
Magic? It's Complicated

My eyes open, I have one question ' Where am I?' Born in another world with no knowledge of how he got there a young boy has to start his journey in a world of Wizards, Witches, Vampires, Werewolves and many more. How will our Protagonist survive in such a hectic world

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Chapter 1

His eyes open, He tries to look around him.

He looks at the unfamiliar ceiling with just a question in mind.

'Where am I?' He tries to look around where he is. It's a dark, old room that looks like it was built in 1600s.

The ceiling had moss growing over it as the room was filled with moss and vines growing in it.

'How did I get here?' The boy questions himself while trying to find anything that might answer him.

'More importantly who am I?' the boy starts to rip some vines and throw them away.

Underneath a pile of moss is what seems to be a table with a book on it.

The boy grabs the book and reads the title "The Diary Of Fate εξουσία ."

'Is that my name?' The boy wonders while reading the title.

He tries to open the book to see it's contents but to his surprise nothing is written on it.

'What the hell why isn't anything written on it.' The boy flips every page on the diary but nothing is written on the last page a feather is placed with ink on it.

'Wait don't tell me this what I wrote with? Why would I write with Donald Duck's eyebrow?.' Fate tought confused until a realisation came to him.

'Who's Donald Duck?' Fate was confused of the identity of this Donald Duck. Had he known him in his past and why can't he remember his past?.

He decided to let the tought slip off for now as he continued to look for anything that might help him.

The searches for a few minutes to no avail. That is until his eyes land on small piece of wood that looks like it could open.

He tries to test his theory and opens and to his shock it opens.

'What is this?' Inside of the hidden compartment is a pair of black gloves which are made of silk, a book and a small bag.

Beneath a bag there is a peice of paper with the words written "Eternal Pouch." written on it .

Getting the idea of the pouch he tries to put the book in it and it goes in.

' This'll come in handy.' Fatewears the black gloves and starts to look for a door out of the place.

After a few minutes of ripping moss and vines of he sees a small door which who would have to crouch to fit for.

'Who was this made for a dwarf?' Fate opend the door and leaves the room.

To his annoyance he enters another room instead of outside.

'Atleast this room isn't filled with moss.' He starts to searching the room to find anything intriguing.

But nothing comes to it. The only thing he finds is a ring with a wierd stone on it.

He wears the ring and starts to look for another way out. The room he was in right now is filled with broken furnishment and a whole lot of mess.

He finds another door and tries to open but it doesn't budge. 'Seems like it's stuck.' He tries to force the door to open but it doesn't move a bit.

'I'll have to find another way out.' He tries to look around and sees a small balkaney time floor on the roof there is a way out there.

He gathers up some of the broken furniture and starts to get on top of them.

The furniture below him starts to woblle as he grabs on the railing. The furniture drops below as Fate hold on for dear life.

He tries to push himseld up but he couldn't. he tries to move sidewards on the railing as he sees a broken railing.

He moves sidewards as he makes it onto the floor without the railing. He pushes himself up and climbs to the floor.

He lays there for a dew seconds before getting up again.

'I'm not gonna do that ever again.'

He moves to a small halway like area and enters yet again another room but this time there are stairs leading below.

He goes downwards and sees that the room is in better condition them the others. There is barely any moss and the furniture is mostly fine.

His eyes land on a mirros as he wonders to himself 'What do I look like?'

Deciding to answer himself he approches the mirror he has silver hair and quite a handosome face with pointy ears.

Out of no where he hears a loud BOOM!