
Marksman Executioner

This is the story of one man taken from his boring life in a blatant kidnapping to become a hitman across the multiverse. Will be cross posting this as it's redone and updated on scribblehub under Marksman Executioner, with some worlds planed out for simple but random destinations now after certain parts are reached for a world. Planned worlds so far are Shield Hero, Pokemon, Cyberpunk, Sword Art Online, Solo Leveling

BiazarKaiser · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


After a night of watching over Naofumi's room, we all were summoned once more to the throne room. I was chewing on some bacon from a monster a maid brought, after making sure no poison or anything was on it. It and a sandwich I made were my sole breakfast. Naofumi and the others had enjoyed a full-course meal for breakfast. However, given my role and the stuff pre-programmed into my body, I just couldn't trust these people. Even if they were good for certain, I just couldn't trust them.

After all, if you live long enough you'll become a villain, is how numerous heroes go. I would know I had to execute the Constellation Hero after she decided destroying half the planet would help contain the Waves. Two fourths of a world gone like that because she went mad with grief. All just because her new husband got gutted by a Mimic Assassin he was balls deep in its vagina, which grew teeth, just yeah pretty stupid for a reason it all stemmed from. Having double sets of memories is confusing but interesting since I know how to unlock some weapon forms, as apparently my hero persona was a paranoid man and saved material copies from his world in the guns inventory just encase this ever happened.

Upon entering the throne room after breakfast, we were all greeted by some people. People that the king, more like the consort prince, has selected for us, well, more like the sword, spear, and bow dick bags as the king favors those three heroes. As we neared the middle of the throne room, I stopped in my tracks due to a feeling that triggered by my assassin and marksman skills that felt ingrained into my very bones. The skills warned of something, so I stopped in my tracks and began subtly studying everyone and everything. As, trusting the danger senses programmed into my body by my skills and through my persona's experiences, I decided to head out of the throne room shortly afterward.

This was abrupt, but I followed through with it. Catching sight of a woman in all black looking intently at the others to my left side in one of the windows. I noticed her due to the light bending around her invisible figure and the way it didn't perfectly conceal the black clothes she wore. Upon seeing me leaving, the others were surprised. Since I was suddenly leaving and not even looking back or explaining why I was doing so.

As I had simply turned around and started walking out, making their confusion justifiable at my actions. The King, or again PRINCE CONSORT, Aultcray Melromarc XXXII shouted at me given the abruptness of my actions. That it puzzled even him, even though he doesn't get my weapon type or, like me, to see a hero just turn around and leave was probably insulting and alarming.


Turning my head to look at him while I walked, I looked into the king's eyes as I drew my Beretta M9 from its holster. Aiming at a guard trying to block me without looking, I aimed at his knee cap and was ready to blow his knee cap out. Only if Rin didn't get the guard to stop by waving him down. With my eyes still on the king as I walked with my gun out and ready, I spoke a false reason mixed with truth as to why I was suddenly leaving. Thus making everyone else at a loss for words. Though that one lady was stiff, but I could see the subtle shaking of her shoulders, she enjoyed my bullshit.

"I'm leaving because I don't like the feeling I just received. After all, living through one world war gets you down bad, plus I felt like some 'happy fun time' pervert was looking at me as if I'm a seven-year-old child they wanted to bend over and fuck. So I'll take my presence elsewhere, away from some potential pedophile or just creep. Thus meaning I'll make my own money and find my own people, have a nice fuckin day."

A certain few nobles twitched at that snide remark regarding children. So looks like I'll need to visit them with some bullets to the crotch or raze their entire family home to the ground. As if you are going to fuck a kid for any reason, you deserve tortured to death and your life ruined, it's why cops have to separate those cases from everyone else, or they'll be dead within thirty minutes. Once you see a group of twenty convicts work together to delay guards while the stronger ones gang up on a pedophile, you learn quick why some of those people are still in jail after years. Just I can do worse since I'm a hero now with a magical weapon and transmutation.

Like so, I left while ditching any guards trying to tail me into the city, using my given stealth skills to vanish among the crowd. Which was easy, as once they took their eyes off me for even a second, my entire self simply became nothing to other people's senses. So I could walk right by the guards, pickpocket them, and they didn't notice as they passed me. Looking up into the sky, I covered my eyes with my pistol as I was studying the atmosphere of this world. Given that, the color of the sky, the heat intensity, light levels, and a few other things can tell me all I need to know about this planet's general health due to the Waves. Which is weird to learn how to do from the Imperial Automaton Empire from my second world.

My left eye was acting like a supercomputer as I saw an avertible amount of information pass through my sight. All before being logged as "World Atmosphere Data" by my transmutation skill and enchantment skills. As they seemed to note everything down, even the molecular density of the sun. This world was seemingly fine from the data, other than that, it was a rather sunny day with no real clouds in sight, so I leisurely walked around the city for a little while to learn its layout. While I did so, I made a three-dimensional map using transmutation and enchantment on some discarded materials from an alleyway. Pickpocketing guards for gold was a good move given the cost.

