
chapter 4

Meanwhile yang kai and the others were being detained in a cell, one of su mu's followers quickly ran towards the High heaven pavilion residence in black woods marketplace to inform su yan about this.

At this moment xia ning chan was talking with Meng wuya.

"Master!!!" Xia ning chan came running towards Meng wuya.

"Here to visit me again today, dear disciple? I'm am happy you're so filial" Meng wuya said with content smile on his face.

Xia ning chan hurriedly said "Master there's trouble".

Hearing her Meng wuya asked "What happened?".


Hearing the whole situation Meng wuya said with shock evident on his old face "I see you're telling me that yang kai brat has reached 6th layer of initial foundation realm in a single go and have also defeated Wei Zhuang"

Meng wuya thought 'looks like yang kai had stumbled upon a good opportunity'.

Seeing Meng wuya deep in thought xia ning chan urged him, "Master stop your musings and start thinking of a way to help him"

Meng wuya looked at his precious disciple and said "Mhm you look very worried for him".

Xia ning chan had a blush over face which was under her veil and said "I just don't want to see him beat down right after he realised his potential".

Seeing his disciple like this he asked "you're that close to him?"

Xia ning chan with her head down said "Not really but I did observe him for over the span of two years you know my duty as a member of shadow hall. But enough of that you have to find a way to help him this time he going up against grand elder if there isn't anyone of the same level to help him then it might not end well for him".

Meng Wuya looked troubled and said "it's not that easy dear disciple. This is the high heaven pavilion's domestic issues, it's not right for a mere caretaker like me to stick my nose in".

Hearing meng wuya's reply xia ning chan used one of the worlds greatest techniques of all time, The Puppy Dog Eyes.

And it made a critical hit on Meng wuya. But Meng wuya was still as a stone and said "calm down young lady, even if I don't interfere second elder will help him if he doesn't then nobody will dare to serve him in the future".

Xia ning chan wanted to retort "what if-". But she was cut off mid sentence with a big 'No' over Meng wuya's face.

Xia ning chan also got angry and sat on a nearby chair and said "If you don't agree then disciple will also refuse to go to the aggregation ground of nine yin. Your disciples cultivation will probably stay at this level forever".

Meng wuya was flabbergasted hearing his precious disciples words. He quickly got up from his chair and approached Xia ning chan asking her "what makes you say that?".

But seeing that Xia ning chan wasn't replying he asked again "please tell me why won't you go if I don't help?".

Xia ning chan stood up from the chair and with a raised voice said "you don't care about his life and death, then why do you care about mine? You are a cold-hearted man after all".

Meng wuya had a troubled look his old face and he said "young lady my dear young lady, I am but a old bag of bones, I can't withstand your bullying".

Xia ning chan said "he is cultivating a yang attribute martial skill, and the yang yuan qi inside him is pure beyond comparison".

Hearing xia ning chan mention about the yang yuan qi he asked "yang attribute yuan qi? How pure?".

Xia ning chan took a thinking pose and said with some uncertainty" I don't know accurately but it's atleast hundred times more pure than the previous guy you found".

"Are you sure?" Meng wuya asked again. Xia ning chan resolutely said "Yes".

He eyed xia ning chan for a while to detect any lie but after seeing her resolve he turned around walking towards the exit and said "if that's so and then I can't let anything happen to him".

Before going outside meng wuya asked Xia ning chan "disciple do you dislike him"

Xia ning chan "no"

Meng wuya "then.... Do you like him?".

Xia ning chan with a blush said "not that either. I just don't dislike him".

Meng wuya said "Right, right. You have to promise me that you won't fall for him after going then I will save him".

Xia ning chan "Master what are you talking about I haven't even met him personally".

Meng wuya with solemn face said "it's not that I don't want you to fall in love but it's just that there is no one here worthy for you to fall in love with, since you're destined to reach the heights that no one ever had".

After saying that Meng wuya disappeared from Xia ning chan's sight.

At this moment Yang kai.and others were already in the cell for over two hours. Yang kai just kept his eyes closed and was waiting for the disciplinary hall to make trouble.

Sound of footsteps were heard approaching near them. The disciplinary hall disciple stood in front of them and asked "Which one is Yang kai?".

Yang kai opened his eyes and stood up and said "I am".

The disciple said "come with me, there is someone who wants to meet with you".

One of su mu's follower said to yang kai "Don't follow him Brother yang, wait for young master su to save us".

The disciple got irritated and shouted "Let him go, who ever dares to interfere is making an enemy out of the disciplinary hall, and I am sure you understand the consequences of that".

I just comforted the follower and said "don't worry, I'll just go and take a look".

We quickly arrived at one of the rooms and the disciple motioned me to go inside. I knew he was sent by Wei Zhuang and I knew that su yan was going to come for our rescue and will help me. But I didn't just wish for cheats to get beaten up but to not ever get beaten up. So I will smash them.