
Mage Profound meaning

RobertSmith · Fantasía
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80 Chs

Body changes

  The maids in the old castle quickly cleaned up the table, and Merlin got up and was preparing to go upstairs to rest.

  "Merlin, there's a message for you."

  "What's the news?" Merlin turned around and looked at Meixue suspiciously.

  "Tomorrow Swordsman Pero is taking us to the church in Granville to interact with the young people of other cities."

  Merlin frowned slightly, he knew that the "we" in Mei Xue's mouth certainly does not include him, should be the people with elemental affinity, these people are the most potential people, worthy of the Church's strong training.

  "How many days will it take?"

  "About four or five days."

  Merlin nodded and said, "I see, with the Perot swordsman leading you, it should be safe and I am at ease."

  With that, Merlin headed upstairs.

  Mei Xue looked at Merlin's back with some doubt in her eyes and murmured, "This guy Merlin, seems to be a little different from before."

  Just now Merlin's tone of voice and demeanor, and the previous is a big change, in the past, Merlin would never say "I am also relieved" and so on.

  Back in his room, Merlin also did not sleep, so he sat down on the bed and once again made the peculiar pose on the relief.

  Merlin was already familiar with this peculiar position, so he didn't feel awkward at all, even in bed, and without thinking, he collapsed on the soft bed and fell into a deep sleep.

  Early in the morning, Merlin woke up from sleep, at this time, outside the whole night of snow, the windows even condensed a thin layer of ice crystals, the house is also very cold.

  Merlin couldn't help but shiver, he just woke up and realized that he had fallen backwards and forwards on his bed, having unknowingly fallen asleep last night.

  "Sweating again ..."

  Merlin reached out and wiped a hand on his arm, actually all the greasy sweat, Merlin felt all sticky and very uncomfortable.

  "Lucretia, get me some hot water."

  Merlin opened the door and called the maid Lucretia, although Lucretia also some strange, so cold day, Merlin also want to bath, is a little strange, but she did not dare to ask, only in accordance with Merlin's instructions, played hot water to fill the bath tub.

  Merlin jumped into the tub and quickly washed the sweat stains off his body.

  Although he was frozen overnight last night, but Merlin did not feel any discomfort, but was full of energy, flushed, all over the body seems to be full of power.

  "Lucretia, young master Merlin is bathing again?" A slightly old voice came into Merlin's ears.

  Merlin quickly discerned that it was the voice of the butler, who was obviously asking for Lucretia.

  Lucretia also replied softly, "Yes butler, the young master got up in the morning and was taking a bath."

  "Well, in the future, you prepare more hot water every morning."

  The butler ordered in a low voice, followed by a sound of footsteps fading away, thinking that the two had already left.

  "The steward is attentive."

  Merlin smiled slightly, he knew it must be the butler coming to send him down for breakfast, so he reached out and opened the bedroom door.

  "Hmm? How come there's no one there?"

  Merlin was a little surprised, he had just heard the butler and Lucretia's voices, clearly right outside the door, very clearly, so how could no one be there?

  There was something odd about this, so he went straight out into the hallway and glanced downstairs to find the butler and Lucretia, actually in the hallway downstairs.

  "Downstairs? How can it be downstairs? The sound of them talking just now, clearly very clear ..."

  Merlin raised an eyebrow, he thought of a possibility, could it be, he could even hear the people downstairs?

  Coming downstairs, Merlin ignored the sumptuous breakfast on the table and just casually picked up a piece of bread and ate it absent-mindedly.

  "The weather is so weird this year, it's so cold even before winter."

  "Nope, work quickly, if the steward finds you slacking off again, you won't be able to work at the Baron's master in the future."

  Merlin while eating bread, while listening carefully to the various sounds in the distance, just now these people are at least tens of meters away from Merlin, some even hundreds of meters, but Merlin was able to vaguely hear, which means that his hearing is greatly enhanced.

  The change was sudden, and Merlin was certain that there was no such change, at least until he fell asleep last night. Now his hearing had improved considerably, and he could hear the footsteps of everyone within tens of meters clearly.

  "Young Master Merlin, do you need anything else?"

  The butler's words interrupted Merlin's contemplation, and he then turned back to the bread in his hand, only to find that he had finished it at some point.

  "I'm done eating."

  After Merlin finished, he wiped his mouth and hurried back upstairs to his room.

  In his room, Merlin took out the cameo hidden at the head of his bed, knowing that this change in him must have been brought about by the peculiar pose on the cameo.

  Moreover, the hearing improvement may only be one aspect, in addition to hearing, Merlin can also feel the strength, agility, etc., seems to have been greatly improved.

  As long as he continues to practice the poses on the relief, his physical fitness will definitely become more and more outstanding.

  Merlin stayed upstairs for a while, put on a thick coat, and a gray scarf around his neck, and also wore leather gloves on his hands, wrapping himself up tightly, and only then did he get up and go downstairs.

  It snowed all night, the castle has accumulated a thick layer of snow in front of the trees, those bare, also covered with snow, as far as the eye can see, all a snow white.

  Mose was waiting outside, his face was blown red by the cold wind, is repeatedly rubbing his hands, Merlin also did not have the heart to enjoy the snowy scenery, hurried into the carriage, said to Mose: "Let's go."

  The carriage started gently, Merlin leaned inside the carriage, he suddenly felt inside the carriage today, seems a little empty.

  "Wait, where's Mei Xue?"

  Merlin asked Moss in a hurry before.

  "Miss Mei Xue left the old castle a long time ago."

  Hearing Moss's answer, Merlin shook his head slightly, he then remembered that Mei Xue followed Pero swordsman to Gran City, will stay there for several days, and these days, the church there is no need to go.

  The etiquette class would not be held until the afternoon, and Merlin was free to make his own arrangements for this morning. He thought for a while, just came to this world only a few days time, have been to a handful of places, and only Nathan there antiques, can make Merlin feel some novelty.

  In particular, the magical relief has made Merlin very interested in the antiques of the Morta Empire period.

  "Moss, stop, don't go to the church, go to Mr. Nathan's."

  Merlin shouted loudly to Moss.