
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

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147 Chs

Chapter 83

As the trio sat in Lydia's office, the tension in the air was palpable. Lydia broke the silence first, her voice steady. "This is about Nina," she began, instantly causing a wave of worry to cross Magda's face.

"Is she alright? Has something happened?" Magda asked urgently, leaning forward in her seat.

"She's fine," Lydia quickly reassured her, holding up a hand to stall any further questions. "This is not about her safety, but rather about family matters." She hesitated for a moment, deciding the best way to break the news.

"Erik," Lydia turned her gaze to him, her eyes serious. "Nina has been working with Pietro and Wanda."

Erik blinked, surprised. He had not expected that. He had always known of the possibility of having other children but hearing the news took him aback.

"Pietro and Wanda...?" Magda trailed off, confusion evident on her face. Then realization dawned, and she turned to look at Erik. "You mean from when you...?"

Erik sighed heavily, rubbing his temple. "Yes," he admitted, looking down. "When I was in Sokovia, I... had an encounter. I never expected..." His voice trailed off, a complicated mix of emotions crossing his face.

Lydia watched the pair silently, giving them a moment to digest the news. The atmosphere in the room had grown heavy, but this was a conversation that needed to happen. It was only fair that Erik knew about his children. They were family, after all. Lydia begs the question, should Nina be informed?

Erik ran a hand over his face, exhaling deeply. He looked conflicted, his mind clearly wrestling with the news. "I...I don't know," he finally admitted, looking at Lydia and then at Magda. "This is a lot to process. And Nina...she's on a crucial mission. I'm not sure if this is the best time."

Magda looked at Erik and then at Lydia. "But they are her family, Erik. And family...family is important. She has the right to know."

Lydia nodded in agreement, "The decision is yours, Erik, Magda. But consider what Nina would want. And also, what Pietro and Wanda would want."

As they sat in silence, each absorbed in their own thoughts, the weight of the decision hung heavy in the room.

Erik let out a deep breath, his eyes closing for a moment before he finally nodded. "Alright," he said, his voice strained but decisive. "We will inform Nina. She has the right to know."

Magda squeezed Erik's hand, offering him a small smile of support. Lydia nodded, "I'll ask Astrid to relay the information to Nina," she said. Then, she glanced between Erik and Magda, her eyes serious. "Would either of you like to come with me to Earth? We might need to speak with Wanda and Pietro."

Erik's eyebrows rose in surprise, but before he could speak, Magda interjected, "Are you certain that's wise, Lydia? Revealing our existence to Earth... that's a big step."

Lydia nodded, "I understand the risk, Magda. But I think it's a step we must take. And Wanda and Pietro... they might remember mention of New Genosha. Erik had attempted to bring them there before they joined Hydra."

Erik blinked, processing Lydia's words. He remembered his conversation with Wanda and Pietro years ago. His attempt to persuade them to join him in New Genosha. The idea that they might recognize the name, might connect the dots... it was a risk, but it could also be an opportunity.

"You're right," Erik finally said, meeting Lydia's gaze. "I'll go with you. We owe it to them... to Wanda, Pietro, and to Nina."

Magda nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. "And I'll stay here, to oversee things in New Genosha. But Erik, be careful. We don't know how they will react."

Erik gave Magda a nod of assurance, his gaze softening. "I will, Magda. I promise." As they rose to leave the office, each carried the weight of the forthcoming journey, uncertain of the future but ready to face whatever may come.


As Lydia stepped onto Emma Frost's flagship, the air vibrated with a tangible sense of anticipation and respect. Crew members snapped to attention, their heads bowing in deference as she made her way through the colossal warship. The hull hummed with power, the sleek silver body reflecting the harsh lights of the hangar. This ship, with its intimidating size and formidable armament, was a testament to the might of the Genoshian Empire, capable of standing against even Thanos' massive fleet.

Emma Frost stood at the entrance, her platinum hair gleaming under the bright lights. Her face broke into a warm smile as she greeted Lydia, a respectful nod accompanying her words, "Your Highness, welcome aboard."

Lydia nodded in acknowledgment as she followed Emma through the maze of corridors to the command center. It was a bustling hub of activity with crew members working diligently at their stations, their gazes focused, their movements precise.

"The ship is fully equipped and prepared for our mission," Emma reported as they walked. She spoke of the range of weaponry and scientific equipment on board, her voice echoing in the grand space. "We've also brought the two nanite canisters as you requested."

