
Chapter 9:Hero’s Chronicle, Underground Labyrinth

Glass had stepped out of her Carriage her dress was pale white and matched her hair and eyes perfectly. She was Twelve but looked like a precious flower about ready to start blowing. This had not gone unnoticed by many of the other nobles and their children. Today was her debut into society, she was being escorted in by her father inside. This would be the first time she comes to the royal castle to meet the King and his newly crowned Queen lady Angela. Jealousy was already assuming toward the second prince.

Many had come to talk to her, and she replied with polite responses.

"it is a pleasure to finally meet you" Lady Angela had finally found the time to greet the beautiful young girl who is to be her daughter-in-law.

"Greetings, your Highness" Glass said with courtesy.

The more she looked at this girl the more she liked her, was what Lady Angela's expression had told Glass plainly. Although to another Angela looked respectful.

"You'll be starting Academy at the next month with my son. I hope you both get along just perfectly."

"I believe we will get along" Glass said

"Perfectly" Angela said as she walked back to her husbands' side. Glass

had caught a glimpse of Jared's gaze before she turned and proceeded to walk to her father's side.

Glass had requested her Father that they turn in early.

"They kept asking about your elements" he said as they were in the carriage.

"You've kept my dual elements hidden from them for a long time, and you've also kept my identity as the real boss of the East Trade company. Did you get tired from hiding it all?"

"Of course, I want everyone to know about my daughters' achievements" Maxfield laughed before becoming somewhat serious "I wonder what you have planned next"

"Jared, he's a problem," Glass said

"It sounds like you plan to have your engagement cancelled."

"Something like that. Although, I have been second guessing it. It could cause some problems."

"I don't think so. After all the brat is so arrogant he has no respect."

"Putting it bluntly"

"Heh, I'm more curious about what you mean to do while you're in the capital."

"It a surprise" Glass closed her eyes. As she waited for the carriage to stop at the Inn she was staying at. Rain and Mayuri were already there and reserved a room for. Her father was going back to the estate straight away.

By the time she got to the Inn, Mayuri had already laid out sleeping wear for her. It seems Mayuri had gotten better and better at reading her moods. Because as soon as she came to the Inn she dressed and changed into them before going to sleep herself. The party did tire her out afterall.

"Miss, where are we headed," Rain asked the following morning.

"The labyrinth under the capital" Glass said as she kept touching the wall of an isolated room that barely anyone remembers.

"There is a labyrinth here?"

"Ithacan royal family built its capital on top of it"

"Was it on purpose."

"Yes," Glass stopped and slowly chanted a spell. The wall became translucent.


"The royal family wanted to protect a god." Glass stepped through the wall with Mayuri and Rain following her.

"A god?"

"Over 600 years ago, four gods fell from the stars. Eventually humans came to worship the fallen and the royal family in origins was once a worshipper."

"Did they worship the azure dragon?"

"No, they worshipped, the black tortoise, Genbu"

"Why do I feel like I know that name."

"Me, too" Mayuri who was quiet finally said.

"Although, the royal doesn't remember worshipping them that didn't mean others didn't. Your family still worshipped them which is what caught Angela's eye in the first place. Belvin village is the same way is why they were so ready to destroy both the village and your family. To the dragon cult the worship of any other god other than their own are eyesores."

"My family worshipped him?"

"This is the first time I'm hearing this, but now I understand"

"I brought the both of you here for that very reason. To meet your god"



"Unlike the white tiger and Azure dragon, their counterparts are different in temperament. Genbu is more peaceful, he didn't provide fierce power but bountiful harvest."

"So, is that the mystery behind the reason why Ithacan always has a successful harvest." Mayuri asked


"a dead-end?" Rain said

"This is as far as the dragon cult got," Glass said as she chanted another spell and then a giant bubble-like object enchased them and brought them down without leaving so much as a dent. Until finally they reached a frighteningly large opening, and the giant that was sited on its surface.

