
Mage King in Amalgam-Verse (Marvel) (DC) (HP)

On Hiatus *** After death, Matteo was given a second chance... as a penniless orphan. And if that wasn't enough, his new life is littered with Marvel and DC elements. Fortunately, just a day before his eighth birthday, he awakens his mutation... which just so happens to be one of the most busted powers in all of fiction. (harem, smut) *** patreon.com/blugfics webnovel.com/profile/4321563078 scribblehub.com/profile/96071/blugfics/ wattpad.com/user/Blugfics archiveofourown.org/users/Blugfics ***

Bloooog · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

6 - Devotion (r18)

Warning: Explicit Content

{Brooke Manor, Greater Manchester}

{1st August 1989}

Three years. Three beautiful years.

Matteo was willing to admit that, well, things might've gotten a little out of hand.

He hadn't aspired to have this much. Not at first.

The most prevalent reason behind the whole 'adoption' scenario, the reason he had even thought to seek out a guardian, could be summed up in one word. School.

Matteo had died a college freshman– he went through five years of elementary, three years of middle, four years of highschool, half a year of college... just to have to do it all again?

Matteo had only been eight when he awakened Mastery, but just two more years of school was enough for him to decide that, no, he wasn't doing that.

That was why Camilla was now his 'mother,' and Chloe was his 'tutor.'

There was also Mrs. Richards, but that had been less of a recruitment, and more along the lines of a transaction. Money for immortality.

Mrs. Richards wasn't 'his,' not in the way Camilla and Chloe were.

Not in the way that his 10+ devoted maids were.

'Fourteen maids...' he recounted, grinning, 'and sixteen women total, all of which are wholly and utterly devoted to me, Matteo. Their owner, their master... their deity.'

The thought made him smile. But no, he hadn't been trying to start a cult. It was just that, six bedrooms, three acres, and 12,000 square feet... it was kind of a lot. Yes, all of it could easily be cleaned with magic, but that obviously wasn't something that he could explain. Nor did he want anyone to think that they cleaned their house themselves.

Instead of mind-wiping away his problems, it was easier for Matteo to just 'recruit' maids. In fact, it hadn't even been his own suggestion– it had been Camilla's.

Which, well, it made sense. Her fetish of 'lording over' his other women, along with being his legal mother, had turned her into a Head Priest of sorts.

And while Matteo didn't need fourteen maids... it was hard for him to just not acquire them.

When he has a spell that finds the location of his ideal women, on death's door, ready to take Matteo as their master, if it meant they continued living? Even if it meant being 'his,' in every sense of the word...? How could he not? It was nearly always active, so whenever Matteo got a nearby 'ping,' well, it was time for Matteo to acquire another devoted maid.

And after three years, they weren't just ordinary maids, no.

Matteo had been busy.

He had been training them all in magic and combat, Camilla and Chloe included, nearly as often as he had been dicking them all down.

And after three years of pursuing perfection, he had come to... an understanding.

Magic was flexible. Extraordinarily so.

Flexible in the way that, if two identical people were raised on two different magics– one being traditional American Sorcery, the other Indian Ritual Magic– their varied upbringings would lead to two different understandings of magic... a difference that was so prevalent, that it literally manifested into reality, physically altering the way their mana functioned.

Magic was the energy used to bend the laws of the universe, and while some things were harder to do with it then others, it was quite literally what you made of it.

If you were a talented mage with millions of years to waste... you would be able to, in theory, create a system of magic of your own.

Matteo did it in a just under a year.

When it came to the costs, the focus, the requirements, and even the casting method, it was all up to him.

It had taken him a while to decide on how exactly he wanted his 'magic system' to function, but he eventually settled on something more... streamlined.

The 'base' was imagination and willpower. Imagination would be the basis for the effect, and willpower was a supplement for it– along with mana, of course.

Then there was a second supplement– knowledge.

If Matteo wanted to create fire, he could easily just 'will it' into existence... but if he also focused on the oxidation of the air around him, the mana cost would be far less. As someone with a masterful memory and will, this sort of casting method was perfectly tailored just for him.

As for the casting itself, Matteo just thought it, and it would be cast.

However, when it came to teaching Camilla, Chloe, and all the others 'his' magic, Matteo had to come up with a few different methods for casting, since just telling someone to 'think it' wasn't all that good of a teaching method.

Matteo came up with scripts, chants, and runes.

Scripts were just the basis of an effect– it was the written form of what it was supposed to accomplish, and what one had to do to accomplish it. That was it.

The chant was the trigger that you assigned the script.

Whether it was verbal, mental, or even a physical gesture, the chant was used to bring the spell you wanted to cast to the forefront of your mind. Not required, but helpful nonetheless.

Runes were just a variation on scripts, but instead of a description, it was a written word or phrase imbued with mana. Essentially an effect that was meant to last, to be delayed, or to even be activated remotely.

Matteo knew that his magic system was rather bare-boned, but that was the point– it was far easier to learn than any sort of 'Marvel Magic,' but it was even harder to master. Anyone could write any script that they wanted, but only those with enough mana, willpower and knowledge would be able to perform true miracles.

