
MARVEL'S Infinity Sorcerer (Gojo Satoru X Marvel- crossover)

Whille Gojo was returning from his mission, he decided he would warp to his hiome, instead of his usual car rides. But, this time his teleportation did more than he accounted for. Arriving in the middle of what looks like New York city, but a with giant building with the word STARK attached on its top, which he had never seen or heard about. How is he going to cope with this possibly, new world? What adventures await him? New friends? or maybe, finally someone to share his heart with? Warning: Rated slightly M for possible usage of language. Some level of itense violence and possible mature content in the future. Viewer discretion is advised. Disclaimer: All the characters and story related to Jujutsu Kaisen and Marvel Universe are the properties of their respective creaters. I own neither of what I am putting up in this fanfiction. This is solely for the purpose of entertainment and nothing else. (Cover image is the courtesy of google. But if the creator of the image wishes, I'll gladly take it down.)

Aether7514 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter: 1 A Major Pain In The Ass




11th March, Sunday, 2011.

Potomac river, Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington D.C-

In one of the three official headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D, Triskelion. The executive director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Dir. Nick Fury was enjoying his martini, taking in the view of beautiful sunset, sitting in his office chair.

"Hummm…. last day of this special week. Why special? Well, the entire week went peacefully, without me having to do anything other than, sit in my office and enjoy my martini. This will be the first golden week in my entire career" he says to himself.

As soon as he said that, he hears a knock on his office door "Knock, Knock", "come in" he replies. In comes a female S.H.I.E.L.D agent with a short raven hair, grey coloured eyes with long eyelashes, sharp facial features, wearing a body tight dark grey S.H.I.E.L.D combat suit and a S.H.I.E.L.D Insignia on her shoulders.

"Agent Maria Hill, don't tell me it's some kind of trouble again" he said sounding exhausted, as if he was busy for an entire week.

"Good evening, Dir. Fury, I think you need to see this for yourself" agent Hill replied holding a tablet on her hands. 'I really had to jinx the 'peaceful day' part, didn't I?' he thought to himself, taking the tablet off of her hands.

And as suggested by Hill, Fury starts to watch a confidential video file. As the video played, he recognised the place shown in the video. "Is this the same underground warehouse, we were supposed to raid a month ago?" He asked.

  "Yes, to which the council interfered and the raid mission was terminated" Hill replied with a stern voice. "Tsk, those old fogies…...who cares about a few millions in damage, when there are children being abducted for god knows what reason" Fury raised his voice in a slightly frustrated tone.

"And… we didn't have enough proof to prove our point" Hill replied again in a stern tone, earning a ticked off gaze from fury. "Will you cut it out with the 'professional voice act' Hill? You're not in front of the council and its strangely ticking me off" fury replied.

"Hehe…I wanted to see a pissed off Fury after seeing the relaxed Fury for an entire week. Now, if you'll please, continue to watch the video" she said in a more relaxed and normal voice.

The video then, showed a man with platinum white hair, wearing a high-necked black jacket, black pants with black shoes and a black blindfold covering his eyes, appearing out nowhere inside the underground warehouse, levitating in the air with his hands in his pocket.

There were at least thirty people, who looked like mercenaries in the warehouse, equipped with tactical suits and automatic guns ready to make a Swiss cheese out of anyone, who wasn't supposed to be in that warehouse.

The people were about discuss something, when one of them noticed someone levitating above them. The next moment all of them were pointing their guns towards the man and their leader spoke "open fire."

For the next few seconds all the men in the room kept firing at a single position, which was slightly above the ground, where the mysterious man was levitating. "Cease fire" the leader shouted, and after the firing stopped, all of them had a shocked look on their faces.

"That.... was loud for a welcome party!" The man said with a smile and his hands still in his pockets. However, all the bullets that were aimed at him were stopped a few inches, in front of him. Then the blindfolded man slowly levitated towards the ground.

All the while a blue mass of energy was created in front of the man, at which all the bullets got sucked and seemingly disappeared. The mercenaries were too stunned to do anything at this point.

The man as soon as he touched the ground, disappeared from where he was standing and in the span of next five seconds, the limbs of all the mercenaries, either got crushed and mangled or completely got destroyed. And in the middle of the bloody mess was the man who somehow accomplished the impossible feat, with a serious expression.

All of the mercenaries were now laying on the bloody floor, crying and screaming in pain while some were not conscious at all. After a while a door to the inner part of the warehouse was opened and a middle-aged man, wearing a white doctor's coat came out, who was visibly scared.

The man was holding a child on one hand and was pointing a pistol at the child's head. He was about to say something but in an instant, the blindfolded man appeared in front of the child, he crouched and gave a reassuring smile, gently touching the child's forehead with his finger, knocking the child out.

What about the doctor you ask? Well, the man was plastered on the wall right behind where he was standing before, turned into a paste of blood and gore painting the wall red.

The blindfolded man then, picked the unconscious child up and disappeared.

As the video had played and continued, Fury's expression had changed from confused to surprised and to visibly getting shocked at the end of the video.

"We put this video together from several of warehouse cameras" agent Hill interjected. "After the man disappeared with the child, all the other children that were alive and kept in the warehouse also disappeared within a few minutes."

"The next day it was reported that all the 57 children that were rescued from the underground facility were in front of their homes or orphanage they belonged to, throughout the east coast. All that within a span of 7-10 minutes, from the moment they disappeared from the facility.

Also, I'm sad to inform you that at least 13 children were found dead in the underground facility, their bodies either completely drained of blood or their organs taken out." Fury seemed to be visibly frustrated hearing this.

"I've also concluded that the man uses some kind of teleportation as well as force manipulation, it's not something new we have seen with the mutants. But he seems to have a higher degree of control over his powers" Hill completed her report.

  Putting down the tablet in his table, he gave a long sigh "Sigh...this is going to be a major pain in the ass, isn't it?" he said looking at agent Hill.

"Or…. this could be the start of the Avengers Initiative" she said pointing towards a file, on Fury's desk.

Fury raised an eyebrow and replied pointing at the tablet "we don't know Jack shit about this guy, with his powers he could possibly be a mutant, and maybe an unstable one too, unlike a certain wheelchair guy and his adopted children, we know.

But my gut tells me that this is not the case of a mutant. And besides, we already have a few notable superpowers on our radar for the Initiative."

"Yes, except for some photos and some CCTV clips here and there throughout New York, from past two months and a name, we literally have nothing on him. No background, no family and not a single record at all.

It's like he popped out of nowhere in New York two months ago. But the way, he went out of his way to help those abducted children, clearly speaks of his intentions. He also seems pretty used to or rather, in perfect control of his powers. Considering the minimal amount of damage to the surroundings. Though, he could have been less brutal in apprehending those mercenaries and the doctor, well…...let's not talk about it" she added.

"Humph… I would have done the same, if I was in his place. There is no point in using non-lethal measures, when you are too far gone. And for me children are the line you don't cross" Fury retorted. "Wait you said you had his name, didn't you?" he added.

Hill nodded and replied "Gojo Satoru."


That's it for the first chapter folks...

[Chapter 2 title: Well That's A Lot To Take In

Next chapter will discuss about his arrival to this world, encounter with ( sheild or maybe mutants, find out in the next chapter) and some fine action. ]

The movie events will follow canon but with AU elements, maybe some new villains but all in all there will be non-stop action. The timelines might be messed up, but its just for bringing some characters together.

See you next chapter folks..............Adios