From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace coughed and covered his mouth, looking at the blood on his hand he clenched his fist, letting out a sigh of relief. Good, at least Thor wasn't dead.
Volstagg looked at Ace and smiled, slapping his back as he laughed "Thank you for your assistance, Mage! Your legend will be told in Asgard, I promise!" Ace waved his hand, saying "You must return to Asgard first."
Thor made quick work of the Destroyer, smashing it with Mjolnir before landing back on the ground.
Thor smiled at Jane and his friends before walking to Ace, saying "My friend, thank you!" Ace waved his hand, saying "I have my own goals. I need an audience with Odin." Thor smiled happily and said "No problem! I will settle Asgard affairs and return shortly!"
Ace paused for a moment before handing Thor a letter, saying "Please give this to His Majesty the King." Thor grabbed the letter and nodded, Sif took it from him and turned to Ace, smiling "It will be of utmost importance, Mage."
Ace nodded and let out a breath, asking "And The Destroyer?" Thor looked at the Destroyer and frowned, Ace offered "I can keep it for you." Thor looked at him and nodded with a smile.
Ace nodded and used what little mana he had left to make the Destroyer disappear. His eyes sparkling with delight in the darkness.
Before Thor left, Coulson appeared, saying "Hold on a minute!" Everyone turned to him as he walked over to Thor and Ace, saying "I don't think you've been very honest with me, Donald." Thor looked at him, saying "Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally if you return the items you have taken from Jane."
Jane corrected "Stolen." Coulson rebuffed, "Borrowed. Of course, you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research." Ace let go of Volstagg and said to Thor, "I'll be waiting then. Farewell, Prince of Asgard." as he turned around, walking away.
Thor waved and smiled "Farewell, my friend!" Coulson said "Hold on a minute!" Ace ignored him and waved over his shoulder before disappearing entirely. Thor chuckled and flew off, leaving Coulson alone as the 4 Asgardians also ran off.
He looked around and sighed "Damn it… Why is this job so difficult?"
Ace floated to a roof and laid down, putting his broom away as he groaned, holding his side. He stared at the sky and let out a breath as he closed his eyes, when he opened them, he was staring at a wooden ceiling.
The Ancient One looked at him, smiling "Welcome back." Ace closed his eyes again, saying "Pain…" The Ancient One smiled gently, "Taking the brunt of the Destroyer, very brave! Very idiotic as well!" Ace groaned and she sat next to him, humming "Your cloak is not an impenetrable shield. As I said before, your magic is too immature, unfortunately."
Ace asked suddenly "Why are you disappointed, Master?" The Ancient One looked at him and fell silent for a moment before asking "What was the purpose for your meeting with the Asgardians?"
Ace replied instantly "To protect the Prince of Asgard." The Ancient One held up a finger, saying "As well as developing healthy relations!" Ace paused and she continued "Regardless of the circumstances, you struck the current King of Asgard because of a few trivial words!"
She stirred a cup of tea, continuing "I expected better from you, truly." Ace sat up, despite the pain, and defended himself, "It was because he said bad things about you!" The Ancient One looked at him and retorted tiredly, "So?"
Ace was stunned and rebuked angrily "What do you mean so?! You're my master! I regard you as family and I won't take anyone badmouthing you no matter who it is! Especially not from some prick who knows nothing! Honestly!"
The Ancient One looked at him silently and Ace snorted, looking away as he added "That's just how I feel anyway…" She smiled and sighed, explaining gently "Especially then. You should understand the consequences, should you have provoked the ruler of the Nine Realms."
Ace opened his mouth but the Ancient One snapped her fingers, shutting it, as she continued "I can understand your feelings, Ace. You are one of my brightest students, which is why I hold so much partiality for you. I want you to be better than me, can't you understand that? Restraining your emotions and looking at all possibilities is what can make you an excellent Sorcerer Supreme!"
She paused for a moment before adding "Regardless if someone speaks ill of me 100, 1000, or 1 million times. A level head is necessary." Ace's mouth was freed and he looked at his bed sheets, not saying anything.
The Ancient One smiled and left the room, saying "Still… Thank you. Tomorrow is a new day." she closed the door and Ace turned to the window, sighing to himself.
Time slowly started passing as Ace studied at Kamar-Taj and healed while waiting for Thor to come back.
However as more time passed, it became more apparent that Thor just wasn't going to come back. According to the Ancient One, everything was fine in Asgard so it wasn't that Thor lost to Loki or anything.
Ace just accepted it and continued studying at Kamar-Taj, getting ready to go back to Hogwarts in a few months.
And just like that, months passed.
Ace packed up his things and waved goodbye to the Ancient One before taking a deep breath. He held his hands out and focused in front of him, waving his hand in a circle.
Golden sparks appeared and Ace's eyes lit up with excitement as he made a successful portal!
Ace turned back and said "I did it! I really did! Ahahaha!" the Ancient One shook her head with a smile and waved her hand, saying "Bye now, little one." as Ace was sent flying by a gust of wind through the portal, disappearing instantly.
The Ancient One sighed to herself, muttering "I'm going to miss doing that…"