

All werewolves have mates. So what happens when you fall for someone before you're 18... "Hopefully hes my mate" is all Markie can think as she waits for her 18th. This is a short story that takes place in the middle of "Orphan Wolf". It can be read independently but will have spoilers if you intend to read "Orphan Wolf"... I of course would suggest you read it and pause at the point I marked to read "Markie" but the choice is yours. Story excerpt "Come on Ryan leave me alone!" A boy yells. "You started it Francis... come on pup don't start that with me... I don't have time for this! GO HOME!" I felt the command. I see the little 8 year old boy from last night run away crying, one of Ruby's cousins. When I turn the corner I see a boy about 20 and am hit with an overpowering smell something like fresh cut wood and autumn leaves. It is amazing. I see the guy turn towards me and duck behind the house I am standing by before he sees me. Nope! Not him! Not happening! I hear footsteps coming towards me and run. Into the woods I find a pine tree. Perfect! Pine trees are great hiding places. The branches hide you visually and the smell masks your scent. I climb up as quickly as I can and watch the guy approaching. He circles my tree looking around but eventually gives up and goes back towards the houses. "Mate!" My wolf happily purs. "Not him!" I respond. "Denial." She says. "Refusal." I counter and she growls at me. "You will NOT reject him!" She orders. "He is a bully!" "He is mate!" "He commanded that kid when he could have just talked to him! He is a bully with no patience!" "He is an Alpha!" She purrs with pride at his rank. I don't care! "I don't want him!" "The one you want isn't mate. He isn't yours. He isn't interested... I want mate!" "No." I block her out and climb down the tree.

RUHU95 · Fantasía
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9 Chs


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Markie, Happy birthday to you!" My parents woke me up to a song. 18... I'm 18 today!

High school just ended last week and today I am an adult... what do I do now? I'm not a ranking wolf and I have no real skills... if I don't find some way to contribute I'll end up an omega. My parents are wariors so they are like normal pack members but if a wolf has no skills to contribute to the pack they are classified as an omega.

Basically they end up cleaning the pack house, cooking food fixing equipment, grunt work. Alot of people look down on omegas but they earn their keep like any other wolf... it's just they do the jobs no one else wants to do.

"Happy birthday baby." My dad says kissing my forehead and sitting next to me. Mom puts a plate of chocolate chips pancakes on a stand over my lap. Our family tradition. The one day a year I get a sugar high from breakfast. The only time we have sweets in the house. I love it.

"So what do you want to do today?" Mom asks.

"I don't know... I was thinking of asking Mr. Henderson if he'd take me on as his apprentice." Dad smiles at the idea.

I am not a strong warrior like them. I prefer to use my mind. Other than Alic I got the highest scores in our class in high school. Mr. Henderson is the pack electrician. He is also the chief mechanic. I like that kind of stuff. Problem solving in the real world. How can I fix this. Make it work. Make it work better. I think I'd be good at that.

"Looking to the future! That's my little wolf!" Dad hugs me.

"Well I don't exactly want to be cleaning toilets for the rest of my life now do I?" I ask.

"There is nothing wrong with being an omega... have them all stop working and see how well you'd live little missy!" Mom scolds me. She was raised in an omega family in another pack where she was treated like scum. She is strong and when she found dad and moved here she had no problem becoming a warrior but she still stands up for them.

"I know that mom it's just... I want to do more with my life." I tell her.

"Then you should!" Dad says standing up. "I'll tell Marcus to be expecting you."


"Morning Mr. Henderson." I call walking into his office. It is in a large garage near the pack house.

"Pleas call me Marcus! Mr. Henderson makes me feel old!" He answers. He is probably 45 but looks like he's in his late 20s early 30s thanks to his werewolf genes.

"Alright Marcus. I guss my dad told you I was coming." I say.

"Sure did... I could use someone to take over for me in a few years. No one has shown any interest so of you got the stuff I'd be glad to work with you." He tells me.

"Thank you sir! I'm sure I can learn anything you have to teach me!" I am so excited this was easier than I thought!

"You start monday 7am. Take this week. Enjoy your birthday. It's no fun to rush into adulthood... you can't go back." Marcus says.

He got really serious there... oh well! I have secured a job and have a week of free time. I feel like I won the lottery! As I leave the garage my phone starts ringing.

"Hel..." I am cut off by singing.

"Happy happy birthday it's your special day! Hay! Happy happy birthday that's what I've called to say! Happy happy birthday may all your dreams come true! Happy happy birthday a song from me to you!"

"Hi Ruby!" I say laughing.

"Why hello birthday girl! What are you up to!" She is always so chipper!

"I'm gonna apprentice with Mr. Henderson... I bet I could rig up something pretty cool with his help!" I tell her.

"I'm sure you could... I'm glad you've found something you're excited to do I know you were worried after your graduation." Ruby says.

"You mean the one you didn't come home for?" I ask. She hasn't been home at all since she left. She calls but it's not the same.

"You know I can't... so how's... everything?" She draws out the last word. Malak, she means how's Malak. She always asks. Every time she calls she wants to know if he has found his mate. She won't say that tho so she asks how's everything the same way every time.

"He hasn't found her yet." I say I can hear her breath a sigh of relief. "Probably because she is in California and won't come home."

"You don't know that!... anyway enough about that hows my little brother? You two mates?" This girl never gives up.

"I haven't tried and don't plan to... we have a good friendship and I don't want to ruin it." We have been spending alot of time together and I'd say he is probably my best friend not counting Ruby of course.

"You're just afraid he's not your mate. Listen girl you need to find out so you can move on one way or the other!" She's right... I know she's right... I still don't want to risk it.

"When are you coming home?" I ask completely changing the subject. I can tell by her tone she is rolling her eyes at me.

