
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: The irregular has weird magic

He died in his previous world after miserably failing at the creation of a new spell, he thought it was the end, but somehow he got reincarnated in this world where there are magic academies and people use a weird type of lowkey magic that relies on casting tools. With his knowledge and talents, Shiryu will live a high-profile life in this world, showing off whenever he cans and to whoever wishes to see, because fame and recognition is never too little.

GreatMageHarkan · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Surrender or face the might of my fist!

"Who!?" The bandits turned their heads while one of them held the women in his arms.

"Who, you ask? Isn't obvious? I'm justice embodied! Surrender and you won't have to face the might of my fist!" One or two spells were done flawlessly and Shyriu's appearance changed slightly, his figure was surrounded by a black fog that slightly altered his appearance, it was like armor had been born from the fog and protected him at the same time that it hid his true appearance.

A mere gimmick for a simple purpose, the hiding of one's identity was a hook of sorts, anyone would be curious by whom such an individual might be, and even if they can't know the truth, they always look up to this person with a mentality of putting him or her in a pedestal.

To facilitate his contact with the women being attacked, that was the reason behind his cover.

"Stay the fuck away you freak!" The man pulled a revolver and aimed at him.

Shiryu was the and had always been the reckless kind, just saying in case you had already forgotten how he died while creating some random spell. He was curious to face the might of those mortal weapons, so he opened his arms with a retarded smile in his face and said with all the calm of the world. "Shoot me if you dare!"

"You asked for this!" He pulled the trigger. The bullet left the chamber and roared across the air, piercing through waves of air currents like nothing as it reached Shiryu in the blink of an eye. And *Pah* it lacked glory and honor, the lamest sound a weapon could cause upon inflicting damage to an enemy! Shiryu was ashamed! What a useless thing! How dare they even call it a weapon? It might be useful to kill mobs of weaklings, but mages? Puh! Even the weakest of them would be able to deflect this kind of projectile from where he came from!

The thugs were dumbstruck! One of them had literally shot a random freak in the head, and not only did the bullet left no damage whatsoever, but it also seemed like the guy who was shot was feeling indignant about it! What the heck is wrong with this man?

"Humph! What a waste of my precious time!" Stepping forward he waved his hand and a blue light took shape in the form of a sword, the edges were blunt for this specific situation but don't mistake the might of this weapon, the <Magic Sword> might look simple and have a common name for a spell, but under the right hands, it's extremely powerful.

"Pfft! I don't know where you took this toy from, but you're fucking wrong if you think it's enough to stop us! Muramasa, stall this brat!" He hurriedly stepped back and grabbed the woman in his arms, carrying her in his shoulder as she struggled to free herself.

"You shall not pass!" The one called Muramasa drew a katana from his scabbard and stepped forward as two magic circles quickly shined in his wrist before disappearing.

Shiryu couldn't help but snigger hearing those words. "Tsk! Wait till you have grown a beard before saying those words!"

He waved the sword and the two met midair, despite one of the swords being purely cast and shaped out of energy, it clearly had the properties of iron given the sparks that flew as the contact happened.

Shiryu, however, was taken by surprise as his blade was parried and the man followed with a slash! He sidestepped and barely avoided the attack that zoomed past his face and countered with a hit of his sword's hilt throwing Muramasa on the ground.

"Agh, fuck! How the hell are you so strong!" Muramasa was sweating buckets of cold water after that single encounter, he had used a strength and vitality enhancement sequence with those two spells he always carried in quick casting mode for situations like that, and even though he managed to cast them, this fucking brat barely reaching 1.70 meters tall (5.5 foot for the U.S. audience) almost knocked his teeth with that hit!

"Get the fuck out of my way you fatso!" Shiryu quickly dispelled his <Magic Sword> and sent Muramasa into a deep sleep with a powerful upwards kick to the chin that sent him flying.

"Now, it's their turn!" Holding his hands together in a clapping stance, his face hardened as he shouted. "<Boost Gear: Gorilla King>!"

Answering his call, the fog armor, now properly identified as the legendary spell <Boost Gear> from the even more legendary mage Big Bonk Logan, changed its appearance accordingly to the power of his words! The once lean figure of the armor was now packed full of muscles and enhanced his body in many means!

Under the scared eyes of the crowd that watched the scene, he stepped forward in an imposing manner, the power of this step being such that he shot forward only leaving an imprint of his foot behind.

"Shit! Muramasa isn't picking up the phone, he must have been caught by a policeman passing by!"

"Fuck this, George! I didn't come to Japan to be sent back to jail! What are we gonna do!?"

George, the apparent leader and the one carrying the foreign woman frowned. "Listen here, Caleb, the first thing we gotta do is stay calm and find a car!"

"Or, you could kneel down and lick my boots, and maybe I won't knock the teeth out of your mouths while putting you two to sleep!"

The duo was shocked momentarily as they turned to look at the Shiryu who was standing above them in the ripped version of his fog armor!

"You-!" Before Caleb could even make sense of the situation, a heavy punch came flying down towards him, the impact threw him back with such strength that he ended up falling perfectly inside a dumpster.

"What the hell!? S-stay away from me! D-demon!" George was not the wisest man in Earth, as such, he committed another mistake by putting the woman in front of him while holding her hostage at gunpoint.

"P-please! Save me!" The woman cried helplessly for help as Shiryu laughed at the useless attempt of using a meat shield against him!

"Oh... so that's your trick, huh? Unfortunately for you, it's not enough."

"Shit! I already said, stay away!" He took a step back and looked behind him for any possible means of scaping.

"Unfortunately for you, it's already too late!"

Shivers went down his spine, but before he could turn back to look, a heavy hand grasped his head like a meteor and put him down with such strength that the floor cracked and he instantly went to slumberland.

"W-what!?" The woman sent flying up towards the sky was shocked by the quick succession of events, and before she could understand what had happened, she had fallen on Shiryu's powerful arms.

"Hello, my lady, I hope you're well and fine."

The woman nodded slightly but she couldn't put her brain to works as all she could do was whisper some incomprehensible sounds from her mouth while staring at her hero.

Although he wished to have more time with the lady, the sound of sirens remembered him of his circumstance and that he had to keep the hero act to make this work. With a smile that she couldn't see due to the fog armor's helmet, he put her down and patted her shoulder before disappearing like mist in front of powerful winds, his last words were a smartphone number, hopefully, she would remember it and call him.

Otherwise, he would have to use divination in order to find her on his own and start his business.


"I'm here with Laurence Clay, representing of Silver Leaf Technologies branch of London. Miss Laurence, can you speak a little bit more of your experience with the fog superhero you described to us?" A reporter asked in a cheerful manner while the cameraman gleefully showed the scenes of the destruction caused by the superhero, like the cracks on the floor and the bent dumpster where the criminal Caleb had fallen at.

"Ah, you should have seen it! He was so eccentric, powerful, and manly! If only there were more gentlemen like him nowadays, I wouldn't have fallen in that dangerous situation, to begin with!" Laurence spoke with a face full of sadness that made the male crowd frown in disgust.

What the fuck!? He was armed! We aren't bulletproof like that fog hero or whatever! With their indignation ignored, the reporter proceeded to ask questions.

Later on, some witnesses released footage of the incident, and Shiryu became famous as Tokyo's one and only superhero, Black Knight, a reference to the color and shape of his fog armor.

Yes, he is a book full of solutions, this fic is a pure wishfulfilemnt one, if you don't like this kind of stuff, just delete it from your library.

GreatMageHarkancreators' thoughts