
Martial Peak: Fracture

"NO! SISTER, WATCH OUT!" There was a shout, but no voice came out. 'H-Huh?!' Lich suddenly wakes up calling out his little sister who was supposed to get into a car accident, but unknowing to him, he had himself positioned right in front of it while pushing his sister to the safe side. 'D-Did I just died? I must have, otherwise, I would be waking up in a hospital instead of a colorful place like this. This is actually quite a beautiful sight.' 'I wonder if Grace is going to be okay. Dad and mom were having difficulties with money while I was away studying in China. I hope they get through it..' I could only sigh when remembering my family's dire situation. 'There really is nothing that I can do to know nor am I able to go back to Earth like this. Now that I think about it, my body seems to be suspended in the air but I cannot feel any of my limbs. I can't even sense how much time I've spent like this, hopefully, something happens after a while.' 'What a strange feeling, although the scenery in front of me is everchanging in different colors since I'm in some kind of space, I don't feel like I'm moving at all but my perceptions tell me that I am slightly doing so.' "!?" Suddenly, the space in front of him started to collapse, creating a massive fracture that extended miles away from his field of view... ___________________________________________________________________ Updates: Any day of the week, not yet decided. Weekends will have no releases. Mc Harem: No bitches? (will be up to you) I do not own any characters that will appear nor the novel Martial Peak besides my ocs. This will be an AU, as our mc is going to break the fundamentals of almost everything. Liang Long will have the most overpowered dao that was ever discovered. The 'find-out-by-reading-the-fanfic' Dao!

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18 Chs

Chapter [3] - The First Generation

(A/N: Sorry for the lack of chapters last week. I had some problems irl that needed to be taken care of. I only had time to be on my computer for a couple of hours. Anyway, enjoy this week's chapters!)





[Inside a mansion, unidentified location]

A circular table with three individuals could be spotted. They were talking about their experience with Liang Long a week prior.

"Father, I feel we don't need to pursue that person." A little woman spoke up. Li Ming Yue sat next to her mother, Luo Lan, while she sought to persuade her father, Long Tian, to drop the matter.

"I understand what you're thinking, Yue'er. But that child is too mysterious."

"We have no idea where he comes from or what he intends to accomplish. He is presently the third strongest being in the Mystic Fallen World, behind me and your mother." With little concern in his heart, Long Tian stated.

Another variable has arisen in this world, and no one knows what will happen. The Mystic Fallen World is an extremely isolated universe world that can only house a few cultivators in the Open Heaven Realm, and he and Luo Lan are both in the 9th rank of the Open Heaven Realm.

When they both inspected the individual named Bai Li (Liang Long), it was obvious as day that he could only cultivate with his soul because he lacked a physical body.

Soul cultivation is one of the most difficult paths to the martial dao. A cultivator would typically break through the separate realms to achieve enlightenment and continue his journey towards the martial peak.

As a result, as the cultivator moved through the realms, his soul would increase in line with his level of cultivation.

However, Bai Li (Liang Long) acquired a high level of cultivation only by the use of his soul. That meant his talent and aptitude were exceptional, but it didn't guarantee he could cultivate twice as quickly if he had a physical body.

As a result, such a person is indeed not ordinary, and Long Tian and Luo Lan wanted to approach him now just to inquire about his experiences and how in the world someone so young could have advanced so quickly.

But little did they know that Bai Li (Liang Long) had spent hundreds of thousands of years training to attain his current level of power. That was only possible because of the harsh environment of the Primordial Chaos Origin Star Sea.

"Exactly, although he might not necessarily be an evil person, we still need to be cautious. His strength is far inferior to ours, but his methods and power are still unknown. Just from witnessing his mastery regarding the Dao of Space, we can already assume that he's not your ordinary cultivator." Luo Lan talked gently to her daughter while looking at her husband with purple eyes.

They are both extraordinary beings capable of shifting mountains and shaking the heavens. But when they first arrived in this world, they finally realized how many things they still didn't know.

The Mystic Fallen World isn't your typical universe world. In fact, it is significantly smaller than those they have seen previously.