The shocked Mayuri and Rain looked at the giant who was just barely reaching the surface.

Glass looked at the giant sadly. The bubble burst the moment they touched the surface. "Both of you get ready." Glass said as shadow-like creatures started to come out of the ground and ushered weirdly towards them at frightening speed, surrounding them completely.

"Miss, let us handle them, we are more than capable just the two of us" Rain said bringing out his twin daggers.

"No just me is enough" Mayuri countered and smashed a green bead on the ground before bringing out her daggers. The dark surface turned into a field of green grass, and then giant man-eating plants sprang into action eating the shadows. She then turned her face to Rain and gave him an arrogant glare, awakening Rain's competitive spirit.

"…." Glass stared emotionlessly as she sat down by a nearby rock.

Satusko was already in her hand just in case.

[Name: Rain Mayfest]

Lvl: 231

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

[Name: Mayuri Hargrove]

Lvl: 231

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Glass relaxed somewhat as the shadow warrior's levels are about in the 200 or so. Satusko, however, was starting to vibrate as if it wanted to fight to. Glass held tighter on the sword to calm it down as she watched Mayuri and Rain take down shadows one by one. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. She laid her head down on the rock as if she was comfortable and yawned covering her mouth

'I'll let them play for a little longer."

She thought before going to sleep.

It had been an hour before Mayuri, and Rain realized the shadow wasn't ending anytime soon. Exhaustion did not hit them entirely yet, but it was obvious they were tired. Rain glanced at Glass who was comfortably still sleeping, the shadows didn't even try to attack her. Before turning his head back and focusing on the shadows. Mayuri eventually turned her head toward Glass a little while later, she saw that her Miss was sleeping and blushed slightly. She stopped in a daze as she stared at Glass and then realized she still needed to finish the shadows off.

A few more hours went by at this time Mayuri and Rain were exhausted. They were breathing heavily but the shadow-like monster's don't seem to be stopping. Until before them they all of a sudden were cut in half.

Smash, they both heard something break.

Mayuri and Rain looked behind them as Glass was already walking toward them with something other than Satusko in her hand. It looked like a mirror.

Glass was still somewhat sleepy as she walked toward them.

'Did you two have fun?' Glass thought as she nodded before moving forward to the sleeping giant.

Glass looked at the face of the giant who was surrounded by moss and mold his shell was slightly creaked everywhere. the Snakehead laid peacefully its eyes looking straight at its partner and them to the visitors

"Children of Man, why have you come to disturb this old one's rest" the elder Turtle with telepathy.

"To watch your end," Glass said bluntly with shocked Rain and Mayuri who didn't know if they could beat this giant turtle.

"Do you wish to fight us, Child" the female voice of the snake held said calmly without a hint of displeasure. "You do not feel violent nor a wish to kill us, yes"

"Yes, I do not" Glass looked at the said face of the snake end. "I only wish to be here when you die.

"I see" the female snake-head said before laying her head back down softly on the ground.

Glass looked at the two behind her before pulling out three cots and a campfire starter. Once everything was in place, she laid down and went to sleep. Rain didn't waste any times as he went to sleep on another cot. Mayuri stayed awake a little longer to admire Glass sleeping before she joined them in sleep.

Once both of them were fully asleep, Glass got up.

"Child, you are of man. But your soul is not."

Glass looked straight the tortoise who spoke via telepathy.

"You are similar to us are you not" the female snakehead said

Glass smiled slightly

"But, that…"

"why are you really here?" the female snakehead said cutting off her partner.

"For them" Glass said

"Not for yourself?"


"Why, we could cure you"

"No, you can't it would be a waste. You would only be able to suppress it for a few more years or so."

"….and they"

"I only want you to support them as your champions when you descend back into the heavens"


"We can do that" the tortosie said.

New Version. UPDATED: January 26, 2019

Plenty of Time-Skip

Asalincreators' thoughts