
Married To My Rival

BLURB: Alison Knowles went into a three-year contracted marriage with Lucas Alejandro, in order for her to raise enough money to prevent her mother from going to jail. She would rather remain in the bondage of an abusive marriage with Lucas than be alive, and watch her mother rot in jail. Lucas made the marriage a living hell for her but she endured regardless, consoled by the fact that it was just a short term contract and would come to an end soon. Alison got tired of Lucas's difficulties and ran off to a bar to cool off, thereby engaging in a one-night stand with a total stranger. The encounter with the stranger led to her pregnancy but she chose to blame it on Lucas, knowing fully well that he wouldn't suspect a thing. This secret went on for a while without Lucas's knowledge, little did she know that there was more to her family’s past and it was just about to catch up with her.

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4 Chs


The Theft.

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky as the chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.

"Where are you, Lucas? You're gonna be late for work. I'm ready, let's go together," Alvin, Lucas's father, stood in front of his room and called out, but there was no response.

"Knock! Knock!" He slammed the door, but still no response as his voice echoed back to him. He bent his head and peeped through a tiny hole in the door and discovered Lucas's bedspread was neat and untouched, which indicated that he hadn't even spent the night in his room.

"Where could he possibly be at this hour? He needs to run an errand for me as the Managing Director of the company. I can't trust a total stranger with matters like this." Alvin wondered aloud and headed to the living room for a glass of water, only to find a shocking sight that nearly pulled his eyes out.

For a second, he paused and remained speechless. His words failed him. He didn't know the appropriate words to describe how he was feeling at the moment. He dropped his briefcase on the ground and sat on the couch, thinking out loud.

"Have I made the biggest mistake of my life? What offense did I commit in entrusting my company into his hands? Perhaps, it was my fault. I was too soft with him. This nonsense has to stop before it gets out of control!" Alvin cried as he slowly limped to his bar and grabbed a bottle of tequila.

He opened it and splashed the liquid on Lucas and a mystery lady sleeping next to him on the ground. She only wore a bra and panties, while Lucas was shirtless. Without being told, Alvin could tell these two had sex last night on the couch and slept off.

"Dad, what sort of embarrassment is this? This is so unreasonable." Lucas yelled at his father, polluting the air with his stinking breath.

"Unreasonable you say? Do you know what's unreasonable? It's you bringing a harlot into my house to have sex with. What the fuck is wrong with you?! Today is Monday, and here you are sleeping next to some strange girl with empty bottles of liquor scattered on the ground. Can't you just emulate your kid brother for once?! He's more of a complete man than you can ever become!"

Alvin lost his cool with Lucas and demanded the strange lady to leave his house.

Lucas refused and stood up, challenging his Dad and defending the mystery girl.

"She isn't going anywhere. You have no right to speak to her in such a manner. I am the only one who decides if she stays or leaves."

"I knew it would result to this. How I wish your mother were alive to see the nonsense you've grown to become. So pathetic! I should have known I was making the biggest mistake, building my empire around you and neglecting your kid brother. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would have preferred not to have you as my son. You are such a disgrace to…"

"Oh, please. Spare me the sermon. Take my mom out of your fucking mouth! She's dead and gone and never coming back"

"I want to make this clear to you. I'm different from my kid brother. We both have different lives, don't you fucking get it?!" Lucas fired back and stood in front of his mystery girl, forming a shield.

He knew how hot-tempered his father was, and what he was capable of doing.

Alvin didn't mind smashing a bottle on her head in anger.

Leaning forward, he narrowed his gaze at Lucas and muttered succinctly, "I have my eyes on you and you won't find this funny next time. Be warned." he threatened Lucas and left for the office.

After his departure, Lucas was still calm and didn't find it necessary to go dress up for the office. He attempted another cuddle when mystery girl landed a slap on his face.

"Ouch! Why did you do that? I just wanted to cuddle", Lucas cried out and caressed his throbbing cheek.

"You're so unbelievable. After what happened, you still want to cuddle?! I thought you were the managing director of your father's company. Yet, you act so unbothered as though it's nobody's business."

She scolded him, but none of her words got to him. He just wanted to cuddle and nothing more.

"Ignore my Dad, he's just an old man. We'll fix it." he insisted and attempted to get closer, when she pushed him to the ground.

"Get the fuck out of my sight, you fool. You should be ashamed of yourself." She flared and wore back her dress, before leaving the house.


After a 15-minute drive, Alvin finally arrived at his multi-billion Dollar company amidst the outburst with his son.

The Royal Gold Mine was a modern and sleek gigantic structure, made with glass and sophisticated steel. A quite spacious environment located in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia.

"Welcome boss. I hope your night was productive?" Josh, Alvin's office assistant, approached him and offered to retrieve the briefcase in his possession, but he refused and headed to his office with a distraught face.

Alvin's attitude didn't stun Josh as he already knew the type of boss he was dealing with.

Minutes later, he was summoned to his boss's office.

Pointing to a brown envelope and a briefcase on the desk, Alvin drawled,

"Inside that envelope is a check for $1 million. Go to the bank and cash it out. You can use this briefcase to bring the money. Don't waste any time. Lucas isn't available at the moment, that's why I chose you for this assignment. I want no stories, my chauffeur would take you there. Now leave immediately."

"Okay, Sir. I promise to be back soon." Josh grabbed the envelope and briefcase, and vacated the office with immediate effect.

In a short while, the chauffeur drove him to Ozone Bank, which was a few miles away from Royal Gold Mine.

Josh held the briefcase in his right hand and walked majestically to the manager's office to cash the check.

Despite just joining the bank a few months ago, Alvin Alejandro had already been considered the bank's favorite customer due to the large amounts he usually deposits.

Approaching the manager's door entrance, a janitor working in the bank bumped Josh's shoulder and tossed the briefcase to the ground.

Josh didn't see that coming, making him spark outrageously at her, "Are you blind? Didn't you see me coming? Where's the manager? He should have you sacked for your incompetence!"

"Pardon my manners sir, I wasn't looking." She pleaded and opted to raise the briefcase when Josh declined. "Hey, don't touch that. Just go before I call the manager on you,"

"Thank you, sir." She walked away with her head bent down, still apologizing. Josh picked up the briefcase and walked to the manager's office angrily.

"Hi, Mr. Joshua. Welcome to Ozone Bank. Mr Alejandro already notified me of your arrival. Please be seated," Mr. Connard welcomed Josh, but noticed the angered look on his face.

"What's wrong? You don't seem happy. Did anyone offend you?" He asked with keen interest.

"It was…Nevermind! It's already sorted out. I just came to cash this check." Josh dipped his hands into his pocket but couldn't find the envelope anymore.

"What are you searching for?" Mr. Connard asked.

Josh paused his searching as he felt shivers go down his spine in fear.

"The envelope containing the $1 million check. It's not there anymore. How on earth did I misplace it?" Josh cried and went completely nuts.

He searched every part of his body but still couldn't find the check.

"Gosh! My boss is going to kill me!"