
Marrying my ex boyfriend

" you tricked me" " i didn't" " you did, you tricked me into marrying you" " i wasn't the one who dragged us into civil bureau " " humph you " ... "oh wifey you are stuck with me for you entire life" he said lovingly. Wrapping her arms around his neck she said " Its not enough if there's a afterlife i want you with me in mine" Then came a screeching noise of a baby crying … Five years ago after an horror encounter she lost all her memories and lived a clueless life .She forgot him but how could he ever . He looked after her on the sly until one day. join Yu Yan and Jing Rui on the journey of gaining and making memories. ps. the cover is not mine.

tswift · Ciudad
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8 Chs


HEYY guys

if you accidentally stumbled over this novel than i am glad that you did.

i started writing this novel in october however i ran out of ideas and dropped it however now i have got back my zeal to write this novel and some ideas up my sleeves and have started to work on it again.

Currently i am stock piling the chapters. So if you stumbled over this novel i hope you would add into your library. i'll be updating few chapters soon.

thank you for reading my rambling if you did.

tswift :))