

Avery and Samuel arrived before Suzzy , Suzzy came in wearing a blue shift dress with a white Chanel bag

" I'm sorry I'm lat-" Suzzy stopped mid way when she saw Samuel

"YOU!" Suzzy snapped

Samuel looked at her with bloodshot eyes , finally they've met . He has been looking for her for the past three years.

"Suzzy"Samuel said

"You guys know each other?" Avery asked with a perplex expression

Suzzy looked at Avery , Avery understood her , so she kept quiet

The lunch was awkward, Suzzy was uncomfortable wasting with her ex. She kept having flashbacks vehicle eating her meal , she chocked in the process of drinking her juice. coughing profusely Samuel handed her water, Suzzy nodded her head thanking him , she drank the water and excused herself visiting the washroom. Samuel stood up and followed her leaving Avery alone

Suzzy rushed to the washroom , feeling frustrated.She washed her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror, took a deep breath and cleaned her face. She got out from the washroom, all of a sudden she was pinned against the wall , about to scream her mouth was covered

"It's me "

Suzzy heard the once familiar voice

Samuel removed his hand from her mouth.

He looked at Suzzy with watery eyes , he has really missed her he could vividly remember every memory they had together.

"I'm sorry "Samuel said

Suzzy looked at him , she had a complicated expression on . She thought she will never see Samuel again even tho he cheated on her with her enemy she still.missed him , she missed everything about him.

And now he was apologising she made her tongue-tied

" Samuel , do you think sorry is going to solve everything? You freaking betrayed me with me worst enemy. I trusted you, gave you everything but what did I get in return , betrayal, you freaking betrayed me . Telling me you're sorry."Suzzy said angrily