Lydia's eyes briefly flickered to the two silver canisters secured in a secure case. Those canisters held the key to solving the Terrigen Mist crisis, a blend of technology and magic that could neutralize the lethal properties of the Mist without harming its transformative power.

"That's good to hear," Lydia responded, her eyes scanning the busy command center. "You've done an excellent job in preparations, Emma."

Emma bowed her head in appreciation of the compliment, a sense of pride flashing in her eyes. "Thank you, Empress. We are ready to leave on your command." With that, the grand warship hummed in anticipation of the journey to come, its crew ready to face whatever awaited them on Earth.

"Command all ships to prepare for transition to Earth," Lydia instructed in a calm and assertive tone. "Ensure they adhere to protocol."

"Acknowledged, Empress," Emma responded with a nod, her icy blue eyes shimmering with unwavering resolve. She relayed the commands through the ship's intercom, her voice echoing through the vast vessel.

Lydia retired to the Captain's Quarters, a spacious room marked by its elegantly minimalistic decor and state-of-the-art technology. She settled at the office, the two nanite canisters resting on the sleek desk in front of her. The metallic surface of the canisters reflected her face, a mixture of determination and careful thought.

Astrid's projection flickered into existence beside her, the AI's streamlined humanoid figure radiating an ethereal glow. "Lydia," she greeted, her voice ringing clear and sharp in the quiet room.

"Astrid," Lydia began, her gaze fixed on the nanite canisters. "Let's review the plan. These nanites are our answer to the Terrigen Mist crisis. The aim is to modify the cloud to maintain its transformative effects on potential Inhumans, but remove its lethal impact on mutants and the flu-like symptoms on humans."

"Correct," Astrid affirmed. "The nanites are programmed to act as a filtering system within the Terrigen Mist. Upon release, they will engage their neutralizing function, effectively making the mist harmless to mutants and humans, while still triggering the transformation in Inhumans."

"Excellent. Make sure that we are ready to deploy them as soon as we arrive on Earth," Lydia instructed, her gaze shifting from the canisters to Astrid's projection. "This is our chance to not just save lives, but to balance the delicate situation on Earth."

"Understood," Astrid responded, a virtual nod accompanying her words. "I will ensure everything is ready."

As Lydia and Astrid worked on the intricate details of their plan, the fleet of ships cut through the fabric of space, bound for Earth. Their voyage marked the first step in a delicate mission, one that promised hope for a peaceful resolution to a rapidly escalating crisis.

As their fleet emerged from the depths of space, facing the familiar sight of Earth, Astrid's projection flickered. Her digital eyes glowed an intense blue, a clear sign she was processing an influx of information. Lydia, aware of the implications, watched her AI companion with a trace of concern. The fleet was prepared to deal with the Terrigen Mist situation, but any new crisis within the Empire could complicate matters drastically.

The glow subsided, replaced by a melancholic shade of blue. Astrid hung her head slightly, the programmed expression of sadness clear on her face. "I.. she began, her usually firm voice softened by sorrow. "There has been an incident on Earth. In Stamford, Connecticut."

Astrid projected a live footage hologram between them. It showed a scene of absolute devastation, as if the very core of the city had been eviscerated by a massive explosion. Thick, black smoke billowed high into the sky, debris scattered all around. Buildings that once stood tall and proud were now mere remnants of charred rubble, skeletal remains of a once vibrant cityscape.

The magnitude of the explosion was awe-inspiring in the worst possible way, reminiscent of a nuclear disaster. The fiery heart of the explosion had given way to a ruinous aftermath, a chilling testament to the raw power that had been unleashed.

Lydia watched, her mouth slightly open in shock. She knew about this event from her knowledge of the timeline, but seeing it unfold in real-time was a harsh reality check. This was the event that cemented the need for the Superhuman Registration Act in the public eye, and the aftermath would surely be chaotic.

She watched as the Avengers and medical teams rushed to the scene, their urgency a stark contrast to the eerily quiet ruins. Their efforts, while noble, seemed almost futile amidst the ruinous landscape.

As Lydia absorbed the horrific sight, her mind raced to devise a course of action. This was a pivotal moment, not only for Earth but also for the Genoshian Empire's role in its affairs. The task at hand had become even more delicate and complex than they could have predicted.

