

For the card game, I should first create the field.

"I think ill set the board up the same as the original Yugioh tv-series with a graveyard, a monster area though I think Ima do away with the banished zone and the extra deck for stuff like fusion and stuff because that just really made the game horrible as they started doing XYZ's and pendulums."(Daniel)

If people are going to make use of the cards to go out to battle monsters and such its best to also request for the system to provide basic boards that are light and can be steady to move around since I can't ask them to lug around something so heavy and cumbersome as a board table that needs to be set up. Better save this concern for after I've made my game.

"Each deck will have one boss monster with a corresponding element that will act as the player's health pool and only cards of that element can be used in that deck".(Daniel)

"Will you want that card placed separately from the monster zone than"?(assistant)

" Yes, that would be good and will leave the space for monsters to be dedicated to the minion's which will be used to be the main attackers and defenders using a battle system more closely related to the magic the gathering card game with similar effects".(Daniel)

"Will the boss monster also has its own effects"?(assistant)

"Yes It will but it will also have a requirement for when it attacks like destroying a certain number of minions or something along that line witch after completing will cause devastating damage to the opponent and in most cases could win the game".(Daniel)

"Anything else"?(assistant)

"Why yes spells and rituals to be used to mess with your opponents or bolster your own forces. The difference between the two will be a matter of power and speed. Spells will activate immediately but with only small effects but rituals will have game-changing results but after multiple turns, so the opponent can get rid of it or just win the game before its activated. Also, the spelling zone can only hod three per side while the monsters can hold five".(Daniel)


"Anything I'm forgetting"?(Daniel)

"Deck size and number of copies in each deck".(assistant)

"Right It will be thirty cards in each deck excluding the bose monster with two copies allowed".(Daniel)


"I think that's good but to make sure to allow me the option of changing rules and banning cards if necessary".(Daniel)

"Alright ill give your list to master so be patient and wait for his approval"(assistant).

As I waited In silence I can finally think In piece.


It really is a lot to take in. I know that I seem to be taking it all in stride but it is kind of like a dream.

I wonder how Mary Is doing. She may have been the auntie next door but she was so comforting to me. Also, she was such the perfect Image of a M.I.L.F I cant believe I was about to--.

"Quiet you"!(god)


"Now I've looked over your list and I can do all of what you as--".(god)

"Wait I've almost forgotten the people need some easy to carry board that won't flip as their fighting monsters and won't be destroyed"(Daniel)


I can feel his the vain in his temple throbbing even though as far as I know, he's just a voice. I can't help but smirk as that is the least he deserves for pulling me away from Marry.

"As I was saying I can do this but you must promise me that you won't create something capable of world destruction".(god)

"I promise ".

"Very well then of you go. Oh one more thing since I don't want to go through looking for someone else to look after your game when you die I'm cursing you with Immortality".(god)

"Wait for what"? I scream as I'm suddenly dropped down a large dark hole to my new life.