
Marrying my ex boyfriend

" you tricked me" " i didn't" " you did, you tricked me into marrying you" " i wasn't the one who dragged us into civil bureau " " humph you " ... "oh wifey you are stuck with me for you entire life" he said lovingly. Wrapping her arms around his neck she said " Its not enough if there's a afterlife i want you with me in mine" Then came a screeching noise of a baby crying … Five years ago after an horror encounter she lost all her memories and lived a clueless life .She forgot him but how could he ever . He looked after her on the sly until one day. join Yu Yan and Jing Rui on the journey of gaining and making memories. ps. the cover is not mine.

tswift · Urban
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8 Chs


Yu Yan opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed . She couldn't remember what happened all she can remember is about how an annoying man was honking continuously and then the sudden pain in her head after that she fainted.

As Yu Yan roamed her eyes she found the same annoying man sitting on the couch. He was drop dead gorgeous she thought his nose was pointed, he had deep blue eyes the kind you get lost in and Yu Yan definitely did. seeing Yu Yan staring at her he smirked ' so a certain someone still gets lost looking at me' . " stared enough missy?" his voice startled Yu Yan and she jolted, seeing her cute reaction he was quite satisfied as he was about to speak a her voice rang " why aren't you that annoying man who was honking " hearing her ,his face fell and he said " well i am the one who brought you to the hospital missy so maybe you should be a little kind to me" Yu Yan was speechless .

she looked at him and asked " who are you ? Do i know you " hearing her question the man turned into a statue his mind went blank for a moment but he recovered fast enough and said " Jing Rui" hearing him Yu Yan keep mumbling his name then suddenly she shouted " Jing Rui as in CEO Jing Rui " 'her i fucked it up yet again' " oh my god i called you annoying man, I am so sorry "

He was amused looking at her he could not help but laugh his laugh was music to her ears. Yu Yan though that all those magazines publishing about how he was always gloomy and cold were all fake. she could not help but smile lightly .

" Miss Yu you should be careful about yourself from next time , if it had been someone else near you he wouldn't have cared about you " Yu Yan was again speechless this man he was not only praising himself but nagging her humph does he think this grandma is easy to bully. Looking at her puffy cheeks he couldn't help but sigh how he wished he could hold her in his arms but right now it is not possible the room was dead silent when his deep voice rang " come on, the doctors said you can be discharged now my assistant has brought all the medicines you need I will drop you to your home " Yu Yan was startled hearing this she had been all alone in the past years she didn't had anyone who cared about her " thank you so much CEO Jing however i can hail taxi from here you don't have to trouble yourself and about the medicines thank you for buying them for please let me know about how much they cost I will pay you back " Jing Rui's was grumpy hearing this " miss Yu you don't have to pay me back I have enough money " (for us to live peacefully and happy all my money is your money how can i let you pay me back ) " and you might not know but it 2:00 am you slept like a log this whole time so obviously you can't hail a taxi now.

Yu Yan wanted to kill this man but knowing that he somewhat made sense she agreed to him giving her a ride home. she told him the direction both of them were quite during the journey but the silence was peaceful. when they reached to the destination Yu Yan thanked him and was walking out when he called her.

What do you all think about male lead isn't he cute

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