

How did the world change so fast? At first humans were living peacefully with their normal lives, back then there was not much of what we call different races, subclasses and other things that separates mankind today. I think it has been about 500 years today since the highest mountain in the world Mt.Everest erupted but funny enough, instead of hot, red larva flowing out of the mountain, it was green larva and green gas burst out wich went up and formed what we call today The Moving Clouds. -- Mark is not a vampire like his father and not a white mage like his mother, what is he? He has a book given to him by his mother and that book contains one part of a system. The other part of the system is owned by the Grand Master of Magic City. When the system is separated into two wich means it has two hosts, then they both are destined to face each other so that only one host can contain the whole system and unlock it's full power. But mark is only a student in a school full of different subclasses and races with different abilities. How will he grow through his challenges as the chosen one in the prophecy? Am sorry for the poor cover. I will generate a better one in the future. This story is really great just try it. It will get better as more chapters are released and as I gain more experience. Is it comedy you are looking for? It is included. Is it a magical world? It is included. Is it romance? Yes it is found in there. It gets better when Arthur wants to go against the Grand Master.

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs


Currently Mark was in his room looking at his dashboard. Earlier, he had just finished eating half a kilogram of meat to complete his daily quests.

' Did I just eat uncooked meat? And it tasted so good. It is strange that when I saw the piece of meat I was just drawn to it.'

Earlier a message had appeared on Mark's dashboard and it went as follows;


(( The Quest eat half a kilogram of meat have been completed.

Reward +2 strength))


Your Daily Quests have all been completed

Rewards: +5 EXP , +5 loose points to distribute to any of your stats.


Total loose points 10.))


Since Mark strength was growing faster he decided to distribute his loose points to other areas and his current stats were.














loose Points:0





((Increases your speed by 10 percent for 30 seconds, cool down 5minutes. ))


((gives you a sudden energy rush which increases your strength and perception by 10 percent for 30 secs.. cool down  5minutes.))


(( Gives you basic information about anything. The amount of information depends on the level of the thing or person.))


((Enables you to see through obstacles in your sight))





Mark while looking his dashboard discovered that the option EXP had been added. He gained +5 EXP when he defeated the Pighumans and another 5 for completing his daily tasks making a total 10 EXP and he thought to himself.

' So I can level up too? Cool. I wander how it will be if I leveled up. Will I get stronger?

Will I gain new skills?

Will my body undergo changes?

And why is it that on the option of Race I have question marks?

And talking of my HP what happens if it reaches Zero?

Will I die?'

Just the thought of dying made Mark's heart to skip a bit and he thought he will make sure not to go below 5 HP for he never wanted to find out what will happen if he reached Zero HP.

"Dinner is ready." Mark's father's voice sounded from downstairs.

Mark was not that hungry because he had finished half a kilogram of meat not too long ago but he decided he will go to dinner.


Mark left his room and went downstairs then he saw Kayla sitting there with men's clothing on her and when Kayla turned and noticed that Mark was staring at her she quickly looked away with a red face.

Mark's eyes trailed off from Kayla to his father and Mark was having this "like seriously?" look on his face.

"What? we have no female clothes in this house so I had to offer her my T-shirt, atleast it looks like a gown on her." Mark's father defended himself.

Mark sat quiet before and idea came to his head.

" You said some people were after you right?" Mark asked.

"yes," answered Kayla.

" Well I have an idea. Suppose those people batch in here, if they set thier eyes on you, they will know it's you so I have a suggestion."

" And what suggestion is that son?" Mr Hanstine asked looking at his son trying to understand where he is leading to.

" Firstly your white hair is a dead giveaway away so I suggest you spray it to dark as a disguise and then you should start putting on some of my clothes so that you will look totally like a boy and no one will notice it is you." Mark explained.

" Huh a disguise as a boy? okay it's fine by me." Kayla said while smiling.

Mr. Hanstine just palmed his face while shaking his head.

" Okay kids, time for dinner get to the table."

Kayla was very happy with Mark's suggestion at first she was starting to regret her decision of escaping from her home because she taught there was no difference between here and her home as she was supposed to live only indoors but with Mark's idea she would have the chance to roam freely outside.


In the Grand Castle which is the palace of the Grand Master there is Commotion and the atmosphere is tensed as the guards and maids are running up and down looking for the princess.

" You had only one job to do. Look after my daughter but you all failed. This means that an assassin can get pass all of you without noticing. How can you let the future of this Kingdom to be endangered?" The Grand Master was furiously questioning the private guards and maids of the princess.

" Forgive us your majesty I feel someone from inside helped her to escape if not I swear the security was very tight." One of the guards which is the chief guard of the princess's private guards spoke up.

" Silence who ever did this I must find out later. For now you must go and search for the princess. Turn this City upside down if you have to but at any cost you must find the princess and that too unharmed. One more thing, a word of this must not spread out. If my enemies hear about this they can use it as an opportunity to get back at me. Go immidiately I give you till sun down tomorrow to bring back the princess."

The guards left the palace in a hurry and set out to find the princess.

Meanwhile the Grand Master was thinking and before he glanced at his chest, it was glowing so brightly then he said to himself

" Kayla what have you done?"

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