
Marvel's Earth 200,000

*MALE TO FEMALE* *Please see tags before reading* *There will be romance and it'll be a slow burn F-F* *If you decide to continue reading thank you for spending your time reading my story* Immerse yourself in the multifaceted realm of Marvel's "Earth 200,000", a novel universe birthed by an omnipotent entity. Within the limitless dimensions of Marvel's cosmos, countless versions of Earth have bloomed and perished, each unique in its trajectory. Now, an extraordinary force has conceived an unprecedented experiment - a world born from the amalgamation of all its predecessors, a crucible of diverse realities. Our protagonist, a young man confined to the deathbed by an unrelenting illness, teeters on the brink of oblivion. His world dims and the inevitable darkness encroaches. Just as he prepares to surrender to the void, he awakens in an ethereal expanse of white - an interlude between his mortal life and something far beyond human comprehension. As Marvel's "Earth 200,000" materializes from the celestial chaos, our young hero embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Navigating this remarkable world, he becomes an integral part of a realm where conventional reality bends and transcendent marvels abound. Join this exciting journey into the heart of the new Earth - an odyssey filled with wondrous explorations, daunting challenges, and unforgettable encounters. Witness as this brave new world evolves, and as our hero grapples with the incredible and the impossible

Tomlish · Películas
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147 Chs

Chapter 19

Astrid and Wendy pretty much became best friends almost instantly. They both love to mess with me and poke fun at my attempts at romance. It became annoying, but it was a welcome change. Wendy saw all the projects I was working on and some of them concerned her. I reassured her that the projects were essentially just a last resort when I have played all my cards. She seemed to accept that and helped with the other projects. With her help, we advanced quickly with our ship designs and we were able to create a ship to travel to space. I had the nanites create two miner ships with Wendy's help and we sent them off to gather resources. I gave each one a canister of nanites leaving me with one here which was good enough. One canister contained trillions of nanites so it would speed up the process of finding resources. Wendy programmed the ships to fly to an asteroid belt and then travel to the furthest planet's moons. There was an abundance of resources to gather from the outer moons as well.

I created another suit and gave it to Wendy to make sure she was protected. I continued to absorb more energy and Wendy observed me doing it.

"Why are you doing this?" Wendy asked.

"To increase my energy levels," I responded with a grunt from the burns. Wendy was still confused.

"I can provide further details," Astrid came to my rescue as I was in no shape to talk. Astrid motioned for Wendy to look at the monitor screen.

"These are a normal human's DNA. We know that there have been two modifications done to humans. One is somewhat natural which we refer to as the X-gene and the other is the modifications inherited from the experimentation of the Kree," Astrid displayed the structure of DNA to Wendy. I was attempting to get up, but the burns were still not healing so I stayed still until my body started to heal.

"I didn't know humans had a natural mutation," Wendy said as she looked at the information.

"It's not natural," I said with a groan.

"She is correct. This "natural" mutation was another experimentation done to humans from a higher form of life. We have our suspicions but are unsure if they are responsible. According to Lydia's memories, either the Celestials or the Eternals had a hand in this, but we can don't have evidence to prove or disprove that," Astrid explained.

"This is Lydia's DNA…" Astrid said. Wendy looked at it and hummed.

"And this is the progression," Astrid finished. Wendy gasped at the readings.

"How is this possible? Her DNA is changing!" She asked.

"When Lydia acquires a new ability, her DNA changes to fit the newly acquired mutation. It essentially makes accommodations for the new guest to stay," Astrid explain. Astrid then began to show the last image.

"As you can see now, her DNA is now stable enough to accommodate all the abilities she has acquired. Previously, her DNA was collapsing since she lacked enough energy to supply her abilities. If she continues to absorb more energy, then eventually she could house another ability," Astrid finished and handed Wendy a tablet which contained the information.

Wendy was quiet as she began to read the tablet. I finally started to slowly heal from the burns and made my way to the healing chamber. I laid down and left the nanites do their thing.

"Lydia, what are you trying to accomplish?" Wendy asked. I turned and looked at her.

"Survive and protect the ones I love," I responded.

"Survive from what?" she asked.

"Earth seems to always be the center of attention to incredibly powerful beings. If the Celestials are real, then they have the power to destroy the planet easily. If the Eternals are real, then they are either a threat or their enemies are. There are even more powerful beings out there. I need to have the power to at least stop them or deter them," I explained.

"I see," Wendy replied. She looked at the tablet again and investigated more information.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to turn to some dictator," I said laughing. That got a laugh from her and smiled.

"Good, Carol will not like that," she said smirking. I just laughed.

We continued to discuss the projects and told Wendy all the information we had to keep her informed. I had completely recovered from the burns by the time we finished. I decided to comeback to training regimen since I no longer had to work for Project Pegasus. Astrid handled all my separation details and it was a quick resolution.