Creating myself an interactive map this way to help navigate the city easier. With it, I took my time looking around the place. To some residents, I looked like some unusual tourist, but the few I would assume to be Adventurers picked up some hints from my actions and seeing my map updating itself. As the sun was getting ready to go down, I pulled out the pocket watch I was given by an old Guardian Automaton Beasts called Zeus, and checked the time. It was now six in the afternoon and while I should be hungry, my body isn't exactly my old one anymore, Father Keltson sent me to another world first with my remodeled body to get used to it and gain most of the skills I was promised without me knowing until I got here a day ago.

However, in the dead world, I learned how to run off crackers as my only food source due to sometimes spending most of my days in jail or with the army. Given that everything had fallen and us heroes were holding the last bastion from falling after being in that world for five years. Marksman, Drone, Assassin, and Paladin heroes? Fuckin a load of crap. We weren't ready for those bastards. Coming here though and meeting Keltson I had been given skills those three had previously after killing them using a gun called Soul Stealer.

Like the "Legendary Assassin" skill which belonged to the Assassin Hero, so that means he planned me killing them for their strongest skills, remodeled my body, and improved it for my sole mission. The EXECUTION of heroes and villains. Meaning I should expect possible captures and going without food for possibly days due to all the shit he made me experience before even getting here. Given that every skill has hidden effects on their users, even Hero Weapon Skills, I won't physically and mentally stay the same as I am. As I put my pocket watch away, I pulled out my metal and wooden interactive map and searched up for the blacksmith Erhard. He had some good recommendations from the civilians and random adventures I met while walking around the city. Plus, he was always a good man in the original timeline of this world, so I could see about trusting him.

As I neared his store after thirty minutes with the map leading the way, I first knocked on the door to see if it was locked. Hearing nothing from a lock, I pushed it open and stepped into the store as the man who owns the store came from the back. He had a sturdy build and some scars on his face and head, more than shown in the books or anime, given that he works with weapons every day and was an ex-adventurer. Upon seeing me, the middle-aged smith greeted me while folding his arms and looking me over with the look of a professional craftsman. Not a newbie who's been at this a year like Xualist from Dunphëro.

"Welcome to my store, kid, names Erhard. What can I do for you?"

Hearing his gruff business tone, I smiled at the man while placing one hand in my pocket and waving with the other. Returning his greeting as I returned his look, carefully studying him in depth to judge his experience more closely. Satisfied with my self study of the man after a minute, my hand dropped.

"Names Kaiser Lockheart, I'm the fifth hero that was summoned yesterday. Came by after hearing some good things about you from people around town. Just fair warning about the other heroes, three are dickheads thinking this is a video game and don't care for this world, the last one, the Shield Hero though is a good guy but from what I've gathered. Although, he's probably going to become different from how he is currently after he's likely framed for a crime. He's a good guy, just he is about to get fucked by the first princess accusing him of rape I believe since some guards don't have tight lips, so if you meet him don't be harsh on him, he is, again, a good guy."

"I think I know who you are talking about, I met him and the first princess earlier today when they came in to get armor for the kid. Had a silver shield with a black horizontal line in the middle with a green gem in the center of the shield, which would explain something if he's the Shield Hero."

"Yeah, that sounds like his weapon alright, just whatever you hear don't believe it and instead judge him based on your evaluations."

Hearing me, Erhard scratched his chin a bit before nodding his head in understanding. Before asking me, a few things and such, given I'm here instead of at the castle. So I explained to him what all I would like or need from him as I want to learn about something first since things are different here. Our conversation took a total of three hours, and he had me stay over for dinner that night as we talked about my request.

Which led me to some interesting requests as unlike the other four, I can use other weapons, but only dagger or short sword types of weapons. Because you can slap a knife onto a gun and call it a bayonet, so yeah. The next morning, after he scrounged through his storage for some of the items I requested, I was pleased very much with the items. He didn't even charge me as I just about summed up my situation, and plans for him. So very bluntly that he didn't feel like bothering, so he offered me some old things he crafted, but that never got claimed.

『 Hidden Blade Gauntlets

Type: Assassination Weapon

Materials: Mithril Steel Alloy

Rating: Master Work

Creator: Erhard』

『 Serrated Dagger

Type: Assassination/Throwing Weapon

Materials: Mithril Steel Alloy

Rating: Master Work

Creator: Erhard』

『 Stalker Cloak

Type: Assassin Cloak

Materials: Shadow Dragon and Shadow Panther

Rating: Semi-Master Work

Creator: Erhard』

『 Stalker Utility Sash

Type: Storage Carry Armor Attachment

Materials: Earth Gorilla treated hide

Rating: Master Work

Creator: Erhard』

『 Rebreather and Gas Mask

Type: Lower Face Mask

Materials: Griffon bones, Air Fish glands, Magic Crystals, Dragon Blood

Creator: Erhard and Unknown』

I don't know why someone had the idea for a rebreather gas mask, but I'm thankful for this random person's admittedly strange request. Taking the items from Erhard, I first put on the sash over my purple dress shirt, black vest, and tie while adjusting it to fit me normally. After that, I was fairly confident that they'd be useful, but when I thought it out I fed to my gun, unlocking a rather unique form called Hidden Gunblade Bracers. Switching to the weapon form, I rolled up my sleeves to see the new form hidden underneath them. Two small gun barrels on the upper part while the underside were still hidden blades but with a twist, they looked like they could be fired with wires attached to them.