A tension filled silence enveloped the room as Lydia massaged her temples. The pulsating beat of an incoming headache was a physical testament to the mental strain she was under.

"Lydia," Astrid broke the silence, her voice a soothing contrast to the turmoil in Lydia's mind. "How shall we proceed?"

Lydia looked at her, determination etched in her features. "We proceed as planned, Astrid. We'll deploy the nanites."

Then, Lydia added something that echoed in the room with a weight that belied the quietness of her tone. "And the world will know about the Genoshian Empire. It's time."

With that declaration, Lydia rose from her seat and centered herself. As if on cue, the lights in the room dimmed, focusing on her.

She extended her hands before her, palms facing up. A soft blue glow started to emanate from her hands, gradually growing more radiant. The energy of the Space Stone pulsed in rhythm with her heartbeat, its power intermingling with the energy of the Mind Stone. The blue radiance swelled, blending seamlessly with a warm yellow glow. This synergy of powers, both potent and ethereal, created a spectacle of light that imbued the room with an aura of profound grandeur.

The energies swirled and danced around Lydia like sentient beings, merging and separating, tracing intricate patterns in the air. The space around her pulsed with the tangible waves of power emanating from her, distorting the reality around them in a captivating visual display.

This gathering of energies was not just an act of raw power but a delicate dance of control and command, an expression of Lydia's potent abilities and steadfast resolve. The potency of this moment was not lost on anyone present. It was a prelude to an action that was bound to reshape the course of history. The world as they knew it was on the brink of change, and Lydia, the Empress of Genoshia, stood at the precipice of it.

As Lydia combined the energies of the Space and Mind Stones with her telepathy, a surge of raw, undeniable power erupted from her, spreading outwards in a pulse that vibrated through every atom of her being. The blue and yellow energies swirled together, creating a dazzling aurora around her as her consciousness began to expand, stretching beyond the confines of the room, beyond the ship, beyond the sky.

The pulse was a beacon, a lighthouse in the chaotic storm of billions of thoughts, emotions, and souls that composed Earth's population. The connection began subtly, like the soft hum of a distant melody, growing gradually louder and more pronounced. The minds of all sentient beings on Earth were drawn to it, pulled by an inexplicable force that made them gravitate towards this beacon of psychic energy.

Charles Xavier, the most powerful telepath on Earth, was in the middle of a conversation when he felt it - an intrusion, gentle and respectful, but undeniable. His eyebrows furrowed as he turned his attention to this new presence, a faint recognition tugging at the back of his mind.

Jane Grey, her own psychic abilities resonating with the pulse, paused mid-sentence. She closed her eyes, the physical world receding as she tuned into the mental frequency connecting all minds. She knew this signature, this unique blend of power and elegance that could belong to only one person.

James Howlett, also known as Wolverine, felt an odd prickling at the back of his mind. It was a sensation unlike anything he'd experienced before - a touch that was not physical but mental, soft yet indomitable. Even Victor felt the connection, his usually stoic demeanor faltering for a moment at the unexpected contact.

Nina, amidst the chaos of an ongoing operation, suddenly went still as she felt a mother's presence wash over her, a comforting blanket amidst the turmoil around her.

The Avengers, in the thick of disaster relief operations, also felt it. Steve Rogers, the unyielding Captain America, faltered in his movements as he experienced a sense of unity that went beyond physical borders and nationality. The others paused as well, feeling the gentle, persistent touch of a presence connecting them to something larger, something that transcended their immediate reality.

As Lydia's consciousness connected with each mind, she wove them together into a vast tapestry of thoughts and emotions, binding them in a collective experience that was simultaneously intimate and expansive. This was a connection on a scale never seen before, an act of communion that transcended the bounds of ordinary telepathy. This was the beginning of a new era, and Lydia was the herald leading the way.

In a tone that was gentle yet firm, Lydia spoke into the minds of billions:

"People of Earth, my name is Lydia, the Empress of the Genoshian Empire. What you are experiencing is not an invasion, nor a cause for alarm. Our presence is of peace and assistance.

We are aware of the recent tragedy that has occurred, the detonation of the Terrigen Bomb that has resulted in a cloud toxic to mutants, lethal to those who possess the X-gene, and transformative for those who possess the dormant genes of Inhumans. We understand the fear and confusion that many of you must be experiencing.