This world... Was "outside" of the Outer Universe, commonly known as the 3,000 words, which they understood was the agglomeration of every other universe world created by the Universe Furnace.

Even after thousands of years inside this world, they still had no idea how this place was outside. It might be thought of as a "backdoor," a location near yet remote from other universe worlds, such as the Mystic Fallen World.

They found it strange, but they began to forget about it and just accept it by deciding to continue their lives in this world. They gave birth to a beautiful daughter whom they cherished and adored, and were having a happy life together.

"Nonetheless, the world is changing as a result of him being here. And I have a feeling it's not going to be simple." Long Tian was frowning as he spoke. The laws of the universe world were altering somewhat, and he didn't like how they felt just now.

"But... Aren't father and mother both the respective and most ancient Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress? Wouldn't it be better just to introduce yourself if you merely wanted to talk to him?" Li Ming Yue responded with a puzzled face. She was well-versed in both of her parents' capabilities and had witnessed them perform several tasks.

To her, they were both on top of the world. She had complete faith and confidence in her parents, so she couldn't comprehend how a young boy who appeared out of nowhere could represent a concern for them.

Long Tian and Luo Lan were both first-generation representatives of their respective races, the Dragon Race and the Phoenix Race.

They were the world's very first Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress in existence!

"Yue'er, strength alone does not fix everything. This was your very first lesson. Even if one has immense strength, it may be ineffective in the face of impending disaster. So you'd have to try something different to find a solution." Luo Lan spoke with a sigh, looking at her daughter with a little smile on her face.

"Your mother is right. Intelligence, like power, makes a man more conscious of his own circumstances." Long Tian nodded, taking a sip of his newly brewed tea from his cup acting like he was an ancient wise old man in front of his daughter, who looked at both her parents with an understanding look.

"Hmph! You never offered her any decent advice. Why do you appear so pleased with yourself?" Luo Lan scoffed, her gaze fixed on Long Tian.




Long Tian almost choked on his tea, bewildered by his wife's harsh words.

He was perplexed as to what had gone wrong with their relationship after their daughter was born. He knew Luo Lan loved him, but if the topic was Li Ming Yue, she would constantly pick on him.

'Did I do something wrong in the past to deserve this?' He thought, unable to believe how his wife's antics had slaughtered him, the great Dragon Emperor, through the years.




[One month later, in a wide mountain range]

Liang Long could be spotted surrounded by mountain peaks all around the site. The wind screamed across the landscape, generating loud noises when it impacted the foliage of the rocky areas studded with it.

Liang Long had nothing to be concerned about at this time. Apparently, the world he was in currently posed no threat to him.

The laws of the world are ultimately stable, as they should be. He had looked into it, at least briefly.

As he looked further, he noticed that the principles that encircled the entire world were becoming somewhat agitated. And it became worse every time he paused to check it out with his senses.

Liang Long believed that the world was changing mostly as a result of its age. This place is quite old. Tens of millions of years is not an exaggeration.

However, he rapidly realized that it was primarily due to him.

It had not foreseen his unexpected arrival in this world, as if he was not meant to be here at all.

But there was nothing he could do to change things.

'Perhaps that's what those two people were trying to find out from me.' Liang Long pondered. He now had a better understanding of why one of them was rather aggressive to him.

'Well, it doesn't really matter. I'm powerless to solve the world's problems. I should make an effort to figure out how to leave. Surely, this isn't the only great world.'

Liang Long was traveling the world, investigating every nook and crevice. He discovered wonderfully shaped fauna as well as many more stunning spots that he designated as seasonal zones.

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all seasons he had seen.

The most colorful region was in the spring. It was completely overgrown with various types of plants.

The summer area was like an intense drought that extended over the area, destroying the majority of the life present.

The autumn landscape was serene. While falling brown leaves enveloped the sky and the ground below, he stayed silent throughout his trip, appreciating the silence.

Snow fell from every direction his eyes could reach in the winter environment. Freezing lakes, trees, and even some animals with very white fur and skin wandered the area, presumably going about their daily lives.

