
Chapter 5: He Saved Her

As the cafe was full of people's noises, the cluttering of spoons and clinking of glasses were Dawn's background noise as she eyed the two. She immediately stood up to stay away from the two when suddenly someone blocked her way. She perfectly knew who it was so she didn't look up and continued to stay away from them. But an aggressive grip made her stop. She then felt her body being thrown back to the chair.

"Ouch," she groaned while rubbing her arm.

"Try to escape and I'll make your whole life miserable." Livius said threathing her.

Dawn gulped. She already knew that Livius was capable of doing so.

"What do you want?" Dawn asked, lowering her head. Her knuckles were already white from her tight grip on her jeans.

"Why are you acting like a scared cat? We didn't do anything wrong. This cold guy here just wants to ask you something." Arthur said casually.

Dawn lifted her chin up and looked at Arthur.

"What is it?" Dawn hissed.

"Why did you accept the offer?" Livius replied with a question. Dawn looked at Livius. His expression was as blank sheet of paper. His eyes were too cold, emotionless.

She stared at him for a minute, wanting to see something in his cold eyes but there's none so she looked away and said, "It's not like I had any other choice."

Livius sighed. That old geezer, he thought.

"Is there anything else you want to say?." Dawn said impatiently.

I just want to stay away from these two and sleep, Dawn hoped.

A long silence followed her question. No one dares to talk but their eyes were saying a lot of things. They were staring at each other intently, trying to figure out what each one is thinking.

Dawn stood up and bowed her head. "It seems like that's your only question. I'll head out now."

Before she could step forward, Livius spoke.

"You'll be living with me starting today, Dawn."

Dawn's eyes widened in shock. She immediately looked at Livius who was closing his eyes while crossing his arms on his chest.

"I beg your pardon?" Dawn asked still baffled at his words.

"You'll be living with me." Livius repeated.

"Excuse me, mister. You don't have any right to tell me what to do nor tell me where to live." Dawn stated as she was trying her best not to lose her temper. She just hates this man's guts!

"I suppose so, but I'll be your future husband, right? Then that gives me every right to demand such thing." Livius said seriously.

They shot daggers at each other. A staring contest had just begun. None of them wanted to lose.

The silence was broken by the sound of a loud clap.

"I'm amused watching how you two behaved but still, can I remind you that we're in a cafe? Just so you know, a lot of prying eyes are watching you." Arthur said cooly while pointing to a bunch of friends looking at their direction.

Dawn felt embarrassed. She held her nape and forced a smile.

But the other party was totally cool about the situation. He even ordered Dawn to sit in front of him. Dawn snapped her thin patience. She fixed herself up and said, "Good day to the both of you."

And just like a wind, she stormed off the cafe.

Dawn sighed in relief when she realized how far she had driven away from the two. She looked at the mirror and luckily, they didn't followed her.

She arrived at her apartment. She threw her handbag to the couch and scrabbled through her cupboard. She suddenly craved for some potato chips and soda. But there was nothing there but a thick bush of cobwebs. When she opened her frigde, there was nothing but a half empty bottle of water.

"Now this is great!" she sighed as she get her handbag again.

She decided to go to the convenience store just a few blocks away from her apartment to buy some chips and might as well as, all the supplies needed.

She was absorbed in deep thoughts as she started to walk down the alley. When suddenly, a strange feeling crept in. She felt like she was being followed. She scanned the place but she found no one except for a black cat lurking around in the corner.

Dawn thought that maybe it was Arthur or Livius so she continued walking. The uneasiness inside her escalated as she realized that there was a hundred meter desolated road ahead. People and establishment were sparse around there making it impossible for her to call for help if something bad happens.

A sigh of relief escaped through her lips as she saw the bright sun shining above. It would be unthinkable if she had been followed during the night.

Her forehead was covered with beads of sweat. She even balled her hands into fists just to stop them from shaking. But still she tried her best to think of some kind of plan to outwit the person who was following her.

Think of a plan! Dawn thought.

Dawn cautiously looked around her just to make sure that if someone suddenly lunged at her, she'll be prepared.

She gulped when she reached the entrace of the hundred meter road.

What shall I do?

She glanced at her back to check but there was no one. She looked straight ahead to keep walking but she stiffened in alarm.

