
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
80 Chs

Coming 2

  The day is getting dark, outside there is still sleet and snow, occasionally blowing a cold wind from outside the door, so that the hall can never warm up.

  The flame in the fireplace is very vigorous, from time to time are issued a burst of "crackling" crisp sound, in the silent hall is very clear.

  There are only four people in the   hall at this time, Count Selin, the old man in black robes, the young girl Shelley, and Merlin.

  Earl Selin leaned back on a wooden chair and sat by the fireplace, his eyes slightly narrowed, half of his face turned red because of the heat emanating from inside the fireplace, his expression seemed calm, but his hands were tightly clasped together, showing his inner tension.

  The black-robed old man still sits quietly on the ground, his black robe covers his whole body, motionless, in this day darkening the sky, also looks a sense of mystery.

  The young girl Shelley was walking around the hall with nothing to do. Since today was Merrilon's "revenge day", Count Selin called Shelley to the hall to stay with him to avoid any accidents.

  Merlin has been meditating, this place is neither suitable for rehearsing spells nor practicing the mysterious posture on the relief, but meditating on spirituality is very suitable.

  But even though Merlin was meditating on his spirituality, he did not relax his vigilance to the outside world, and once there was any movement, he could immediately wake up from his meditative state.

  It's just that it's almost dusk, how come there's still no movement?

  Not only Merlin, only now everyone's heart is full of doubts, could it be that Merilon will not come today?

  "Father, where did my brother go?"

  Miss Shelley asked with a drooping face, she was originally a lively nature, today was asked to stay in the hall for almost a day, naturally has long been a little impatient.

  "Shelley, stay well, today is not unusual, do not ..."

  Earl Celine stern face, was about to lecture Shelley when suddenly, a loud banging sound was violently made outside the hall.


  With the loud noise, outside the castle seemed to be instantly chaotic, with faint bursts of hoofbeats and the sound of many people yelling.


  Merlin's heart was startled and immediately snapped out of his meditative state, his eyes immediately opened and looked out into the hall.

  Earl Selin is also tight, hands gripping the armrests of the wooden chair, staring dead at the door, even the old man in black robes, who has always been calm, raised his head slightly, slightly narrowed his eyes to look out the door.

  For a while, everyone in the hall, their hearts tense up, staring at the door with unblinking eyes.

  "Phew ..."

  A cold wind blew, accompanied by the appearance of a tall, dark figure.

  "Cook? What's going on out there?"

  Seeing that the figure was Cook, Earl Selin frowned, but he still did not let down his guard and asked in a deep voice.

  Cook's black armor was covered with snowflakes, and his red eyes showed that he had in fact not been letting down his guard and was on the alertoutside.

  "Father, it was a few horses in the castle that got spooked and ran out of the stables and hit some of our ambushers, so it caused some minor confusion, but I've sent someone to bring the spooked horses under control and the confusion has been quelled."

  Cook briefly explained what happened outside, surprisingly it was just a minor accident, not that Meryllon had come.

  "Maybe everyone is too nervous, Cook, go out and keep watch, it's almost dark, now is the most critical time, no one can be careless."

  Earl Selin waved his hand and was about to let Cook out when the old man in black robes, who had been so calm, jerked to his feet.

  "Hey, Merilon is already here!"

  The black-robed old man suddenly, hoarse voice, coldly laughed.

  Cook frowned and looked at the old man in black robes with a somewhat cold gaze, and said in an unkind tone, "Mage Hill, I would not know that Merilon is here? The entire castle has been completely blocked, where did he come in from?"


  Just as Cook's words fell, another loud bang sounded outside, and this time, it was interspersed with some panicked screams.

  "He's really here!"

  Merlin took a deep breath and said in a low voice, he felt a strong wave of the fire element, that is only characteristic of the spell released by the caster.

  Cook's face was blue, and he immediately turned around and strode out of the hall.

  "It's been five years ... since I finally waited for this day! Celine, hey, five years ago a scene, you must not forget it, my father, mother, brother, sister ... were personally ordered by you to be executed! Ha ha, but I did not die, and also become a caster, today, is my day of revenge, the whole castle, all people, all die!"

  A young man with short brown hair, wearing the same armor as the other knights in the castle, is waving his hands constantly, a ball of flame flying out of his hands, the knights in front of him, one by one, all burned to death.

  Whether it's a level one, level two or level three elemental swordsman, they can't resist these flames. The intense heat, melting the snow around them and igniting the weeds buried deep under the snow, filled the air with black smoke for a while, and there were screams everywhere, making it impossible to discern the direction.


  Dressed in black armor, Cook finally arrived, his face was blue, his eyes were staring straight at Merrilon, who was making the kill. Seeing Merrilon's attire, Cook's heart instantly understood.

  I'm afraid Merrilon has long been mixed into the castle, just now the horses are frightened, it is likely that Merrilon is also deliberately created, the purpose, is to attract attention and disrupt Cook's deployment.

  Needless to say, Merilon's purpose was achieved. The guards hidden in the shadows were all targeted by Merilon one by one, followed by a mass killing spree.

  Although Merrilon looks crazy, his eyes are somewhat bloodshot and become red, his expression is hideous, but he is not completely crazy to lose his mind, on the contrary, he is very calm, every time he releases a spell, there are some elemental swordsmen are burned by the roaring flames, while Merrilon's body fluttering, but completely unharmed.

  "Fire spells and wind spells!"

  A black-robed Hill mage, also standing on the stone steps outside the hall, gazed far away from Merrilon, as if observing Merrilon's strength.

  Merlin also radiated his spiritual power and kept a close eye on Merilon. As the old man in black robes said, Merilon currently released just two spells, fire and wind spells.

  The fire spells are also very different from Merlin's fireball spells, which do not seem to have an explosive effect, but are able to form a sea of fire that can cause a larger range of kills.

  But what caught Merlin's attention was the wind spells on its body, Merrilon's fluttering ghost-like figure was actually the effect of wind spells.

  This is the wind support type spell that Merlin has been looking for!


  Suddenly, Cook let out a roar that resounded throughout the castle like the roar of a beast.

  Then, Cook will stride toward Merrilon, the body's aura is also increasingly huge, as if vaguely to condense into substance.

  "It's on!"

  Seeing Cook walking towards Merilon, the old man in black robes, as well as Merlin and others, all had a stony expression, staring at the two men with unblinking eyes.