He also implemented 'mana control' and 'elemental magic' into his system, building on the already existing elements of the universe he resided in.

And best of all... only those that Matteo personally taught his magic, would be able to use his magic. No one else.

'First rule of creation... don't let just anyone use your creations.'

He had called it SL Magic at first, short for 'streamlined,' to which Camilla had said, "Matty, Mastery makes you the best at many, many, things–"

"Like sex!"

Camilla gave Chloe a stern look, before continuing, "but naming is not one of them."

What never got to debut as SL Magic, became... Matty-Magic.

'Well, they're certainly devoted,' he mused.

Matteo didn't really care for the original name anyways.

It had also been three years since he had last seen Quinn, Sophie, Ryan, or... Ms. Myers. He still didn't blame Ms. Myers, but their last encounter had definitely soured their relationship. 'Enough for me to ghost them... literally.'

They were all still alive– they still had Matteo's 'runes.' He hadn't had to save them yet, and if he did get in alert... he probably would.

Saving every kid in existence, that just sounded... daunting. Tedious. But three kids, three kids that Matteo himself had grown up with? Even if they couldn't remember him?

'I might not be a hero, but I'm not heartless.'

And when he hadn't been focusing on magic, combat, or dicking down his maids, he had been acquiring knowledge. Math, science, and languages, in particular. Matteo had learned every spoken and written language– Earth ones at least– as well as a few dead ones. Matteo even started translating a few languages that were lost to time... but he stopped after two.

With Mastery, it wasn't exactly 'hard,' but that didn't make it fun.

'Math and science, though, that was fun.' Some scientific discoveries were decades ahead of their time, like the super-soldier serum. Matteo had reverse-engineered it on a whim, even fixing the 'mental' issue that it caused.

It was cool and all, but instead of giving it to his women, Matteo just casted a spell that permanently replicated the effects. Even if he could 'master' science, he couldn't exert his control over it in the same way that he could control his mana.

It was far safer to just use magic then risk a mishap, especially in a Marvel/DC world.

Another thing that he re-engineered was... Sublime's virus.

It took him a while, nearly a month, but Matteo was able to come up with a solution that relied solely on science, without a hint of magic. A counter-virus that infected hosts at a snail's pace, searching for any trace of the mutant-hating virus.

If it didn't find any traces of MHV (the mutant-hating virus), it would die off on its own, not affecting the host at all.

But if it did find MHV, it would latch on to it, slowly reverting the effects, reverting the brainwashing already applied to the host, if possible. And the best part was that, it couldn't even be detected, since the counter-virus fit perfectly snug into MHV itself.

Ironically enough, he could only tell that anti-MHV worked via magic.

Then Matteo released it into, quite literally, every single source of drinking water.

He wasn't exactly sure why he went through all of that effort, but it just kind of felt right for him to do it, fighting science with science.

Matteo hummed in thought, 'I probably just wanted to beat him at his own game. So I could rub it in his face, saying something along the lines of, "hey, look, you spent thousands of years analyzing and infecting humans, just for some dipshit mutant upstart to piss over all of your hard work, ruining it in just a scant few weeks."'

The thought made him smile. Sublime was still alive, out there, unaware of him. Matteo was going to enjoy slowly, slowly breaking him.

Again, and again, and again.

He would be caught completely unaware... and it was going to be glorious.

Then there were the other discoveries he made, the ones about Mastery itself.

He already knew that he had precise control of his own movements, but it went further then that– Matteo could master his own enzyme production, his hormones, his nail and hair growth... and even his cell-division, giving him a limited form of regeneration.

It wasn't that fast, but it was there.

And around six months after awakening Mastery, Matteo acquired a perfect memory. Now, he wasn't actively trying to remember everything, but that was just what happened when he put in the slightest bit of effort to remembering countless different things.

It wasn't a photographic memory, or an eidetic memory, no. It was a PERFECT memory.

Every, single, inscrutable detail, of every single moment– not only could he perfectly remember it all, he could even perfectly recall it. He had no idea how he had enough room for such an abundance of useless information, but he wasn't going to complain. It was also good that, while Matteo remembered everything, he didn't HAVE to remember everything. He could seal away his own memories, if need be.

Like his last encounter with Ms. Myers.

'Maybe I should take a break,' Matteo frowned.

He had been spending most of his time analyzing obscure magics from around the world, and how they compared to his own. And while Matteo was making excellent progress... when all you ever made was excellent progress, it could get quite dull.

This was what Matteo had spent most of his time doing the last three years.

The main reason Matteo was still 'lying low,' though, wasn't out of fear or paranoia or anything like that. The real reason far more simple.

It was only 1989.

Bruce wasn't yet Batman, Clark wasn't yet Superman, and Tony wasn't yet Iron Man.

Matteo did visit Gotham a few months ago, and there were whispers of a vigilante taking out criminals in the dead of night, but that was it. Nothing interesting had happened yet.

