
Marsy: Miracles on Mysterious Mars

Year 2080, humanity started colonizing Mars. It's a huge craze to go there, endless possibilities are waiting. Mostly youngsters are mad to go there. Everything seems to go well there. But smell of secrecy could be felt as one approaches Earth's so called twin planet. Deep down, something is wrong. Something unusual is happening on the big planet. Leaders are suspiciously good to each other there, a little too good. As our heroes dig further into Mars, it turns out Mars is not really what they thought it would be, it's more. What shocking secrets awaits our heroes? Why is a mysterious man finding some specific newcomers so desperately? Answer lies...

Confused_Wanderer · Fantasía
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60 Chs

2.10 Overlooked

"Hyaaaa-" Cécile felt Archie coming towards him with bloodlust. She quickly turned and quickly shoved her knee into Archie's guts.

"Aa..." Archie fell onto the ground without a scream, his eyes were wide open with a little blood coming from his mouth. Although Cécile didn't put much strength in the attack, his own momentum caused most of the damage. "What...the hell is...the response time, DEMON?"

"Come on, is this all you can do?" Cécile chuckled like a psychopath. "Okay, take some time, you two look really pathetic."

Neither of two said anything, Connor approached Archie while still being cautious of Cécile.

"Hey, you ok? You aren't very injured right?" Connor looked at sitting Archie.

"That bitch... she's not a regular fighter, I'm gonna end her whole career..." Archie was breathing heavily in anger.

"Calm down, we have to go all out, you ok even if she's terribly injured?"

"Ha? what happened? The strict order follower is using his ego and brain?" Archie mocked Connor but pain was still visible in his face.

"You misunderstand, I hate people who underestimate me, and moreover I didn't get any order not to think in this fight. I can go all out, but it looks like you cannot." Connor looked towards Cécile and approached her.

"Hey, don't you dare look down upon ME!" Archie was real angry and his veins started being visible from his body. Now there were two angry beasts approaching the smiling Cécile who was having a good time.

*SLASH* *SWOOSH* Connor and Archie started attacking Cécile once again, but this time, they were in perfect sync. It was clear that Cécile won't be able to dodge for long, but it didn't look like she's worried.

After a few moments, the expected thing happened. Archie was able to distract her and Connor threw a perfect punch towards Cécile's face which was capable to destroy her face no doctor can heal. *BLAM* Cécile caught the punch with bare hand. But as an effect she was pushed back a few feets. But something was strange, Archie didn't move her hand but kept pushing and his forehead started glowing bright purple.

"Ah shit... *BLAM*" She didn't look but still caught Connor's punch which was coming for her neck. She didn't need to look to know the state of Connor. She could already feel the bloodlust.

"Let's see how long you can keep up." Connor's voice started getting deeper.

"Nah things gonna get dark." Cécile quickly left both of them and quickly moved aside.

Both of them were shocked by the speed, but even the surprise was slower than her actions. She circled round and punched Archie right in the diaphragm. "ACKHH" Archie bit his tongue from the impact as he fell on his knees. As Connor was rethinking his plan, Cécile quickly went at his back and jabbed at his neck. "Goddammit..." And he fell on the ground.

"Phew...hope they don't die...well they had the eye, so they should not, still I guess an ambulance would be good option."


"Aaaaand that's all that happened." Cécile finished her story. "Hope I didn't miss anything."

"And all I was informed about was minor injuries... seriously!" Sat had a feeling of surprise and defeat. "You know if you did not have the power, you would have died on the spot. How could I have overlooked..."

"Umm what was the power about sir?" Rick was excited. Clearly not bothered by the consequences.

"*sigh* Those who have undergone the process of 'Eye Opening' develop some special features. One of the good features is the emergency shield. The body protects itself by some unknown means when faced with death threats. Although it costs the person a few days of consciousness, it's helpful." Cécile explained.

"So cool...so basically I'm a superhero?" Rick almost grew wings from excitement.

"You only heard what's good, it's one of the features. Those whose eye have opened, developes many other features as well, count them, insomnia, hallucinations, weird dreams, ego issues, sudden bloodlust....and many more in the research." Sarthak cut Rick's wings.

"And this proves the training was not enough for you boys ..." Sat was lost in deep thought.

"We're very sorry sir... we'll definitely beat her next time." Connor said slowly.

"As much as it hurts to agree, we lost...but it won't be the same next time sir believe us sir." The pain could be felt from Archie's voice.

"IGNORANT!" Sat shouted suddenly. "You still don't get it...you call me sir but still don't believe me...I never doubted your defeat, I allowed the fight for a reason, but why did the bloodlust unlock? A brawl is all that was, and you two were ready to give away your life and sanity for it... outrageous..." Sat was breathing heavily but suddenly smiled.

"A student is as good as his teacher...guess I share the blame. You wanted action, you'll get it. Enjoy your last happy days in the hospital-" Sat's grin was getting insane every moment, but Sarthak interrupted him.

"I'm very sorry to interrupt your cunning plan, but two cars from MPD are coming towards the area. They are gonna reach in a few minutes."

"...now?" Sat looked terribly confused.

"Yes, now."

"They weren't supposed to come until tomorrow... something's wrong. What's the update on Sam?" Sat sunk in even deeper thoughts.

"He reached a few hours ago, mission report is success. At least some good news." Sarthak seemed happy.

"Yeah...maybe he's not useless after all. Anyway send him to welcome them by opening gates. You two take rest." Sat stood up and faced Ravi and Cécile, "And you two come with me, everyone else, go to your room, show your watch to any driver in the garage and you would be good to go." Sat waved and went out in fast pace.


"Oh what good deeds could I've done that not one, but two heavyweights from the Mars Police Department set foot in my little institutions?" Sat said with a huge friendly smile on his face.

A young police officer was sitting along with some police minions, and there was Major Sayak too on a side.

"I've heard a lot about you and your institution. Never thought I have to visit this way. Anyway nice to meet you, don't worry Major Sayak is here from a different case than mine. The reasons are huge in quantity not quality...unless they are not!" The police officer had a bigger smile than Sat.

"Well I believe you're a busy man, enlighten us Inspector...Richard" Sat said while reading the officers nametag.

"Mr. Sat, you're accused of violating the tournament laws, you were proven to participate in the tournament ignoring your ban. Mr. Ravi is a suspect of criminal activities, dealing with black money, and also having contacts with suspicious people who are under investigation as well. I have arrest order for you and Mr. Ravi and everyone from team Gaia and Miss Cécile is summoned to the police station for questioning. I advise you to co-operate because I'm allowed to use force otherwise." Inspector finished reading a paper and silence covered the whole room.

Yep...more than one month! Such a good update rate right? Exams exams exam...and exams are coming as well. I'm very sorry for abrupt updates...but I can't really solve it...very sorry but I'll try to make things work. I hate not writing as well

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