
chapter 3

Days passed by and I just did my daily routine of leisure since after saving su mu one of his friends come to help me clean the place so I have the whole day to relax and sometime cultivate after a month of my transmigration I have already collected a two thousand drops of yang qi but I have still halted my cultivation to the peak of body tempering realm.

Right now with just my cultivation of body tempering I can easily defeat a peak initial foundation realm cultivator.

Today I have decided to breakthrough to the initial foundation realm. I came near destitute dragon revine and started to cultivate.

The moment I started a whirlpool of world energy was created on the top of my head and the world energy in the radius of 300 meters was sucked towards me. The two people who are watching me were shocked by the amount of world energy I was absorbing.

The pavilion master quickly erected a barrier in 300 meter radius to stop anyone from disturbing or detecting any unusual phenomenon.

Xia ning chan was thinking why was the pavilion master so interested in yang kai but she decided to think about it later and focus on yang kai.

After absorbing the world energy, yang kai also absorbed the yang yuan qi for his breakthrough.

Seeing yang kai absorb so much of yang yuan qi xia ning chan was astonished.

The breakthrough went smoothly and the barrier was uplifted and the pavilion master returned.

Curiosity took over xia ning chan and she decided to check up on yang kai. She was surprised when she saw that yang kai was already in 2nd layer of initial foundation realm.

But the breakthrough didn't stop there within 1 hour Yang Kai has already broken through 6 layers of initial foundation realm and was in middle of it.

After waiting for another 2 hours seeing that there weren't any more breakthroughs xia ning chan also decided to return to her duties.

I stood up after seeing that I already have 5000 drops of yang essence and decided to return to my abode.

While I was about to enter inside my I heard, "let's go there is a fight going on between su mu and the grand elders grandson".

Hearing them it instantly clicked to me that today was when su mu would be beaten badly and I kicked the ass of the spoiled brat of the grand elder.

I quickly followed them towards the fight scene while arriving there both the parties were facing each other.

Su mu and grand elders grandson wei Zhuang began to fight it was totally one sided even though there was only a difference of one realm.

I stood there seeing the whole fight with a calm face because I knew the world wasn't a fair place and su mu must've some setbacks to get mature.

Meanwhile in the fight.

Wei Zhuang "call me grandpa and I'll stop su mu!!"

Su mu just laughed at his face. Seeing this infuriated wei Zhuang and he started to beat su mu with blood flowing from su mu's face.

Seeing this scene the three lackeys of su mu had worry over their face and told Wei Zhuang to stop.

Hearing them Wei Zhuang said "If you want to save him then kneel. If you make me I might spare him". "Don't listen to him" Su mu shouted but Wei Zhuang slapped him in the face. At first they were hesitating and seeing their hesitation Wei Zhuang "I said kneel!!!".

They quickly kneeled. I was thinking that they won't go this far for su mu because this was real life not a novel or manhua. But expectations can be wrong after all I am not Lord Aizen.

Seeing them kneeling and begging for su mu to be spared Wei Zhuang ordered his four lackeys to attack them.

While I was paying attention to su mu's friends one of the Wei Zhuang's lackeys approached me while saying "Brother let's spar".

Seeing him I just kicked him in the gut and approached su mu to see if he is okay. Coming to conclusion that he just passed out I sighed in relief and stood up while gazing at Wei Zhuang.

"Who are you?" Wei Zhuang asked. "..." I just kept silent. Seeing me silent he became irritated and asked again "I asked 'who are you'".

I gave him a salute in martial arts style and said "Trial disciple yang kai would like to have a spar".

"Hm a trial disciple? What a joke a mere trial disciple dares to challenge me what gives you the right?" Wei Zhuang said haughtily.

Yang kai siad "According to the rules of the sect , as long as the difference between cultivation does not exceed 3 layers then disciples are free to challenge each other"

"I'm at the 3rd layer of the initial foundation realm" Wei Zhuang said proudly.

"6th layer of the initial foundation realm" yang kai said.

Hearing this wei Zhuang was a little flustered. The surrounding also started murmur between themselves.

Seeing hesitation on Wei Zhuang's face I just provoked "are you afraid of losing brother Wei".

"Who is afraid of who!!!" Wei Zhuang said. wei Zhuang " Come let's start" .

Immediately Wei Zhuang started to run towards yang kai with the intent to punch him in the face. But yang kai wanted to finish this in a single punch. So yang kai punched him in the stomach with strong enough strength to make a hole in his defence artifact and leave a prominent punch markon his stomach and Wei Zhuang coughed a lot of blood from his mouth to make disoriented and lose all his strength to stand.

I made a black blade from shadow energy and placed the tip of the dagger near Wei Zhuang's heart and our talk went like same in the canon.

After some time disciplinary hall apprehended took us away. I could have blasted them to smithereens but I just let it be.