After checking out the form, I fed the dagger to my weapon and unlocked a few bladed themed forms for all of my weapons. Content with those new weapon forms, I put on my new lower face mask that had goggles to go along with them, which the goggles fit over my glasses. Glasses I no longer needed, but still wore for sentimental reasons. The mask was a bit stuffy, but I'll get used to it eventually as I wear it. Next up was my new cloak and as I put it on I instantly felt the weight.

It weighed at most sixty pounds yet looked so thin and frail, it perfectly gives a false sense of security to think you can stab through it to others, so that's good. Getting used to the weight and moving about wearing it, I eventually found a good balance until I raised my strength to not be burdened by it. Other than that, though, I asked if Erhard had any weights I could also get. He readily gave me some while looking at me wondering why I wanted them. So with a smile, I explained to the smith my reason that may sound like masochism to him.

"Well, I was planning to have these enchanted with an adjustable gravity function to help train my body. So, thanks for these, as I am very likely going to be wearing these whenever I'm not in a bath or getting clean. Plus, these can also act as armor if I enchant them to be sturdy as hell."

Erhard just chuckled wryly while shaking his head at me, that was when the shop bell rang signalling customers had come. Therefore, I followed him out from the back of the shop, and was greeted by the sight of Naofumi and Bitch. I mean Malty S Melromarc. Seeing me, Naofumi gave me a small smile and a wave once he realized it was me under my new equipment. It was pretty late for them to be here, though.

Giving him a wave, I walked out from behind Erhard's counter as I slipped my new weights into one of my sash pouches. The princess I just plainly ignored as I greeted Naofumi before leaving the shop, Erhard looking at the shield on Naofumi's arm. He was probably remembering my words as I left. I hope he can help him out when these people fuck him over. Leaving the shop and sighing tiredly into my new mask, I walked until I found an alley and headed down it for a while before stopping and talking to the air.

"Okay, my shadows, you can come out and peacefully speak with me, or I will shoot one of you in the head to prove I know where you are."

Saying this, I waited for four minutes before from the shadows and the surrounding buildings a group dressed in all black and veils came out. Seeing them, I guessed they were intelligence and assassins, most likely that queen's shadows. As if they were with the church, they'd likely have a brand of some sort given I know that the church likes to flaunt. If these were the queens, then they serve her with more loyalty than her own husband does plus, that they very likely tailed each hero and their party members every second of the day after the summoning. Kind of creepy that, but hey if they want to watch someone possibly shit and piss I'll just ignore it.

However, that's not their main job with tailing the heroes as it's honestly gathering their habits, what they're like, and various other things to report to their queen. Or to use if they ever need to rough them up or... Erase them if they are a threat. The one to approach me though was a male, six feet tall and a robust build that stretched his uniform out.

"What is it that you need us for a Marksman Hero?"

Hearing a toneless and emotionless voice from the man. I locked eyes with where his eyes should be and spoke out my simple desire. Causing the man and his fellow Shadows to tremble at my words before bowing to me as they felt the hidden meaning behind my words.

"I would like to meet Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc, based on working with her, given my role in this world. I after all, wouldn't have come if a god didn't like something, so can I meet her, or shall we forget this? As once, I do the first sign of my role with no real explanation, I shall never clarify or work for someone else until I'm finally killed. And well, if you're confident you can kill me now, you can try but…."

My voice was emotionless with no fluctuations to indicate a bluff or even a shred of anything else, I was speaking honestly and they knew it. My words made them realize something, and they didn't like it, since if I wasn't kidding once I did something, was I truly just going to keep silent until the bitter end? They couldn't know that given my unknown background and skills, all they know is I'm from another world as its Hero, but not my actual threat level.

If they didn't hear out why I was added to the summoning, or bring me to the queen after I somehow had mentioned her by name. Along with noticing them when they are usually undetected, then I can guarantee that Mirellia wouldn't be pleasant to them. She wanted information bad enough if it would help her keep the world and her interest safe that she'd sell her soul. As she was a harsh character in the manga, books, and anime to everyone, but Naofumi really as she lightly schemed to tie him to her because she was facing a war that could destroy her world.

"We shall escort you to meet the queen at once so that you may explain things to her. So please cooperate with us Marksman Hero."

"Just call me Kaiser or Lockheart, after all we may be working together in the coming future."

"If that is what you would wish."

With this little meeting, I soon vanished from the alley with the Shadows and left the city. The sun reached the point, signalling it was now ten in the evening. I silently followed them to meet the queen of schemes, who willingly would enslave her husband and daughter. All just to please Naofumi, so she wouldn't lose his cooperation, as he was the only Hero who gave a fuck about her people and the world.