

Da fuck??? All around me is white and there is no sound at all.

"Come on god I don't know what's going on but I was just about to"(Daniel)

"Quiet I know what you were about to do but this is more important Daniel".(go(Daniel)d)



"I don't know who you are but losing my v card is one of the most important things in a man's life what could possibly so important that you abduct me just before I"(Daniel)



"I don't know what a v card is but you were only going to breed with a female to ensure the survival of your race and though admiral it isn't as important as the task I'm about to give you."(god)


"Now as a god, I'm giving you the task of helping the people of my world survive"(god)



"And how exactly am I supposed to do that"?(Daniel)

"Well I've been studying your world and while searching through your records I came across stories of people being transported to another world and being given a system of sorts so I will let you customize your own system to help my people".



"Well what do you think"(god)

"I don't know what to think really but I have two questions for you"(Daniel)

"Ok let's hear them then"(god)

"First thing is why me"(Daniel)

"No reason I selected at random"(god)

"Ok.... then what is your world like I can't really do anything without knowing the situation"(Daniel)

"Glad you asked now firstly my people are on one continent called Astra and I've filled it with lots of monsters ranging from dragons to goblins and I need you to help them survive. (god)

"Did you give them magically"?(Daniel)

"No, I know that If I gave them the magic they would end up creating some stupid magic that would end up destroying the world and before you ask me I did not give them the drive for the scientific research required for the creation of more advanced weapons because of the same reason's for magic".(god)

"Hmmm... well then what if I use the system to give them something similar to magic but is something that can't be developed by them and won't reach the stage of destroying the world"(Daniel)

"In that case, I will give you free rein on what the system details."(god)

"Perfect I might have an idea of what might work but I need to get real in-depth to what the system does for it to work."(Daniel)

"Ok ill leave an assistant here with you to list what you need and ill implement it when you're finished"


"Hello" (assistant)

Great his assistant is another disembodied voice.

"Okay, firstly I am going to make the system about card making. I will also need the system to provide a shop slash workshop to create said cards and the ability to reproduce them, next I need the shop to be connected to every city at the same time but be separate from the actual world. Any Ideas or inputs that you would like to give"?(Daniel)

"...How exactly is making cards and a card game gonna help"?


"OH I forgot to mention the cards I will make will have actual spells and monsters in them that will be summoned when used. The card game part is to battle other people seeing as how it is within human nature to fight each other when there is no other threat. Plus it will also act as a form of entertainment for the masses."(Daniel)

"If that's the case then you should make it so that anything summoned from the cards will not harm the sentient races to prevent mass murder and chaos"(assistant)

I really felt the sweat on my brow from that exchange if I forgot to add that the amount of people who would've died is unfathomable.

I need to remember that this isn't a game I am doing something that would truly affect the world I am going to I have to really think things though I can't be as much of an airhead as that god seems to be.

"Better make it so it cant be used in civilization at all unless it is in an arena. On second thought also allow the area where my shop is connected to have a barrier around the city to prevent monsters from attacking and killing innocent civilians."(Daniel)

Now that I've ensured the protection of the people now I can focus on the card game.