While the thought of getting close to those characters was enticing, Matteo was far too impatient to wait for them to become their iconic counterparts. Matteo was perfectly fine spending his days in the comfort of Brooke Manor, biding his time as he continuously improved his magical ability, his combat ability, and last but not least, his sexual prowess.


'Camilla and Chloe are in the lounge pool...' Matteo observed, 'and most of the maids are either in the swimming pool, cleaning, or training...'

Why his ever-devoted maids had actually learned how to clean, when they could just use magic, was beyond him... but Matteo wasn't going to complain about maids being maids.

With a mental nudge, his cock slipped out of his pants.


Lucy– the auburn-haired, brown-eyed, heavily freckled shortstack– instantly leapt out of his shadow and impaled herself on his cock, ready to serve. Matteo stood up, Lucy still on his cock, and then slammed her into the floor.

Then Matteo pistoned in and out of her as roughly as he could, all while ferociously attacking Lucille's mouth with his tongue.

"Ahhn~ Ahhng~ Ahh~ Ahhh~"

Lucille moaned as Matteo rutted in and out of her gut, riding the highs of pleasure. Always ready to be used, always ready to be claimed, always ready to serve.


The sound of their rigorous rutting, of skin slapping against skin, filled the room. Lucille's breasts bounced up and down as Matteo's cock drove into her again and again. Despite how rough he was being with her, Lucy was all for it, pushing out her hips in time with Matteo's thrusts, desperately trying to make Matteo's ruts as rough as possible.

Lucille wanted Matteo to ravage her, to the point that it bruised her quim.

"Ahh~ MMmm~ MMm~ MOOaarr~"

After a few more minutes of relentless thrusts, Matteo leaned back, fully hilted, and released his seed into Lucy's hungry womb. Still cumming, Matteo pulled out of Lucille's pussy and coated her in his cum, to which Lucille responded by eagerly crawling forwards and trying to catch as much of it as she could in her mouth.

Then Lucille started to frantically lick his cock clean, and Matteo grinned as he looked into her eyes, the adoration and devotion ever-present.

Before Lucy could clean Matteo's member of her own juices, however, Matteo had pushed her back to the floor, and then forced his bitch-breaker down her throat.

"Gaghk! Gaghk! Gaghk!"

Matteo then proceeded to fuck Lucille's face into the floor. He thrusted his cock down her throat fast and quick, disregarding her need to breathe. Lucy gargled and choked, her eyes hazing over as she climaxed.

The way Matteo would ruthlessly ruin her, the way that Matteo would use her as a cocksleeve, the way he fucked her face so roughly that it'd kill a normal woman...

It made her pussy hot.

Her thoughts clouded with lust, Lucille reached out to grab Matteo's waist. She wanted to pull him in, to force more of his cock into her gullet.

Matteo slapped her hands away.

"Greedy whore..." he muttered. Lucille's pussy clenched at the insult.

Then his cock throbbed, swelling to fill her throat and more.


18 inches long and 2.5 inches thick, Matteo's modified bitch-breaker began ruthlessly fucking Lucille throat, reaching all the way to her gut. She choked as it stretched her esophagus, the slab of meat slicking in and out of her throat-pussy over and over.


Unable to breathe, unable to do anything but take the face-fucking, Lucille climaxed. Her vision went white as her throat was utterly filled with her deity's cock. She reveled in her inability to fight him off, only able to lie there and take it.

Then Matteo cummed.

Nearly a gallon of gunk went straight to her gut, before splurging out of her mouth and nostrils. Lucille gagged as her stomach and throat were filled with Matteo's semen, her stomach bulging slightly to make room for her master's essence.

Then, not a second later, Matteo rutted into her face once more.


Teary eyed, cum still spurting out of the edges of her mouth and nose, Lucille gargled as she was forced to take Matteo's bitch-breaker for another round. Lucille gagged, desperately trying to cough up excess cum as it was forced back down by her master's ruthless thrusts. Her face being used as nothing more than a fuckhole by her master, by her deity.


Her throat being ruthlessly stretched and ravaged, leaving her unable to do anything besides choke and gag on Matteo's throbbing member.


Unable to breathe, Lucille felt like she was really going to die this time.

'Bliss... pure, utter bliss...'

Lucy climaxed as she passed out.


As soon as she came to, Lucille coughed, her throat still coated in a thick layer of cum... but that wasn't her priority. No, the first she did was start cleaning the cock before her.

Worshiping the mast of the man that held claim to her very being.

For it was Lucille's job to worship Matteo, body, mind, and soul... for he was her owner, her master, her deity... for he was all that she would ever need...

While he was reveling in Lucille's servitude, however, Matteo sensed someone 'magical' appear halfway down the street, now rapidly approaching their house.

<We have a visitor.>

In under a second, both Matteo and Lucille were perfectly cleaned and dressed, and both Camilla and Chloe were at Matteo's side.

<How many?> Camilla asked.

<Just one. Female. It looks like she's–> he paused. "Hrmm..."

Something about her was... familiar.

With a subtle scrying spell, he learned the first and last name of the potential threat approaching their very doorstep.

And as the words appeared before him, Matteo swore under his breath.

~Minerva McGonagall.~


