
Did Avery enjoy the food

Years rolled down her face when she looked at Samuel . Samuel felt sorry for what he did to her three years ago, she was a good person but he betrayed her . Which made him loss his love for the past three years.

Suzzy free herself from him and walked away with teras streaming down her face. She walked towards their table took her bag and left the place . Avery was dumbfounded, Avery sense that something wasn't right and followed Suzzy who was long gone.

**********""Near the washroom******

Samuel punched the wall to relieve his pain , God knows how long he had missed Suzzy , dreaming about her , day in ,day out , finally he found her and the only thing he could say was he's sorry. He was demented

He left the restaurant and drove fast to Alex's company. With a harsh bang he closed Alex's office door. Alex face darkened when the door was harshly closed . Samuel moved to the mini bar in Alex's office, opened a bottle of whiskey and gulped the whole content. Alex didn't even bother asking him what was wrong rather his question irritated Samuel

"Did Avery enjoy the food?"Alex asked

Samuel faced him and scoffed

"Did you know Suzzy was in the same country as me?"Samuel asked

Alex hummed and focus on what he was doing.

"You knew , you freaking knew about it and you didn't tell me. How could you ? huh! How could you do this to me?"

Alex took in a deep breath and said"I knew of it when I looked into Avery's information. I noticed her female friend looks exactly like you met in Italy so I also looked into her information"

Samuel flared up "And it didn't cross your mind to tell me? I was in the dark all this while?Since you hid this from me.wait till I tell Avery that Veronica was your ex."Samuel threaten him