There's someone just 30 meters away from her holding a knife. She couldn't figure out if it's a man or a woman because of its slim build. And the person infront of her is wearing black from head to toe, only the eyes were visible as the person was wearing a mask.

Dawn tightly gripped on her shoulder bag and stepped back.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" the person asked. Based on the voice, it was man she was against with.

Dawn gulped. "W-What do y-you w-want?" she stuttered.

The man played with the knife like it's a petty pen being swinged and swished in his hands. Dawn's eyes followed every single movement of the knife when suddenly the man pointed it to her. This made her swallow a large lump on her throat.

"I want your life. Your existence is a nuisance." the man said calmly.

How can he say that so calmly? Dawn thought.

"So, be a dear and let me kill you." he added while using a sweet and pleading tone.

Dawn gritted her teeth because of the sudden rush of emotions, anger and fear.

The man started walking towards her and all she could do was to stare. She was frozen on the spot with her feet being fixed on the ground she was standing. And before she knew it, the man was in front of her with a hideous intent visible in his brown orbs. There's thirst of blood in his eyes that made Dawn shiver and squeal.

Am I going to die? Dawn cried inside.

The man strode and went around her. He caressed her face with gentleness and touched her hair again.

"It's such a waste to kill someone as beautiful as you."

In a flicker, the man managed to touch her neck with his knife. Dawn teared up because of fear. She couldn't help but cry because of the dreadful situation she's in.

"How about I'll give you some pleasure before you'll get killed, hmm?" the man suggested.

Dawn's eyes widened when she understands what he meant. A batch of fresh tears came rolling in her cheeks as she heard it. Just the thought of giving her virginity to a monster made her puke. She'd prefer to die than to do it.

When Dawn felt that the tip of the knife on her throat, she unconsciously closed her eyes, praying that someone will save her. Funny, to think that even in her very last moments, she thought of Livius, saving her fron her own death.

Before she knew it, she heard a loud crash and groan. She opened her eyes to see Arthur and Livius in front of her.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Arthur asked worriedly.

She's feeling traumatized. She opened her mouth to say a word but nothing comes out. She felt like she had been drowning and all she could do is to gasp some air to breath.

She looked at Livius who was not looking at her but to the man who attacked her. She couldn't see the expressions of Livius because his back was facing her.

"Who ordered you?" asked Livius, cold as ever, and by the sound of it, he seemed unhappy with the situation which made Dawn confused.

His back was stiff and his hands were forming into large fists which made Dawn confused even more but she felt relief because someone came to protect her.

The man just laughed. He held his nape and scratched his head. "Sorry for messing with your fiance." the man apologized.

Huh? He almost took my life and he still has the guts to laugh! Dawn hissed inside her mind.

But her thoughts were disturbed when the man stopped laughing and looked at Livius seriously. Then he looked at her.

"You got lucky because this is a public place and your two bodyguards are here. Next time, I'm not letting you go off the hook." the man said and with a blink of an eye, he vanished.

"W-Where d-did t-that m-man g-go?" Dawn stuttered, confused.

But instead of an answer, she got silence from the two. Livius and Arthur just looked at each other, as if they were communicating through their eyes. After the moments of staring at each other, they nodded as a sign of agreement.

Then Arthur ran to his car and droved off.

"Amm," Dawn started.

Livius was still not facing her. He stepped forward and finally looked at Dawn's eyes. His gaze dropped into her tear-stained cheeks. Livius eyes were determined.

What's his plan now? Dawn thought.

"Live with me or otherwise you'll get killed." Livius commanded.

Dawn was surprise. "Why?"

"That man might come back, I've looked into you and I got pieces of information from that old geezer. You're being hunted. Being with me is the only way to keep you safe." Livius replied without looking at her.

"Why did you decided to help me?" Dawn asked confusingly.

For a moment, Livius took a glance at her but immediately looked away.

"I wonder," Livius replied.

Livius' answer made Dawn confused even more. She didn't get why this cold, arrogant, heartless man was helping her. It's just unbelievable.

Unless he wants something from me? If he does, then what is it? Dawn asked herself.

She looked at Livius at caught him looking at her with that pair of cold, gray eyes.

Unconsciously, Dawn stepped forward and hugged Livius.

"Thank you for saving me today." Dawn said while smiling.

Livius stiffened unable to process what just happened.

She felt him stiffened but she didn't care.

Why do I feel safe when he's here? Dawn thought.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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