
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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80 Chs

Territory (above)

  Merlin sat on Moss's carriage, lying slightly on his side, let the carriage bumps, he did not move, Merlin this is in meditation, this spiritual meditation does not need any harsh conditions, can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

  Currently Merlin wants to build a second spell model in his consciousness as soon as possible, he must strengthen his spiritual power, and meditation is currently the only way to grow his spiritual power.

  "Young Master Merlin, it's here."

  Mose's voice sounded softly, and Merlin then opened his eyes, lifted the curtain of the car and jumped down.

  This is already the third day in a row that Merlin has come to the etiquette course in a row. During these three days, Kia has disappeared and has begun to arouse the suspicion of some people.

  Therefore, Merlin will have to pay closer attention to the reaction of the crowd.

  Just walked into the room on the second floor and saw the little fat Gut, who was sitting in front of an organ, with two fat hands on the keys, playing a piece.

  Although Merlin knew little about music, Gut played music that even he could not listen to, it was not any music at all, but a huge noise.

  The fatty fingers, which are full of fat, are like thick sticks of firewood, where is the material for playing music?

  Today was a music lesson, and there were some other people in the room who couldn't stand Gut's torturous noise anymore, and roared to get Gut off the organ.

  Little fatty Gut didn't think anything of it, and after seeing Merlin enter, he cheerfully came to Merlin's side, put one hand on Merlin's shoulder and said casually, "Merlin, you've been here so punctually for the past few days, hey, it's not like your style, are you waiting for Jiya?"

  Little fat Gut has a bad smile on his face, and scowls at Merlin.

  Merlin was already used to Gut's jokes, so he didn't care, but asked in a low voice, "By the way Gut, you're well-informed, do you know why Kia-sensei hasn't come for the past few days?"

  Gut shook his head and said, "I don't know, Kia's identity is mysterious, and is also temporarily hired, even where he lives no one knows, let alone know what news about her. I heard that the new history teacher has a candidate, tomorrow will come to class, hey, may be more charming than Kia ah!"

  Merlin did not say anything, but he was slightly relieved in his heart, Jiya was sent by the Black Moon Kingdom, her identity should naturally be kept secret and would not be found out by anyone.

  But in this way, now that she has disappeared, in turn, no one will be able to find out why. For Merlin, it is considered very lucky that by the time a new history teacher takes office, who will remember Kia?

  "Merlin, you be careful of Tilapha lately, since the day he invited Kia to his birthday ball unsuccessfully, he has not come here again, recently mysterious and do not know what is doing."

  Gut kindly reminded Merlin.

  "I'll keep an eye on it."

  Merlin nodded, but his heart did not care much, now he is most concerned about the spiritual power, when can reach the point of building a second spell model.

  Back in Wilson Castle, Merlin was preparing to return to his room to meditate. Now he spends almost all of his time, except for eating and sleeping, meditating to increase his spiritual power.

  Meditation still needs to be conscious, so after sleeping, in the unconscious, it can not play a meditation effect, meditation is to be in a seemingly unconscious state, in order to let the spiritual power grow slowly.

  So, when sleeping, Merlin can not meditate, otherwise, the eight hours of sleep, can all be used to meditate, then his spiritual power will grow even faster.

  But at this time, the butler greeted him and whispered to Merlin, "Young Master Merlin, there are two knights from the City Defense Corps outside, saying they are here to see the Baron on the orders of the City Lord."

  "A knight of the City Defense Corps?"

  Merlin frowned, he is now the knights of the City Defense Corps is not much good, the last time they came is to take themselves away, sent to the Church's guardian swordsmen to be questioned, but also face a very dangerous Jason Mage, fortunately not found by Jason Mage what abnormal, which escaped a disaster.

  "Let them all come in."

  Merlin said indifferently, although he was dissatisfied with these knights of the City Defense Corps, but the other party was sent by the city lord, then you can not not meet, after all, in Blackwater City, the most powerful or the city lord.

  Soon, two tall knights in silver and white light armor came to the hall, and after the butler introduced Merlin's identity to them, they both bowed slightly and then said respectfully, "Young Master Merlin, we are under the orders of the Lord of the City to inform Lord Baron Wilson to come to the City Lord's residence in three days to discuss with all the nobles of Blackwater City to jointly matters against the thieves."

  It turned out to be the problem of dealing with thieves. Merlin had also heard that around Blackwater City, large groups of thieves had suddenly appeared, constantly attacking some of the towns around Blackwater City. Even the city defense regiment went out, but was not able to eliminate these thieves, and old Wilson this time to the territory to collect taxes, seems to have encountered a small group of thieves, and even sent back the Pula commander to dispatch the heavy armor knights.

  The appearance of thieves, for Blackwater City has been considered a certain threat, so the city lord did not hesitate to mobilize all the nobles of Blackwater City, to unite against those thieves.

  "Okay, I know, I will definitely inform my father as soon as possible."

  Merlin waved his hand and told the steward to send the two knights of the City Defense Corps out.

  Not long after, the butler returned to the hall after sending the two knights out, and he said to Merlin, "Young Master Merlin, I will send someone to inform the Baron at once."

  Merlin, however, waved his hand and said in a calm tone, "No need, this time I will personally go to the territory to inform my father."

  "Young Master Merlin, it's not safe around Blackwater City right now."

  The butler hastily discouraged, he didn't want Merlin to run into a thief halfway and die.

  "Can send more knights to escort, although the ancient fortress, father's heavy armor knights are gone, but the other knights, send a few dozen to follow me, there will be no problem. Well, this matter is decided, I will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

  Merlin said in an unquestionable tone, the reason he was so determined, in fact, just want to take this opportunity to see the place outside of Blackwater City, after coming to this world, except for Blackwater City, Merlin has not been anywhere.

  This time such a good opportunity, he would not miss it?

  "Young master, I'm going to get ready."

  The butler saw that he could not dissuade Merlin, but also had to go down to prepare, after all, Merlin's safety is very important, even without the heavy armor knight force, Merlin's escort force must not be weak, so just to select the knight of the escort, also need some time.