My training involved my reaction time and time needed to activate my ability. Once I mastered that, I would focus on adding power to it. I noticed that I could be quick, but if I created a shield too quickly it wouldn't have much strength behind it. My focus later was to add large amounts of energy quickly to make sure my shield would have enough to stop most attacks.

I was thankful that I had an abundance of energy otherwise I would be collapsing every time. With the energy I have now, I can go all out for long periods of time. I trained for months until I felt comfortable enough with my speed and strength. I shifted my focus to learning close quarter combat. Carol would get more training on this field too, so I don't want to be left behind. The way I am right now, I can fight long to medium distance. If someone comes close, I only have my healing and body strength to defend myself and without knowing how to fight, I'll lose every time. Astrid helped me with that since she can fight me hand to hand now. Wendy also had some basic training she was able to pass on.

I worked with Wendy to implement the network access into the ships as well so we could travel further. As time passes, we will be able to create more mine ships and nanites to go to other systems and get more resources. I also tried to use magic to handle the energy from the space stone into an object but failed. It seems like vibranium can hold the energy well before it destabilizes and releases the energy. Adamantium didn't last as long as vibranium did which was rather disappointing. I combined both and it somewhat reduced the radiation burn but it was still spreading. Whatever material the dwarfs use to create the gauntlet seems to be the key to safely channel the energy or another material that can do it.

I started to apply magic runes to the device I made to see if magic could help. I managed to succeed with the adamantium and vibranium mixture with magic runes. The downside was that it could only handle very miniscule amounts of energy. It would essentially be like an IV drop except even slower. It was good to know that the magic runes I made could help the process, but I still need to find a material to endure the energy.

Months passed by like a blur almost. With all the training and inventions, I barely had time to focus what was going around the world. I got news that Stark's parents were dead. I wondered if I could have prevented that and still allow Tony to become Ironman. I didn't dwell on it too much. My priority was entirely focused on getting ready for Carol. Once she came back, I would follow her as she travels around the universe.

I was finishing up some software upgrades on my suit when Astrid contacted me and asked for me to come to the lab. I saw Wendy and Astrid looking at multiple news channels. They all displayed the X-men safely rescuing the astronauts from space. It immediately occurred to me what the issue was now.

"Shit," I said after watching.

"So, she's supposed to become the host of the Phoenix?" Wendy asked as a close up of Jean was in the channel.

"Yes, we are unsure how this will all play out," Astrid said.

"Ready the ships and Sentinels. Scan the atmosphere for anything entering. We need to get rid of the aliens that will come," I explained and started to exit the lab, but Astrid's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"That's why I called you. There is no activity. There doesn't appear to have ships following it," Astrid said.

"What?" I asked.

"I've already scanned the area and I have not detected anything. I even asked Wendy's help in the matter, but we haven't picked up anything," Astrid explained.

"Is it possible they have some sort of advanced stealth system?" I asked.

"Even if they did, you would not be able to mask the atmospheric entry. The sudden spike in heat would be detected," Wendy chimed in.

"So, either there are no aliens or there are, but we can't see them yet," I summarized.

"Correct," Astrid replied.

"This isn't good in either scenario. Nothing is going according to what I know. Have the Sentinels on standby. Let's launch the stealth drones and continue to monitor," I said. They both nodded and went to a workstation.

I went to a station and launched the drones. I sent two over to Charles' house to see how Jean was doing. I knew she became the host, but I wonder if she would lose control like in my memories. There's a 99% chance that she would lose control. In some multiverse, she actually achieved control on the first try but I highly doubt that's the case here. By the time the drones got to the Charles' house, the kids were having a celebration party.

"I guess we'll find out if she loses control," I said out loud. Wendy and Astrid tuned their monitors to see the feed from the drones.

"I've heard stories of the Phoenix Force, but I thought they were just tales passed down to scare people," Wendy said as she was looking at the monitor.

"It's not so hard to believe considering there are stones out there with the ability to end all life in the universe. Why can't there be an equal force like one of the stones. I believe that the Phoenix Force is more powerful than the stones. It can end and bring new life wherever it goes," I explained.

"I guess you have a point," Wendy replied.

"There are even other entities out there with equal or greater power," Astrid chimed in.

"This is why I have been using the space stone's energy. I might be one of the most powerful mutants here, but compared to the universe, I'm but an ant," I said.

"…a nasty ant that can't die" Wendy whispered. I smiled but didn't say anything. I continued to monitor the screen to see how Jean was doing. I saw her staring at the campfire and seemed to be in a daze.

"Well, I guess that answers that question," I said. Astrid and Wendy looked confused until Jean exploded a wave of energy outwards.

