
Mafia Royal : Black Rose

He's in the mafia and she's an assassin. They met in all the right places at the wrong time. Can love break all the barriers the underworld builds between their worlds? As the Russian mafia second in command, Yuri was living up to his family's expectations. He was a ruthless mafia leader with no intention of falling in love. That was true until he was smitten by Andi the moment he first laid eyes on her, little did he know that she has many secrets that could either make him or break him. Andi, a heartless assassin who bound her life for revenge, had long promised herself not to fall in love. Although she had admired Yuri from afar even before they met, she tried her hardest to fight the feelings she has for Yuri. Can their love, that was built around lies, can flourish to rebuild both their broken hearts? ~ "Yuri... faster..." I begged but he merely smiled on my skin. The smile of a devil in disguise. He didn't give me what I wanted, instead he kept his slow torturous phase. "Please..." only this man can make me beg for this. ''No butterfly" I whined when he stopped what he was doing altogether. "You need to learn not to make me jealous or you'll never have me pleasuring you again." I was gasping for air, the heat in my skin was still burning and my face contorted with confusion. What the hell was he talking about? "Don't stop." He smirked. "Learn from your mistake, babochka." ''What?'' knowing that the smirk on his face was fùcking annoying, I wanted to wipe it out with a fùcking lawnmower. "Fùck you, Laskin." I hopped out of the counter, hot and bothered, fuming with anger and humiliation as I slammed the door of my room. Cold shower was not fucking helping me! He did this to me? How dare that man! The shower wall shattered to pieces when I punched it too many times that my hands bleed. I let the water calm me, no one had ever humiliated me like that in my entire life. ''Angel'' I heard Yuri speak inside my shower. ''Go away before I rip your head off" I warned. Instead of following my will, I felt his hands around my waist, drawing sweet circles on my stomach. ''Not now, Yuri. Just go." "No" he pressed his body on my back and damn, he was naked and hard. "Alex told me you and him weren't even a thing. Why make me jealous like that, babochka?" ''I can't be with you, Yuri" he spun me around but I closed my eyes, not wanting him to see how I hate doing this to him. How pushing him away was hurting me like a double-sided dagger. ''Why?'' he tilted my chin but my eyes remained shut. "I only want you, Andi, no one else." Fúck control. Fúck being righteous. Fúck doing the right thing. I'll do Yuri and I need him now. ''Make love to me" I whispered and as soon as the words left my mouth, I instantly regretted them. ~ And the love-hate relationship of Yuri and Andi begins... ~ [under edits] [MATURE CONTENT] Cover by DOBOLYU V

CastielLouise · Fantasía
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92 Chs



Sin will be staying with me for a while because she had to lay low after ending the group of Korean terrorists just a few days ago. Isiah was not as strict as before when we're still training to be assassins but his rule is to never engage with the enemy if our bodies are not a hundred percent healed.

The Russian Mafia became too busy planning their retaliation against the Italians. Isiah was firm on his decision not allowing me to help them again. I knew where he was coming from, meddling with mafia families was never our priority.

We get paid to do the job and that's it, just a one-time thing and all connections should be ended after the job.

I knew Sin and Nickolai were sneaking around the estate every now and then. As her best friend, I'm happy for Sin but I just hope that this was not one of her 'no strings attached' things again. Nickolai is a good person who was trapped in this world, I knew him more than he knew himself and I know that he's just waiting for a chance to catch me in one corner.

Faith was also sneaking into Yuri's room from time to time. Apparently, she wasn't allowed to go down the other floor of the house but like any curious child, she'll make different ways to come to Yuri's room and bring her books and gadgets to me.

I told Faith that it wasn't safe for her to rappel from the fourth floor to Yuri's room which was on the second floor with knitted blankets. She made me promise that I'd be the one to come up to her room if she's to promise not to do that trick again. I can see that Faith took her convincing abilities of Alek and Yuri so here I am now, sprawled in her pink princess room surrounded by floppy unicorns.

She has her kitchen, swimming pool, theater room. It was like she's living on her own on this floor but she's still searching for a friend to talk to.

''What's it like?'' she asked as she braids my hair like Elsa's. ''Being an assassin.''

Yup, I told her who I was. I don't want her to believe that everything is like a fairy tale because it wasn't. She's a smart girl and sooner or later she'll be involved in the business of her family, not that she doesn't know it yet. She figured it out on her own when she was four already.

''It's a hard profession, Faith. Most of the time, I put my humanity aside to finish a job.''

''don't you want a simple life? Like a family of your own?''

''I do... sometimes'' I checked her finished work and we took lots of selfies with her being Anna and me as Elsa.

We sat by her balcony when Nickolai walked up to Faith's room with Sin. This was the first day that Alek Laskin finally allowed Faith to have visitors as long as it was their inner circles. To celebrate that good news, we are having a tea party with real tea and cookies.

I was strumming the guitar to the tune of Dust in the Wind as the three of them were watching me. Faith seems awfully quiet since Nickolai and Sin walked into her room. Maybe it was because she wasn't used to having people around but from the times I spent with her, she wasn't a shy kind of kid.

''Why don't you sing?'' Nickolai asked as he sipped his coffee. He was such a party popper.

''Andi doesn't sing'' Sin answered for me as I finished the song.

''Play it again'' Faith finally spoke but Nickolai's reaction was weird. His pale blue eyes were wide as saucers and his jaw was literally on the floor.

''Did you just speak Faith?'' he asked, astounded. ''In full sentences?''

I rolled my eyes ''yeah. Do you think she's mute like Ivan?''

Nickolai wasn't faking his reaction. His eyes were watery as he practically lifted Faith from her couch and twirled her in the air. ''Can you say my name, Sweetie?''

''Dyadya Nickolai'' Faith groaned as she patted his shoulders. ''Put me down!''

''Holy mother of Mary'' Nickolai murmured. ''This is real. You said my name.''

Sin and I looked at each other bewildered but didn't say a word again as Nickolai asked Faith to say too many words.

He was genuinely happy as he listened to Faith narration about the stuff we did for the past few days.

Sin joined their conversation and she and Nickolai entered a heated argument about which country has the best beach. Kids. I'm friends with kids.

A sound of giggling pulled me out of my trance. I looked into the garden and saw Alice's arms wrapped around Yuri's biceps as they walked together. They look happy from where I am, Alice was telling him something while giggling as Yuri listens intently.

"Someone's jealous," I heard Nickolai say.

I threw a gathered glare towards him.

"That reminds me, I haven't seen you get jealous yet, Andi." Sin mocked.

Nickolai clicked his tongue "Uncle Alek invites us over dinner tonight."

Faith pouted her lips "we should cancel the slumber later."

"You're invited over dinner too" Nickolai answered her.

Her eyes gleamed with delight. "Really? Will you help me pick something to wear?"

I nod at the excited little girl. "Are you sure we are invited too?" Alek has never had dinner with his family and I wonder why he's inviting us.

Nickolai nods "I think he's announcing something important."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

I felt someone's eyes on me and when I looked back in the garden, I saw Yuri's eyes fixed on me as Alice embraced him. The tug in my heart as his arms snake around her waist was daggers piercing my chest.

What's his deal?

I moved closer to Nickolai, making sure that he sees how close we are. Sin gave me an inquisitive look, I rolled my eyes in her direction and mouthed 'garden' to her. She peeked in their direction and smirked, pushing Nickolai towards me. The innocent poor guy fell on the floor and pulled me with him. Nickolai stood up and pulled me with him, making us look like we're holding hands.

I peeked into the garden and was met by Yuri's furious gaze.

Two can play this game. I smirked as I dusted Nickolai's chest.
