
Married To My Rival

Contemporary Romance
En Curso · 1.8K Visitas
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What is Married To My Rival

Lee la novela Married To My Rival escrita por el autor Ese_Osioh_0743 publicada en WebNovel. BLURB:Alison Knowles went into a three-year contracted marriage with Lucas Alejandro, in order for her to raise enough money to prevent her mother from going to jail. She would rather remain in the bo...


BLURB: Alison Knowles went into a three-year contracted marriage with Lucas Alejandro, in order for her to raise enough money to prevent her mother from going to jail. She would rather remain in the bondage of an abusive marriage with Lucas than be alive, and watch her mother rot in jail. Lucas made the marriage a living hell for her but she endured regardless, consoled by the fact that it was just a short term contract and would come to an end soon. Alison got tired of Lucas's difficulties and ran off to a bar to cool off, thereby engaging in a one-night stand with a total stranger. The encounter with the stranger led to her pregnancy but she chose to blame it on Lucas, knowing fully well that he wouldn't suspect a thing. This secret went on for a while without Lucas's knowledge, little did she know that there was more to her family’s past and it was just about to catch up with her.

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