
Chapter 40: Pendragon, More Knights

After seizing many victories in battles, King Arthur's knight gave themselves a brief respite before moving on to their new skirmish. All of them knew... The war will only end if the Saxons have been driven off their homeland entirely.

Arthur's big sister, Lady Morgana, has already adapted to her new home. Knights and servants alike are fond of the kind-hearted and beautiful lady. Together with her intelligence and good faith from Arthur, she began intervening in the royal palace's matter. Moreover, the arrangements are done orderly and smoothly.

'Arthur when will you realize' She thought.

As time passes, more knights requested to join Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. Chairs lined along the round table soon found their seaters as more of them are filled.

However, only the most dangerous chair remains empty. A black chair, who no name on it. When the table had been first created the Chair was still there.

Faith knew who the Chair was for, none other than herself. Like Merlin she also knows this magic around the round table.

Each Chair represents an Ordained knight, one who completed the Knights Code. She did this before she met Claudius when his Father granted her Knighthood, although she didn't have a ceremony. Her chair is black due to the Knights believe in her King while the fact that there is no name is because Arthur doesn't know her true name.

The Chair will completely breakdown When she completely loses faith in Arthur.

The royal garden is still shrouded in white mist. The air is still, flowers quietly unfurl its petals to greet the dawn. Like a demure young lady enveloped in mist, the cherry blossoms bloom silently. Under one of the trees in the royal garden, lies a French carved table. Cherry blossoms with morning dews are placed on it, together with freshly-baked bread and milk. Faith sat at the table, almost dozing off while watching Arthur pour milk to their cups.

"It's too early for me! Let me go back to sleep! Faith protested as she was tired, Celine kept her up all night.

"It's okay to just sit there and not eat. Just stay with me while I eat."

He elegantly smeared fruit jam on his bread and took a delicate bite.

"You should eat less anyway. You've gotten really fat."

"…" Faith just looked at him "SO, when will you marry Lady Guinevere"

Faith was no fool. Lady Guinevere's Family has been pushing for a married with Arthur for a long time. It will benefit his position if he does marry her.

Arthur spit out his tea and looked at Faith in surprise his feelings hurt somewhat.

"You're not going to refuse are you" Faith said softly "It would be beneficial to you if you marry her" Her expression became colder and colder.


Arthur slammed his hand on the table "Fay, enough. I have no plans to marry her. Why, because I , l-"

"Arthur are truly prepared to be saying that, are you willing to risk the consequences"

"…." Arthur stared back at Faith in disbelief. His looked almost heartbroken, he lost his courage.

"So you two are here! I've been looking for the both of you."

With a firm tone, Lady Morgana walked over with something in hand. Arthur covered his pained expression.

"Big sister, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing much~"

Lady Morgana smiled and looked towards Faith while she placed the object she's been holding on the table.

"I noticed you like drinking mead the last time. So, I made some for you, please do try."

True she did like to drink, but at the same time, she was no fool. Faith turned her head in displeasure at Morgana's presences

Lady Morgana chatted with the two for some time, before asking another question.

"Your Majesty, we will be resuming our war with the Saxons soon?"

Arthur nodded, his purple eyes brimming with confidence.

"We will soon be able to rid England of the Saxons. Next, we'll aim for Rome."

She looked at him with worrying eyes.

"Your Majesty, my little brother, please be careful. If anything were to happen to you..."

"Rest easy, big sister."

The young king patted the sheathed sword on his waist.

"As long as I have the scabbard's protection, none can harm me."

"Is this true?"

She stared at him with a doubtful look.

"Of course, big sister. Have you seen me injured at all after battle? So please do not worry."

Lady Morgana heaved a relieved sigh.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Kai's sudden voice interrupted. He came running over excitedly, as though eager to broadcast his daily news of Camelot for the day.

"Your Majesty, we have new recruits!"

"This isn't the first time we have new recruits joining us. Why the rush to tell us?"

Kai shook his head, revealing his gossip expression.

"This time, we got two knights who wish to join us. But one of them only has one left arm!"

"I never knew you have two left arms, Kai."

"Absolutely not! I mean to say, he only has one arm. The other's gone!"

The noisy knight quickly explained himself away before dragging Faith by the arm while saying,

"Come on, let's go take a look!"

"Let's go! Let's go!! I want to take a look at our one-armed knight too!" Faith said childishly in order to get away.

"Hold it."

Arthur stood up.

"Let those two new recruits go to the Round Table, I will come in a bit. And you, Fay... You're coming with me."

'ugh' Faith thought as Arthur took her hand and led her back to the round table.

Once Arthur and Faith arrived at the Round Table, many knights have already been seated. The two newly arrived knights too, are seated in their own respective chairs, awaiting the king's summon.

Faith glanced furtively at the one-armed knight. At a first glance, he looked to be in his early twenties. His dark brown hair neat and tidy, his elegant features pleasant to look at. He now wore a deadpan look. Every movement he makes showed confidence.

A golden inscription slowly emerges from the back of his chair.


The bonds formed between individuals are always vague. Some individuals spoke only a few words, yet their demeanor makes others want to know more about them. Some other individuals, however, are all smiles and yet, it seems hard to get close to them.

This man, Sir Knight Bedivere is undoubtedly the former.

The other new recruit is a dashing young man with chestnut hair and blue eyes. He clearly had a smile plastered on his face, yet Faith still, put this man as the latter type.

Bors. She reads the golden name which just appeared on his chair.

Arthur welcomed them as per protocol. The Knights then had a discussion at the round table together. The table is so big, it is hard to listen properly to each knight's proposal. In fact, things do get a bit rough at times. So, to make their voice heard, each knight would need to raise their voice.

Faith signed in her heart 'More Knights'