This fleet, which you can see in your skies, is here to bring aid, not harm. Our technology, our resources, and our knowledge have been employed to find a solution to the Terrigen crisis. We have developed nanites, microscopic machines designed to interact with the Terrigen Cloud, filtering out the elements toxic to mutants and leaving those beneficial to Inhumans intact.

Let it be known that this intervention is not an act of control, but an act of assistance and unity. We are not dictating your fate, we are offering a choice and the support needed to follow through on that choice. We aim to help those who might suffer, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to offer a safe transition for those about to undergo a transformation they didn't ask for.

Our actions are guided by the understanding that every life is valuable, every individual unique. Whether you are a Human, a Mutant, or an Inhuman, you have the right to live and thrive in this world. And it is our goal to ensure that such rights are respected and protected.

We are here in a spirit of cooperation and unity, with the hope that together we can navigate this crisis and emerge stronger on the other side. This is a defining moment for all of us, and we stand with you, ready to face whatever comes next. Together, we are stronger."

Lydia paused, allowing the full weight of her words to sink in. This was the beginning of a new chapter, a new era in human and post-human relations. And it was her hope that they could face it united.

With a hint of warmth and resolve in her voice, Lydia continued:

"As we begin the filtration process of the Terrigen Cloud, I wish to extend an offer of refuge to anyone who wishes for it. In the heart of the cosmos, far from Earth, the Genoshian Empire exists as a sanctuary for those who have known the sting of prejudice and fear because of their abilities. Mutants, Inhumans, and others with extraordinary abilities are welcomed and protected within our borders.

Many of you may remember Genoshia, a haven for mutants founded by Erik Lehnsherr, known to many of you as Magneto. He dreamt of a place where mutants could live without fear, where they could flourish without persecution. That dream did not die when Genoshia disappeared. It evolved, became stronger, and has been realized on a far grander scale.

Genoshia now exists as New Genoshia, not only a home for mutants but a sanctuary for all species, including Inhumans and other extra-terrestrial races who have joined our ranks. We are a diverse and harmonious society, bound by the belief that every life holds value, that every individual deserves the chance to thrive.

If you are tired of living in fear, if you seek a place where you can be accepted for who you are, or if you wish to stand up and protect those who cannot protect themselves, know that New Genoshia opens its doors to you. We extend a hand of friendship and offer a new home for those who wish it.

We stand in the light of a new dawn, a future where mutants, Inhumans, and humans coexist. We are more than just labels. We are a single entity, bound by the threads of empathy and understanding. Together, we can create a world that is kinder, fairer, and more accepting than the one we leave behind.

As we embark on this journey together, remember, you are not alone. You are seen, you are heard, and most importantly, you are valued. We are here, and we stand with you."

Lydia fell silent, her words echoing across the minds of billions. With her speech, she had laid the foundation of a new era, one that offered hope and acceptance to all. It was now up to the people of Earth to decide their path forward.

Lydia's voice, previously warm and comforting, took on a stern note as she continued:

"However, let me make one thing perfectly clear: while we come in peace, our kindness should not be mistaken for weakness. The Genoshian Empire will defend itself and its people with all necessary force. Any aggression towards us or those who seek our help will be met with swift and decisive action.

We are not conquerors, but protectors. We will not engage in conflict unless forced to, but if such a situation arises, know this: we will not hesitate. The strength of the Genoshian Empire is vast and it will be an exercise in futility to turn hostile towards us.

While I hope for a peaceful coexistence, the safety and security of those under my protection is my highest priority. So let this serve as a warning to anyone who harbors hostile intentions: Think twice.

For those of you who wish to join us, it's simple: Think about it, about wanting to come with us. One of our shuttles will come to you. We will be here for a few weeks, offering safe passage to all who seek it. We stand ready to welcome you into our fold, to offer you a new home among the stars."

Her tone softened again as she concluded, "You are not alone, and you have the power to shape your own future. Choose wisely, choose for the betterment of all, and know that we stand ready to accept you, no matter who you are or where you come from."

With that, Lydia ended her monumental address. She hoped for a peaceful resolution, but she was ready for any eventuality. The world waited with bated breath to see what would happen next.

As Lydia finished her speech, Erik attempted to speak with Wanda and Pietro but found it difficult to as they were around the Avengers most of the time. Erik waited hoping to get a chance.