

All werewolves have mates. So what happens when you fall for someone before you're 18... "Hopefully hes my mate" is all Markie can think as she waits for her 18th. This is a short story that takes place in the middle of "Orphan Wolf". It can be read independently but will have spoilers if you intend to read "Orphan Wolf"... I of course would suggest you read it and pause at the point I marked to read "Markie" but the choice is yours. Story excerpt "Come on Ryan leave me alone!" A boy yells. "You started it Francis... come on pup don't start that with me... I don't have time for this! GO HOME!" I felt the command. I see the little 8 year old boy from last night run away crying, one of Ruby's cousins. When I turn the corner I see a boy about 20 and am hit with an overpowering smell something like fresh cut wood and autumn leaves. It is amazing. I see the guy turn towards me and duck behind the house I am standing by before he sees me. Nope! Not him! Not happening! I hear footsteps coming towards me and run. Into the woods I find a pine tree. Perfect! Pine trees are great hiding places. The branches hide you visually and the smell masks your scent. I climb up as quickly as I can and watch the guy approaching. He circles my tree looking around but eventually gives up and goes back towards the houses. "Mate!" My wolf happily purs. "Not him!" I respond. "Denial." She says. "Refusal." I counter and she growls at me. "You will NOT reject him!" She orders. "He is a bully!" "He is mate!" "He commanded that kid when he could have just talked to him! He is a bully with no patience!" "He is an Alpha!" She purrs with pride at his rank. I don't care! "I don't want him!" "The one you want isn't mate. He isn't yours. He isn't interested... I want mate!" "No." I block her out and climb down the tree.

RUHU95 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"So what do you want to do today Markie?" Ruby asks me lounging on my bed.

"I don't know... we could study and watch a movie." I suggest. Ruby is 17 and my best friend... really shes my only friend. I'm like the background character no one even remembers from someone else's story. Not to Ruby tho. She sees me and I'm grateful for that.

"You got candy? Can't watch a movie without popcorn and candy." She grins at me.

"You know my parents. Unless you consider carrots candy that isn't happening in this house." I tell her. My parents are health freaks. Well they are top wariors in our pack so they need to stay in shape but still is a cookie gona kill me? No.

"Well you could always stay over at my house." She suggests.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I respond. I love Ruby but I'm not big on being around alot of people. I get really nervous... and I really get nervous around her brother.

"You still hung up on Alic?" She says nudging me.


"No... of course not!" I say a little too quickly.

"Well then there's no reason why you can't come over!" She pulls me up from my seat and we make our way to her house.

Ok so here's the thing. I like Alic. I have since we were in kindergarten. I liked him before I even knew he was a werewolf like me. Before he joined the pack. Before we found out he was the Beta's son.

He's just nice. Genuinely nice... he helps people. he stands up to bullies. And not just for pack members but humans too. He thinks everyone should be treated well. He even made Ti (one of the Alpha's twins) a better person when they became friends. (Ti was kinda a jerk before) Plus he's funny. I mean a complete clown! He is top of our class in school too. To top it all off he is the most beautiful male specimen in existence (ask any girl in the school) and he doesn't even know it! He doesn't even see the girls staring at him. Yea... I like Alic.

"Come on I'll set us up in the living room!" Ruby says as we enter her house. "Have a seat I'll go get snacks."

I sit on the couch and look around. Well at least he's not here... probably with the twins. I lean back and wait for Ruby. This could be ok... maybe he's staying at the Alpha's house with Ti and Malak. Maybe I won't run into him. Maybe I won't make a fool of myself.

"Hay Marker... what are you doing here?" Maybe I spoke too soon. A male voice fills the room and I look over to see Alic standing in the doorway. His wavy dark brown hair is falling down in his eyes. Not long enough to impede his vision but enough that he keeps messing with it to get it out of his way.

"Ruby invited me." I whisper.

"Oh... cool. What cha girls doin'?" He asks rocking back on his heels.

"Ummm... uh... yea... we're gonna umm... watch a movie... maybe study?" Words Markie words! I can't believe this! I knew I'd make a fool out of myself!

"Cool!" He flops down on one of the chairs with his legs hanging off one arm and his head and shoulders off the other. He turns to look at me. "Haven't seen you around in a while... you avoiding me Marker?" He is grinning at me. I swear his teeth nearly sparkle! This boy is too much!

"No!... of course not... you know... I just don't hang out with alot of people... and you are usually with the twins... and I don't want to interrupt...and..." I ramble

"Hay calm down Markie. It was just a joke... so you finish the history report yet?" Alic is in all of my classes and I mean ALL! We both skipped sixth grade and ended up in advanced classes. I literally see him everywhere.

"Yea... I finished last night." I tell him. It is due in monday and we've had two weeks to do it. I've rewritten mine three times. I work hard for my grades. "How about you?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"Haven't started... I figure I'll wip something up tomorrow." He casually answers. He'll probably get an A too... so unfair! "Ruby tell you she's moving to California for college?"

