
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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80 Chs

The Great Chief (2)

  The black torrent, a group of knights in heavy armor, Princess Cherise was slightly stunned, then also remembered the identity of these heavily armored knights.

  "It's Baron Wilson's heavily armored knights, I didn't expect that after I refused Baron Wilson's allegiance, he could still lead the knights to rescue us. But there is no use, these thieves are extraordinary, and Baron Wilson's heavy armored knights are certainly no match. Vice Commander Wayne, get ready, rush up and Baron Wilson, together with the thieves!"

  Princess Cherise is   a little emotional, old Wilson can at this time, enough to prove the old Wilson loyalty to the royal family, but Princess Cherise does not know that the old Wilson is not loyal to the royal family, but to Prince Frederick have gratitude, this time is also the last time the old Wilson to help out.

  Old Wilson led by the heavy armor knights, swooping down from the hillside, unstoppable, directly will be rushed to kill a bloody road, countless thieves are slaughtered by the heavy armor knights.

  After all, except for those thieves with extraordinarily good physical qualities, the rest of the thieves are at best a group of ordinary people gathered in a rabble, and even ordinary knights can be easily rushed to kill them.

  Old Wilson's entire body is shrouded in flame, huge body like a small giant, a sword cut down, accompanied by countless flames, three or five thieves, instantly died in the hands of old Wilson.

  So, old Wilson soon arrived at the place where Commander Mance was besieged and fixed his eyes on the Grand Commander whose face was painted with a strange pattern.

  "Where are the third and fourth?"

  When the Arch Chancellor saw old Wilson, he immediately guessed his identity and knew it was the young nobleman he had previously asked the Third and Fourth Chancellors to block.

  "They're dead!"

  Old Wilson coldly replied, his body has a huge aura, directly towards the big leader of the thieves to oppress, this is only those fourth level elemental swordsmen can have the ability. Although old Wilson is only a second-level flame swordsman, but if combined with its natural strength, enough to reach the peak of the third-level elemental swordsman, so also has some aura of oppression.

  "Hmph, I underestimated you, but a thousand times over, you shouldn't have come to die!"

  A stern aura flashed in the eyes of the big chief, and he slammed his legs backwards.


  It seems that the whole ground is shaking, the big chief with the force of this stomp, as a cannonball out of the gun, whistling old Wilson crashed.

  "Flame Chop!"

  Old Wilson roared, the body of the armor "creaking", this is he will use the power to the extreme, muscle expansion, propped up the armor.

  Once the old Wilson fighting up, the body almost hard to pull up a lot, almost two meters, just standing is a great psychological shock to people.

  This is the real talent, the real strength, not like the big chief, still the size of an ordinary person, but with an inhumanly huge strength.

  Two people holding large swords, instantly swung dozens of times, colliding with the sound of a piercing sound.


  Both of their swords broke apart together, breaking into several pieces, no longer able to withstand each other's terrifying power, and the two of them, bare-handed, you and I, madly attacking each other.

  Old Wilson   each punch, are shrouded in flames, like a flame God, unstoppable, while the big chief does not look powerful, but faster, stronger, under hard contact, not inferior to Old Wilson.

  "Haha, it hurts, come again!"

  Old Wilson bellowed, he has not encountered for a long time and he can not match the pure strength of the hard opponent, battle spirit is high, completely reckless, and the big leader of the battle.

  The two of them each over a place, whether it is thieves or heavy armor knights, slightly touched, either dead or injured, so the two fighting where everyone hurriedly back away.

  Although old Wilson and the big chief fought hard, his heavily armored knights were no match for those thieves who had practiced special postures.

  These thieves are four or five hundred strong, and now they have surrounded the knights in heavy armor. If there is no other way, I am afraid that the knights in heavy armor will soon be completely destroyed.

  Once the heavy armor knights are overwhelmed, even if the old Wilson and the big leader of the thieves are not comparable, they will not play much of a role.

  On the far hillside, Merlin stood right in front of the wagon, carefully watching the battle at the bottom of the hill, especially the big leader of the thieves who fought with old Wilson, and was the focus of Merlin's attention.

  "Surely there is no breath of any element, it is entirely the power of the body ... Mysterious Relief is definitely in his body."

  Merlin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed that the flame aura on old Wilson's body seemed to be much weaker all of a sudden, causing old Wilson to attack with far less power than before.

  "In terms of consumption, father still needs to rely on the fire-attribute elements accumulated in his body over time, and a crazy attack like this won't last long at all, while the big chief, the power in his body seems to be endless."

  Merlin understood that if the fight continued, the old Wilson was bound to lose.

  This time, Merlin finally decided to strike, he also had some concerns before, in case the big leader of the thieves is a level four or higher elemental swordsman, then Merlin wants to defeat the other side, it will take some trouble.

  But now it turns out that the big leader of the thieves is just about the same as the old Wilson, the combined strength, comparable to the peak of the three-level elemental swordsman, that is much better to deal with.

  So, Merlin struck!

  Merlin, alone, slowly walked down the hill, directly into the group of thieves, some thieves saw Merlin, without thinking, directly wielded a large sword to cut down.

  "Click, click, click, click."

  The thief's greatsword has not yet swung down, his whole body has been frozen, still maintaining the posture of swinging the greatsword, not moving, looks like a lifelike ice sculpture.

  Merlin's footsteps did not stop, still walking towards the group of thieves, and, everywhere he went, many thieves were inexplicably frozen into ice sculptures, very bizarre!

  Such a bizarre situation made many thieves look at each other, not daring to impact on Merlin again.

  Merlin knew in his heart, just this instant, he released six freezing spells, fortunately, over this period of time, the spell model of freezing spells, accumulated a lot of mana, so that Merlin can be so recklessly squandered.

  Although it seems to squander the mana, but the effect is good, at least, no more thieves dare to come at Merlin.


  The big chief also noticed Merlin, and old Wilson after a hard clash, then quickly backward, and old Wilson pulled away from the distance, vigilantly stared at Merlin.