Liang Long was having a fantastic time exploring. This world was really breathtaking. In comparison to the various fascinating places on this world, the stars in the Primordial Chaos Origin Star Sea were all rather plain in comparison.

Right now, his inner mind was in a really serene state. He had nearly forgotten how long he had been imprisoned in that dreadful place.

Although it made him fairly powerful, what good is strength if you can't use it?

That is one of the reasons he was so emotionless back then.

Having practically no purpose other than to escape was rather demotivating, affecting much of his journeys while attempting to accomplish more with his kinetic powers.

So much that it took him thousands of years to achieve a high level of control over them.




[2 months later]

Liang Long was floating above a vast lake in a contemplative lotus position. His brow was lit up with a dazzling blue flame, and his entire body flashed with iridescent bursts of light, giving him a magnificent divine shine.

He had returned to the same mountain range but now in a totally secluded spot.

He was experimenting with his soul technique because somehow he felt like he might progress farther in soul cultivation!

The multiple alterations that occurred throughout his soul power use were strongly tied to his understanding of kinetic abilities. And by noticing that, gave him a bold but interesting idea.

Liang Long was currently doing something he had never attempted before.

It was extremely dangerous, and it may endanger all he had fought so hard for!

While comprehending the cosmic revelations, Liang Long had the impression that something was always beckoning him, pressing on his mind to go further into a much calmer level of self-awareness.

His soul power rippled across the region, causing the world's energy to shift to his side and slowly fill his dazzling blue form.




A faint crackling sound could be heard, and portion of his body began to create little but perceptible lightning.

But these flashes of lightning were not your typical hue or aspect.

It was a...



Red lightning!




The world's energy had become so concentrated that the sky had totally darkened. Thunder clouds could be seen encircling the entire mountainous terrain, as if a terrible disaster was about to hit and demolish the landscape.

The heavens were inverted, and the earth was defying gravity. Small rocks and boulders were drifting toward the sky, where they were totally engulfed and vanished.

Fearful of being swallowed whole by the heavens, the animals and birds that lived nearby fled the region.

All but Liang Long stood there, motionless and immersed in his very being, diving further into his own existence.




[At the same time, inside the mansion]


Long Tian and Luo Lan's expressions went from calm to shocked. They knew exactly what was driving the world to enter a chaotic phase of change.

"It has to be him! I've already focused my divine sense on where he is. These fluctuations... Don't tell me?!" Luo Lan talked in a daze, unable to believe what she was witnessing.


(A/N: Divine sense is able to perceive and see things far better than relying on eyesight. Figured you probably want to know that. You can think of it as observation haki if it helps, but it's not the same.)


"Yes, I'm afraid you're right." Long Tian spoke with a strange expression on his face.

They wasted little time and teleported out of the house, leaving Li Ming Yue puzzled and unsure of what was going on.

Fortunately, she still had her token that showed her parents' whereabouts, so she began flying to where they were going, leaving the house quickly.


[1956 words]

(A/N: I wonder what will happen. What a coincidence! While I was writing this, things related to this chapter started to pop up in the manhua as well lol. I honestly felt quite weirded out by it.

I'm trying out some new ideas like separating "A/N" text and sound effects from the dialogue itself by using "." for it to look more separated, nothing major.)

The reason I introduced Long Tian and Luo Lan as the first generation Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress is simple: they never appeared in the novel, as far as I know.

So I came to three conclusions: they either destroyed their own source just before death, died and their source was lost forever inside the Void, or they went somewhere else.

Yes, their source could have ended up with someone, but the two people would probably rise to the very peak of existence as the inheritors of a Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress.

Because they were the first of the Dragon Race and Phoenix Clan to exist, their power is unfathomable. As a result, it is impossible for someone who obtained their sources to remain weak and unknown to others.

So I chose the latter, and they're now in another place, where they prefer to live in complete seclusion with their child, enjoying a happy life (leaving their responsibility with the new generations to others lol).

Finally, I can say the meaning of Long Tian's name:

Long Tian: Heavenly Dragon

I wonder what kind of great dragon he is...

• ↻ • Thank you for reading~ . . .


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