What? No! She can't just leave! Werewolves don't go to college! They stay with the pack! She can't just leave me!

"No I haven't! Thanks alot bro! I was going to tell her tonight... you know what get out! Girls only movie night!" Ruby says as she enters with two cans of pop, some chips, popcorn, and what looks like three boxes of candy.

"Later Marker!" Alic calls running out of the room grinning at his sister.

"Sorry about him." She sighs as she sets down the snacks.

"California?" I ask impatiently.

"Yea... my uncle runs a pack there... I'm gonna stay with him so I can go to school." She says.

"What about Malak? I figured you'd at least wait until you turn 18! It's only a week away" Malak is the other one of the Alpha's twins. He also happens to be in love with Ruby. Has been forever. She told him she doesn't want to date around. Waiting for her mate and all. He has been patiently waiting for her for the past four years. Waiting for them both to turn 18 so he can see if they are mates.

"That's exactly why I have to go now! I don't want to be one of those wolves that never leaves the pack boundaries! Never sees the world! I want to live my life! If I find my mate it's over! We'll settle down and have a happy little pack life." She answers.

"And you don't want that?" I ask. Happy little pack life sounds good to me.

"Its not that I don't want that..." she trails off.

"You just don't want Malak." I say. I know it's not true. She wants him to be her mate as much as he wants her.

"Its not that it's just... not yet... I want to have time to be myself first and if I stay I don't see that happening." She finishes.

I get it... but the thing is I said 'what about Malak' when what I want to know is what about me? What am I going to do when my one and only friend is gone?

"It won't be forever Marker... just a few years... I'm not ready for all that... I'll be back." Ruby pulls me into a hug.

"You could wait a year... I'll bust my butt to graduate early like you and we can go together." I suggest. I am 16... I probably am to late to graduate mid year next year but I'd try if it ment not losing my friend.

"And Malak? If he is my mate do you think he'd be ok with me being gone for four years after he finds out?" She asks. I look away. I know she's right. Alpha blood tends to make boys overly possessive of their mates... well all wolves are but Alphas are worse. "I'm not trying to be callous. I'm trying to be smart. If I leave now before we know for sure it will be easier. If I am his mate than he won't have to worry about me and can focus on his training. If I'm not... well then maybe he will meet her and no harm done. It's better for everyone."

"Not for me." My true thoughts finally vocalized.

"I'm sorry Markie... I love you but I have to do this... maybe you can hang out with Alic while I'm gone!" She grins at me. Well played Ruby well played. I turn ten kinds of red. "You know since you're over him you two could be good friends."

"I... I don't think... I'm not sure I could do that." I stammer.

"Because you like him." I look around expecting him to be standing there. That would be my luck.

"It's not... it's just... I... I..."

"You... you... you like him and don't know how to say it!... it's ok in what? A year and a half? You'll be 18 and know for sure." She grins.

Easy for you to say! He doesn't even see me that way! He hardly sees me at all! He only spends time with the twins and Ruby! I don't think he's ever even had a girlfriend! I don't even know how I'd take it if he's not my mate. He's the only boy I've ever loved!

"How do you know for sure?" I could ask my mom but she gets all weird when I mention mates and dad gets sad and says he doesn't want to lose his little girl then says he'll kill any boy who tries to touch me. It's just too awkward to talk to them.

"Well they smell amazing to you." She starts her list. And Check he smells amazing.

"You can't stop thinking about him." She continues and it's another Check.

"You find them extremely attractive and tend to have inappropriate thoughts." Number three is an embarrased Check.

"There are other things but I think the main one that seals it... The one that you can't conjure up in your mind is that once you're 18. Once you're old enough to find your mate. Their touch feels like electricity! Like a tingling sensation wherever they touch you... I heard it is so powerful some people collapse the first time they feel it!" Ruby ends the list. She looks all misty eyed. She wants to find her mate badly.

"Ok... so I can't know until I'm 18 then I just have to touch him... yea I'm never finding out!" I say flopping back on the couch covering my face.

What am I supposed to do? Just walk up to him and be like 'hi Alic, don't be alarmed I'm just going to lay my hands on you now.'? I can't even talk to the boy without going stupid! Yup! I will die alone.

"When we find mate I won't let you screw it up." My wolf reminds me. She doesn't like me obsessing over anyone before we can find our mate. She likes Alic but she wants to wait to become emotionally involved with anyone. Well for me that ship has sailed.

"You can do it...Alic is actually really shy... he goofs off to be the center of attention but he doesn't really talk to anyone... his smile hides alot... he won't make the first move even if you are mates... the boy is kinda clueless. You don't have to jump on him or anything. Just make contact. I high five, handshake, just bump into him and you'll know." Ruby says.

"I'm not so sure... I'm gonna miss you Ruby!"

We stop our conversation and turn to the movie now that we both have been thoroughly embarrassed about our boy problems.

I don't know what I'm going to do with her gone.