
Mandolorian Stormtrooper

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Otras
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4 Chs

Registration and action

Back at Mandalore:

Alix woke up again in the hospital on Mandalore where he had woken up after the accident where he had died with his previous parents on earth.

He was in about 4 months in the hospital after he got discharged.

He was 16 at the time or at least his body was.

But he needed to find a job but he couldn't find a job as he needed to finish school for that but he couldn't as he was an orphan and could not afford school or at least the previous owner of the body could not, so he saw some of the Storm trooper corps recruitment propaganda and decided to join the Imperial Army.

He applied and was accepted and trained for two years. He became a trooper and was assigned to be a Storm Trooper, later it was discovered that he had exceptional talent for combat and leadership so he got assigned to a more elite stormtrooper squad as the Squad Sergeant, he and his new Squad would be send to their first mission to discover an undiscovered planet in the outer rim.

While they were investigating the planet they arrived at one of the surface bases of the planet and were informed that there was a bunch of rebels hiding out in the caves trying to attack the local garrison.

"What are we gonna do," Alix wondered.

"Do you think they are dangerous?" asked one of the troopers.

"I don't know," replied Alix. "I hope not. They're probably just smugglers or rebels."

"Yeah," said one of the other troopers. "I hope so too. They shouldn't be that hard to handle."

"Alright," said Alix. "We'll go in and kick their asses."

Meanwhile the commanding officer of the operation Captain Hask has ordered the now Sergeant Alix and his men to go to the briefing place and inform them of the situation with the rebels.

"Attention troopers, bad news," said Captain Hask "The local garrison is under attack by a large group of rebels."

"Fuck," replied one of the soldiers as they all stood up. "MIND YOUR LANGUAGE," Said Captain Hask to the trooper who cursed. "As you know we will need to exterminate the rebel threat from out garrison" Explained Captain Hask.

Meanwhile Captain Hask explained the plan to Alix and the troopers.

"We will split into four teams and hit the four main rebel locations simultaneously. Squad A, B, C, and D will go to the cave where the rebels are holed up in. Squad E and F will go to the town where the rebels are causing trouble and destroying buildings. Squad G will take out any stragglers or targets that appear on our path. Any questions?"

"NO SIR!" All the troopers responded simultaneously.

"Excellent, then let's move out. First squad, lead the way!"

The first squad moved out quickly to the outskirts of the village.

"How many troops do we have here?" Asked Alix.

"About 300," said one of the troopers. "Mostly mercs and farmers."

"Good, that's enough," said Alix. "Now listen, you're going to have to hold back a little bit because we have almost no reinforcements. But you're free to use any force necessary to defend the town."

"Understood," said one of the troopers.

"And I want you to make sure that no civilians get hurt," said Alix. "Especially children."

"Of course, Sir," said one of the troopers.

The squad made its way toward the village while Alix and his team were waiting for the next squads to arrive. While they waited they were attacked by a group of rebels that tried to stop them but they were able to defeat them without too much trouble.

When the second squad arrived at the cave, Alix and his team was already there waiting for them.

"Alright troops," said Alix. "Let's kick some ass."

Alix and his team stormed the cave and cleared it out pretty quickly.

"Great job everyone," said Alix. "Now let's go after those rebels."

The next squad took off towards the town while the third squad went straight to the market area to clear it out.

When the last squad came into town there were only a few rebels around. Alix and the rest of the squad surrounded them and started shooting.

"Kill them all!" yelled one of the troopers.

Alix and his squad killed the few rebels quickly.

"Well done," said Alix. "Let's move out."

Alix and his squad followed the other squads to the warehouse where they assumed the rebels were holed up in. When they got there they were greeted by a bunch of rebels who didn't seem all that tough.

"Hello," said Alix. "I am Sergeant Alix Vizsla and this is my unit. We have orders from our command to exterminate any rebels that we find. Do you understand?"

"Yeah," said one of the rebels. "We've been expecting you. Now get ready to die."

"I'm sorry," said Alix. "But we won't be killing you."

"What?" asked one of the rebels. "Why not?"

"Because you're going to surrender," said Alix. "Our commander told us that if you surrendered then we wouldn't have to kill you."

"So what happens now?" asked the rebel.

"We'll take your weapons," replied Alix. "Then we'll escort you back to our base."

"Fine," said the rebel. "I guess you can get your weapons back."

"Thanks," said Alix. "Let's go."

After they escorted the rebels back to their base and escorted them to a waiting room, Alix talked to Captain Hask, the Commanding Officer of the operation.

"Captain," said Alix. "Was it wise to let the rebels go?"

"I thought they would surrender," replied Captain Hask. "Besides, I wasn't sure how many rebels were actually here."

"You should have kept them under guard," said Alix.

"Sorry," said Captain Hask. "But you know the rules. Don't kill defenseless rebels."

"Yes," said Alix. "I know."

Alix returned to his squad and met up with them.

"Well," said Alix. "They're gone."

"Who cares," said one of the troopers. "Let's go home."

Alix took his squad back to the base. While they were walking there they were ambushed by the remaining rebels that hid in some of the buildings in town.

"Get them!" yelled one of the troopers.

Alix and his squad charged to the building where the rebels were hiding and killed all of them.

"Good work," said Alix. "Let's finally go home."

"Hey sergeant," called one of the troopers. "There's another squad in the base. I think they're fighting the rebels."

"Let's go check it out," said Alix.

Alix and his squad went to the base where the last squad was fighting the rebels.

"What's going on here," asked Alix.

"Sir," said one of the troopers. "We were sent here to find the rebels that have been attacking the local garrison and to eliminate the ones that are still there."

"How's it going?" asked Alix.

"Not good," said the trooper. "These rebels are a lot tougher than I expected. We've been fighting for hours and haven't even gotten close to eliminating them."

"What do you need," asked Alix.

"We need reinforcements," answered the trooper. "Can you send someone to help us?"

"Sure," said Alix. "I'll see what I can do."

Alix left the base and went to his office.

"Vizsla," said Captain Hask. "I have some good news and some bad news."

"Go ahead," replied Alix.

"The good news is that I've arranged for a transport ship to come pick us up. It should be here within the next 24 hours. The bad news is that we have a battle coming soon."

"Really?" asked Alix. "Who are we going to fight?"

"No one," replied Hask. "The rebels that we captured when you were on the planet are planning on attacking us once our forces get here. "Oh yes, I was about to ask you for reinforcements, the rebels have started to attack the barracks and we need reinforcements. There are only a dozen or so left but we only have two squads present and the sergeant of the other squad is deceased." Alix replied.

"Right," replied Hask. "I'll go high command and see what I can do about sending you reinforcements. See you soon."

Alix went back to his squad and told them about the bad news.

"So what do we do now?" asked one of the troopers.

"We wait and hold out until reinforcements arrive," replied Alix. "The Captain said he would do what he could to send reinforcements."

(Thanks for reading please give some feedback and keep reading the next episodes.)