find peter anywhere. Ethan watched that all from the side. He shook his head with sigh and moved from the corner.

And then when she was about to make an excuse to refuse. A hand extended toward her. She turn to look and found that it was ethan. Looking at her. he said "may i have the honor ??"

All the nervousness disappeared from her face and She grabbed Ethan's hand and said "gladly."

I grabed her waist and pull her closer. i didn't new my mother's dance lessons will come handy someday.

While dancing gwen asked "i didn't know you can dance this well." she didn't said thank. there was no need. we had became best friends long ago.

"you don't know many things about me miss stacy." she replied immediately "i think i know quite enough."

After few more minutes other joined us. We dance for while and then we saw peter coming while fixing his shirt.

First thing he said was "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...i can explain !!" which wasn't effective at all. He got lectured by gwen. Si He looked at ethan with expectation of help but he didn't respond and just focused on his drink.

"your time will come !!" peter mumbled.

"don't you dare say any thing to him...i would have gotten embarrassed if not for him." gwen said while glaring at peter. But still asked next "you aren't hurt are you."

After all this scolding was over ethan told them about him moving to newyork. they didn't sound suprised because they, themselves were planning to settle in newyork. Since their school was over now.

Ethan left party early making exuse of doing some arrangements for his trip. Two days after Christmas ethan arrived at black mansiin of new York.

There was same core room. Where ethan was training after he arrived newyork. it's been week and nothing special had happened. atleast not untill now.

Ethan was exercising his control over ice element but Suddenly alice notified ethan about hidden coordinates of some location were appearing. Ethan would have ignored it but next thing allice said made him to look at the news.

They all had one thing in common. A symbol of golden lotus was on every news channel alongside those coordinates. It was the convene for the him, The Black lotus.

Ethan confirmed that location of those coordinates. It wasn't that far from newyork. He had idea who were behind it. Shiled of course. But he wouldn't let his guard down just because he had seenthem rescuing people. he can't trust them just yet.

'There was so much more to this organization than meets the eye.' Ethan thought.

He changed into his Black lotus suit and took out his hover board, flying toward the location.

Ethan stoped little far from the exact location and didn't rushed there. he put his hover board in his ring and used aura to observe the area.

He found more than 20 people with sniper. plus two flying jets, hovering above. they were invisible but couldn't hide from ethans aura sense. Ethan sure was impressed by their tech.

knowing this can be trap He still didn't rush there immidiatly and observe everything from far.

After getting the aprox level of dangour . He entered their range of observation and stood at the top of biulding that was on the cordinates.

He sensed Someone coming. A single man walked out of the dark and said "it's very hard to meet you mr.lotus" he was wearing black eye patch on his left eye. He was nick fury.