"Readings are off the scale!" Wendy said.

"Analyze the data later, continue to monitor," I said. We saw Jean collapse on the ground. Scott and everyone else came out to help and find out what happened.

"I guess this means that its somewhat aligned with what I know, but the question remains, who is the enemy?" I said out loud.

"Could it be her?" Astrid asked.

"It's possible, but I hope it's not. I'll lose against her. We would have to fight dirty and use Scott more than likely," I said.

"The readings show some radiation emitted and an unknown energy," Wendy said as she combed the data.

"The unknown energy is probably cosmic energy," I said.

Wendy, ever the scientist, began to comb some more. Astrid assisted her while I left the lab. I knew some events might happen and others might not. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I needed to be proactive and not reactive. I decided to visit Erik to inform him of some dangers. I teleported over to his Island, Genosha, that was the same as in my memories. It was dark so no one was outside. I closed my eyes and searched for Erik. When I found him, I connected to his mind.

'Erik, can you come outside?' I asked.

'Lydia?' Erik responded

'Yeah, I need to talk with you,' I answered. Erik came out of a house and noticed me in the middle of the field. I waved at him and he started to approach me. He looked older now. I could see some gray hairs forming.

"What happened?" Erik asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay, thank you for asking," I answered dryly and folded my arms. Erik just sighed in response.

"How is your family?" I asked. Erik got serious when I asked that.

"Good, my daughter is mastering her powers," Erik answered.

"That's good. I have some news," I said, and Erik raised his eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, It's not good. There's going to be a conflict soon. I can't honestly tell you what will happen because even I don't know. It's not according to what I know, but I do know there will be a battle. I suggest I take your family back to my home for a while until everything settles down. It'll be the safest place for them and keep them out of sight," I explained. Erik looked at the ground and was in deep thought.

"And you are sure this battle will happen?" Erik asked after a while.

"I am certain it will. What I don't know is where, and how large it will be," I answered honestly.

"What's my role is all this then?" Erik asked.

"I don't know to be honest. You could either be part of the fight or not at all," I answered.

"When should they leave?" he asked.

"Today. I'd rather not take any chances," I replied. I heard his knuckles crack as he tightens his hands. I knew he didn't want to do this but it's the safest bet. He looked at me and then motioned to follow him. When I entered, I was greeted by the sight of his wife and daughter.

"Magda! So great to see you again! It's been too long," I greeted her and rushed to hug her. She seemed startled at first but realized it was me and returned the hug. She had also aged over the years.

"Lydia! It's so nice to see you," she responded.

"Look at you, beautiful as ever," I said, and she gave me a playful glare.

"Look who's talking. You haven't aged a bit and I look like an old lady," she said. I laughed and saw Nina coming back the back.

"Lydia!" Nina said and rushed to hug me. She had now become a teenager and looked much like her mother but had some qualities of Erik.

"Nina! I missed you!" I said and hugged her. Every now and then I would visit her to train and understand her powers. She became like a little sister to me.

Erik interrupted and started explaining that situation. I gave them both a sad smile. I knew they didn't want to be separated but it would be the for the best. I waited for them to gather their things and chatted with Erik in the meantime.

"I'll protect them with my life Erik, you have my word," I said to him.

"I know you will. Thank you for everything. You've helped me keep my family. I am not sure how I would have coped without them," He said honestly. I leaned against the wall and smiled at him.

"I am glad I was able to do something," I said.

"How are your brothers?" he asked. I shifted my eyes down.

"They are in Canada. They've been doing odd jobs here and there. Apparently, they are playing heroes too. Have you seen the news about the two vigilantes?" I said.

"We don't get much news here," He responded.

"Oh, sorry…" I replied.

"I'm sure they'll come to visit you," He said and looked away. I looked at him with wide eyes and smiled. I was surprised by his change of character.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Magda and Nina came out and were ready with their clothes and other items. I smiled at him and told Erik again that they will be safe. He nodded and I teleported to my house. They both have been here before, so they knew where they were. I introduced them to Astrid, and she showed them to where their rooms would be. I went to the lab to see Wendy still looking the data collected but was now comparing it to something else. I said hi to her and she responded with a hand wave. I chuckled and continued to make my way to the workstation to look at the drone's camera feed. Jean was making her way to her father's house now. I continued to watch how this would play out. I watched as she entered the house and drone moved to the window to see what was happening inside. The second drone detected the X-men jet arriving and Jean walked out. Her powers were surging again, and the drones began to take every reading possible again. I was beginning to get worried because everything was happening to according to what I remembered which means the Raven was going to die. Raven was beginning to walk towards Jean, and I decided to teleport.

