

He soon reached the building and he quickly stepped inside

Within the building was a bunch of people most seemed to be bargaining with each other and even with stand renters

A bunch of stands lined the side walls and if you walked straight there was a huge counter that seem to sell a variety of items

This place was called the trading center it was a place where people would come to trade or buy items, The huge stand had a bunch of items but they were deemed to be too expensive, so to cover for their losses people rented out stands which most people used to buy items from the counter and sell them at their stands for lower prices well people could still trade and bargain items with each other, it was a good system, a win-win for everyone

He quickly walked up to a metal stand

"Hey Ralph, tell me about something good" he said vibrantly as he extended his arms out while he walked towards the stand and cut through the line

"Aye! Izen! what did I tell ya about messin with my Business!" The man said what a familiar/annoyed tone

The man had dark ginger colored here and a massive beard, he wore a leather apron he even looked like a blacksmith in Enopy's previous world he would've been compared to a dwarf if it wasn't for his ginormous size

The man sighed as he allowed izen to look at the items

"Calm down aren't I a valued costumer"Izen said jokingly

"Tch! Valued my ass!" Ralph replied

Izen quickly picked out a dagger and a nice Bronze sword he saw nothing else of interest so he waited silently for Ralph to announce the price

"3 and a half silver" Ralph said

Izen immediately took out four coins he placed three on the stand counter and then he broke one and half with his fingers

"Now don't bother me again!!" Ralph yelled as he shooed him away

"Hey….don't be like that" Izen laughed as he strolled away to other stands

He saw nothing of interest so he was forced to go to the giant counter

"Hello, what would you like?" A woman with lifeless eyes and expressionless motions said it was not like she could move to freely anyways seeing how she was dawned in chains

This woman was a slave, she had ruffled blonde hair and dark brown eyes what she wore could barely be identified as rags it was a pitiful sight

Izen frowned a little at this sight but he still said

"Some healing pills"

"10 silver and 2 copper" she said

He looked unwilling but he still forced himself to slam his handful of silver onto the counter before he reached into his sock and pulled out two copper

She quickly handed him a tiny Clear bottle which revealed one white pill

"All that for this, this is a scam!" he mumbled as he stormed out with anger in his heart

These pills can barely be identified as healing pills they simply took energy from one body part and put it in the injured spot depending on how severe the injuries are you could even lose a limb, it was truly a rip off but he had no choice but to except it because it was all they had and he couldn't afford anything more anyways

He noticed the stairs and malicious glares that were aimed at him during his time in the store so he knew that he couldn't go back to his house he had already put on the armor and got everything else that he needed so he immediately headed to the large building


Athel had sweat in every corner of his body it wouldn't stop flowing it was endless, he lifted up his leg and tried to place it down gently but as soon as he tried it was force down with a mountain like force which cost him to use even more energy to resist the force which saved his foot from being shattered upon impact

he had been in this place for about 30 minutes but he had barely moved more than 20 steps, kolitis wasn't lying when he said the pressure got stronger as you continued but this was even worse than what Enopy had to face with layens training each step the pressure grew stronger even though it was just buy a bit once it compiled it became a massive force that he could barely handle

He wanted to speed through but it was hard enough already it was better for him to go to one step get used to it and continue, his body would surely be crushed if he just dashed through with a sudden burst of power his body would be crushed by the sudden pressure

He had spent his whole life on the brink of death although he was used to it it didn't mean that he was happy with his life and now that he has a chance, a second chance he wouldn't let himself die no matter what no matter how wimpy people would call him he would live

and so he lifted his leg up and repeated the process over and over again


Elizabeth couldn't stand being put off like that so she sneaked behind them add to her new burst of power she was quicker and more stealthy it was as if she was never there it was as if she could make her body lighter than a feather

After a while walking through the streets and moving closer to tall building they soon arrived

This place had no gate or crazy defenses so they simply walked in

Inside was a humble but tall building there was greenery and insects all around, it was truly a beautiful sight, around the corner of the building within some tall grass was a bunch of boys, these boys were all sitting in crisscross positions it was obvious that they were training, whenever they made even some slight reactions a man with suddenly appear and hit them with a metal pole this sight made even Viola cringe

She walked around the corner and walked in front of the boys,in front of the boys it was like a back door patio so she walked onto that patio and place the girl on a bench

"Aye, Eoun come say hi to me and your younger disciple!" she screamed

"I was already here but it seems that the master has taken in the new disciple...hmm?...." His voice came from behind viola after all she was standing at the edge of the patio with her back turned towards the bench when she screamed" when she turned around she saw a young boy sitting next to Roun

This boy had wavy dark brown hair and eyebrows, a small but sharp nose small lips, an muscular body, but his face made him look womanly

He glanced at the girl and took up her hand before he said

"What's your name?" He asked

"Its Roun" She said quickly loudly and confidently while she blushed and she couldn't take your eyes off his face

Elizabeth was hiding but even she blushed once she saw him

"Well, hello I am Eoun your elder disciple I am also a disciple of master Apep" he said in a soothing tone

"No I don't like him he-he's mean!" She yelled uncontrollably as she pulled her arm away from him and crossed her arms

"Hahahahaha…that's fine you'll get used to his weird personality" he said loudly before he got up and walked away with Viola

"So what does he want me to do and may I ask who is that" He pointed to large bush that they were standing in front of

"Oh her, that just Elizabeth the Daughter of Sirus" Viola said in a nonchalant voice

"Hmm? The brother of Apep hm that's kinda weird?….. well maybe you should come out now I can't believe that you didn't sense her earlier" He said in a slightly taunting manner as he looked towards a bush

" how long did you know I was following you" Elizabeth sprung out from the bush

"hold up for a second!" Viola placed a palm in Elizabeth face and yelled at her as her eyes raged in Fury as she looked at Eoun

Enjoy the second chapter for today


LORDOFORIGINALINKcreators' thoughts