"Next year in the fall I hope... I've been doing summer semester classes to graduate early." She says.

"Do you know what it is to just go through school like a normal person?" I ask her and we both laugh.

"I'm glad I came out here but I want to come home soon so no I don't plan on it taking four years three is plenty!.. hay sorry to cut this short but my idiot of a cousin needs me... I'm coming Ryan put a pin in it!.... Seriously call me later Marker!"

"Will do bye." I hang up the phone. Well in a little over a year I'll have my friend back

I walk around the pack looking at all the houses. I could end up building one of them myself. Having a family mate...pups... the thought is new and amazing. I have been avoiding thinking about my mate. It made everything easier to deal with but now I'm 18. Alot of wolves find their mates within a month of this birthday. Alot has changed today and I'm not sure I'm ready for it.

"Hay Marker!" Alic runs up to me. I dodge him making sure to avoid contact.

"Why do you call her that again?" Ti asks following him.

"Just a nickname Ruby calls her it too." Alic answers.

"Hi Markie... you talk to Ruby?" Malak joins the group. I said I've been spending time with Alic well... you can't have him without the Alpha's twins.

"Yea... she called to wish me a happy birthday." I tell him.

"Oh yea happy birthday!" Ti less than subtly takes my hand then sighs. I said alot of wolves find their mates within a month well Ti is 19 and hasn't. It's driving him nuts.

"Has she... did she... how is she?" Malak stammers. Poor boy I can see the desperation in his question. He is asking the same thing Ruby was.

"She's doing good. Trying to graduate a year early so very busy." Malak looks down. I still haven't answered what he wants to know. "But she still hasn't found her mate... I think she is looking forward to that." I am trying to give him some hope but it doesn't seem to help.

I hear Malak mumble "then why did she leave?" I'm sure the other boys heard it to but no one comments.

"So now that you two are finished with your prison sentence known as high school what are you going to do with your lives?" Ti asks.

"Train to be Beta... dude you know my path is set. I'm the son of a Beta a true Beta... I don't really have a choice." Alic answers.

Alic's wolf has a grey coat. As does his father. It abnormal because a wolves fur is supposed to match its human's hair color. As I spent time with him I learned about a story where an Alpha gave up his power to become Beta. Somehow that changed his wolf and every wolf that came from him. True Betas are extremely powerful wolves second only to their Alpha and loyal beyond any normal person so I get it when Alic says he has no choice. He was born for this.

"How about you Marker?" Alic asks.

"I'm gonna apprentice with Mr. Henderson starting next week." I tell them.

"Sooo... we have a week to mess around before real life begins!" Ti yells.

"What do you mean you are an Alpha kid you can mess around all you want!" I say.

"Ahhh.. yes Markie. I live a joy filled life but in one week, my dear, you will be working and therefore... boring I don't know if we can still be friends after that!" Ti is being an overdramatic doofus flailing his arms and speaking as if he were in a Shakespearean play.

"Yea you're probably too immature for me to hang out with once I'm in the adult world... your still just a pup aren't you!" I pinch his cheek as I say the last bit and he growls smacking my hand away.

"Come on let's go somewhere! I'm tired of hanging around here!" Malak says and takes off. We all follow him.

For some reason we end up at the high school.

"Why are we here Malak?" I ask.

"I just want to hit something... like with a weapon... baseball is the closest thing I could think of that wouldn't end in me breaking everything in the pack gym and I don't want to explain that to dad." He walks around the building. "Come on I know how to get into the sporting equipment shed."

Ti pitches as Malak hits. Alic and I started out trying to field for him but he is hitting home runs into the woods and I got tired of chasing balls through the trees. As it starts to get dark Ti stops pitching.

"Bro we've been at this all day... we need to go home." Ti says.

"No! I don't want to go back! I hate walking around dads pack! I wanna go back to Red Rivers!" (The boy's mom's pack) Malak yells.

"What's up with you?" Ti asks as he, Alic and I walk to home plate.

"Everything here makes me think about her! Its been over a year! And she won't be back any time soon! 3 years! Even if she cuts a year off she is literally avoiding me for 3 years! She won't even call me! She won't answer the phone! She won't respond to letters or emails! Does she hate me or something!" Malak rants.

"She doesn't hate you." I try to comfort him.

"She talks to you! She talks to Alic! Crap she's even called Ti and she doesn't like him!" He is hurting. He thinks she doesn't want him... he is so wrong.

"Malak..." I put my hand on his shoulder and he pushes me. Stupid Alpha temper! I feel myself hit a hard chest and his arms wrap around me.

"I'm so sorry!" Malak says snapping out of his rage.

I am too distracted to answer as I realize who is holding me. I look down to where his hands touch my bare arms then up to his perfect face.

"Are you ok Marker?" Alic asks. I pull myself away from him and look at Malak avoiding Alic's concerned look.

"She is torn up about this just like you! She is working her tail off to get back here early because of you! She loves you you idiot! Just be patient!" Ruby is probably going to kill me for that but right now I don't care.

I feel like crying but I don't want the boys to see it so I take off back towards the pack. I hear them call after me but I don't listen. I go straight home and run up the stairs into my bedroom. I slam the door and flop on my bed crying into the pillow.

"Is everything alright? Are you hurt?" I hear Alic link me. No I'm not alright. My heart is broken in a million pieces and you don't even realize why.

"I'm fine Alic... Goodnight." I link back and shut everyone out.

"I told you to wait for mate." My wolf reminds me.

"You were right... but I can't stop loving him." I tell her.

"But he's not mate!" She argues

"I know... but I still love him." I continue to cry. He will never feel for me what I feel for him... I don't know if I can ever love someone else like I do Alic... 12 years is a long time to love someone.