I arrived at one of the roofs nearby and watched. Now that I was closer, I could feel Jean's power trying to burst out. As Raven was trying to calm her down, Jean's energy couldn't be contained and was unleashed. Raven was hurled away and did a midair movement to try to catch herself. I decided to watch how it played out and saw her still being impaled. I didn't panic because I had some nanites with me to heal her quickly. Jean had blood on her shirt and flew away. She should be heading to Erik now. I looked at Raven and saw how she was struggling to breath. I decided now was the time to interfere. I levitated down next to her. Hank was startled by my sudden appearance but recognized me. I was back to normal now that I wasn't pretending to be Jennifer anymore.

"Shhh, it'll be okay. Try to relax," I whispered to Raven as I hovered my hand over her wound and released some nanites. They started by eating the wood and then entering her body. Her wound started to close up and her eyes rolled up probably from the shock. The nanites also collected the blood that was sprayed around from her.

"Will she be okay?" Hank asked. I examined her wound and saw it was still pretty fresh.

"Yes, she needs rest. Her body is healing quicker than most people. I would say maybe a couple of days of rest and she'll be back to normal," I told Hank.

"Thank you, Lydia," Charles said as he approached us.

"You're welcome," I replied. I could see the anger from Hank's eyes. It seems he still wants to go after Jean.

"This is your fault, Charles. If you had let me take the shot this wouldn't have happened!" Hank gave Charles a fierce glare.

"Hank, we had to give Raven a chance to talk with Jean. I never meant for any of this to happen," Charles explained. I sighed at his response. It seems like his ego got the better of him even after my warnings.

"How's she doing?" a female voice said, and I looked to see Storm there. Her hair wasn't white as she never received the power spike from En Sabah Nur. I lifted hand towards her and shifted my energy to her. My focus was amplifying her powers. Her hair changed color and she looked at her hands probably feeling the power spike. I laughed a bit. I remember when doing this would have made me pass out. Now, I could probably boost everyone here and still fight. I put that thought to side as everyone was staring at me.

"I gave you a power boost. You should be able to protect your friends better now," I said and smiled at her. She gripped her hands and nodded at me.

"We'll talk soon, Charles," I said waving and started to walk away from them.

"Wait! Do you know where she is?" Charles said.

"Yes, I'm going after her," I said as I gave turned my head slightly.

"I'm going with you," Scott immediately said.

"Sorry lover boy. You'll have to find your own ride," I said and teleported.

I teleported to Genosha to see if Erik was okay. I activated my suit and went into stealth mode. I saw Jean and Erik talking and everything looked like what was in my memories.

"Astrid?" I asked through the communicator.

"Yes, Lydia?" she responded.

"Any news on the aliens?" I asked hopefully. I'd much rather deal with something I knew rather than a complete unknown.

"None, if they did enter Earth, then they have more advanced technology than we do," Astrid replied.

"I have a bad feeling about all this. Keep the Sentinels prepped, and you should prepare to fight as well," I said.

"Understood," Astrid replied, and I terminated the link.

I heard the helicopter off to the distance which would mean Jean and Erik would have their little scene with the Army. I observed as everything went according to what I remembered as well. Jean manipulated the helicopter and Erik stopped her. I was surprised he was able to hold her back. I could feel Erik manipulating every magnetic line around the helicopter to keep it stable. He only managed to win by reversing the helicopters magnetism to be repel from the ground. Jean took off as Erik told her to leave. This is where I have to stay close. I activated levitation instead of using my thrusters because it might be detectable by Jean. I was surprised at her flight speed. She must be creating a shield in the front to block the wind. She was traveling as fast as I would with my thrusters on. I was struggling to keep up with just my powers, but I had to maintain this otherwise she would detect me.

Of course, just as I was thinking that she stops midair and looks in my direction. I froze. I could see her eyes shift left and right searching. Her eyes turned red/yellowish and waved her hand in my general direction. Suddenly, I felt a wave of energy push me down and the water around me blasted downwards. I was thrown into the water but still maintained the stealth system on. I converted all power to it so it would maintain even with the disruption. I stayed in the water and waited until she continued her course. When I saw her leave, I levitated up and kept further distance.

I'm not sure how she detected me, but I activated the suit's mental inhibitors just in case she felt my presence that way. I stayed low to the ground and continued to follow her. I followed her to New York City, and she went to a bar. I couldn't enter so I activated a small nano bot to slip in and listen. Jean sat down and ordered a shot. She finished it in one go and ordered another one. I could hear the news channel talking about Jean and how she is wanted for attacking the Army and the cops. I heard someone sit next to her. I heard another glass hand near and waited intently.

"Hello, Jean," A female voice said. Is that supposed to be Vuk? That voice sounds familiar.

"Who are you?" I heard Jean ask.

"My name is Emma Frost," I heard another voice say.

Thank you for reading!

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