
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Ciudad
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35 Chs


"Kira please come help me solve this maths problem." Drew who was sitting opposite me at the dining table pleaded with me.

He seem to have some issues with the calculations in his textbook but I was in a deep thought and wasn't paying attention to him or his work.

Mom has ordered me to put him through some of the tough questions in the textbook before leaving the house to meet up with her friend Anna.

But after helping Him solve one or two questions I had strayed away in my thoughts.

I was going to meet mr Steve tonight by eleven pm and I had been scheming all morning on how I was going to sneak out without getting caught.

Yeah we do sleep early but every member of our family is a light sleeper, Any suspicious sound wakes us up as if we weren't even asleep in the first place.

"I will have to be very careful tonight." I thought aloud forgetting my brother was in front of me.

"You say something?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "No," I quickly said.

"Which part is confusing again?" I asked him to deviate his attention from my thoughts because he was looking at me like as if I was a crazy person.

I went outside our house to our window side to see if there would be any obstacle in my way as I had planned to jump through the window again, Even I swore never to do that again.

I handpicked the shards of glass and adjusted the broken flower pots. I went back inside once I had been assured I won't get hurt if I jump over the window.

After studying my brother continued with his unfinished Sketches while I laid on my bed thinking about the note I saw in my pocket.

He said they take back what is not truly theirs. And I know he meant the high esteemed people of this country. But the lingering question on my mind was who then is the rightful owner of what they steal? Him? or his gang of theives??

Mr Steve told me he has a good reason for what he does, Even though it may sound wrong but a part of me believes him. He is a good man and I have come to trust him so much.

My mom arrived home later in the evening with lots of Goodies and other food stuffs for us from her friend. We were both so Happy and requested for mom to call her so we can thank her for it.

When we called and appreciated her she was so happy to hear our voice. She told us to come visit her and her ten year old son too saying he also can't wait to meet us. We happily agreed and told her we were going to come.

The bags mom brought were filled with lots of chocolate candies and we didn't hesitated to feast our mouths.

Later in the night around ten pm I was wide awake not feeling sleepy one bit, As usual the whole family except me was asleep but I was waiting for the right time when I feel more assured and confident that nobody is gonna here me escape through the window especially my brother.

When that time came, I stood up quietly and tiptoed towards the window holding my breath all the while. I looked back to check if my brother was still asleep and yeah he was.

Our window makes this creaking sound now ever since Dad change the panels from glass to planks because of the continuous smashing against it by the roaming kids on the street.

So I had practiced on how to open it without it making any sound during the day. but my shaking hands wanted to screw up the whole plan as the right window frame make a small squeak even before the window could open up well.

But that small squeak was enough to make my brother toss for a good thirty seconds on the bed before finally settling down.

I froze during the whole time and let out a quiet sigh only when he stopped tossing. "That was close." I thought inwardly.

I finally got to jump down the window after so much effort to open the it. "Phew," I let out a sigh of relief.

I went to get the now three legged stool my dad had threw away in our junk trunk and place it down below our window for easy access back into the room.

I ran very fast as my legs could carry me down the streets, The cold was so intense but I didn't slow down. I was wearing a thick jacket and one of my worn out jeans and boots.

"Hey pretty gurll!" I heard a drunk man slurred as I ran past and that made me ran even faster.

Fear made me run so fast that I didn't realize I had ran past Mr Steve's building. I stopped running when I noticed I had ran past the place I was going. I turned and head back towards my destination, Only this time I walked with quickened steps.

My heart pounded as if it wants to jump out of my chest, And my hands were shaky and freezing cold. When I got to the three storey building, I looked up and around to see if anyone was around.

But the building was dark and silent like there wasn't anyone present, I walked towards the garage door and stood in front of it, Waiting for my breath to calm down before doing anything else.

"He said I should meet him up but he isn't here." I thought silently. "That's because you are early idiot." My subconscious whispered at me as if someone was going to eavesdrop.

I had waited for about thirty minutes and was shivering like hell due to the cold. I was starting to think I was wasting my time when I should be at home sleeping, I began to pace back and forth to keep myself warm.

"Ten minutes, Just ten more minutes and if I don't see anyone then I am leaving." I whispered aloud to myself.

Just as I was about to turn someone grabbed hold my shoulder. "Hey," The person said calmly. I yelped loudly at the contact, Ready to run but the person's hand held me firmly by the shoulder.

My heart thumped loudly and my body got tensed. "Who-", "Sshh," He hushed me before I could ask anything. "Follow me," He simply said and started walking off.

Are we going somewhere? Weren't we suppose to enter the building through some secret passage way? so why is he walking away from the building?

I paused for second to try recognize the person but I couldn't because it was dark and he was also wearing a black hood. I did as he said and increase my steps to catch up with him.

He was walking way too fast and I wondered where the hell we were going. "Where are we going?" I asked him but he didn't reply. "Where are we going!?" I asked loudly this time thinking he might not have heard me the first time. But he still didn't reply.

"I won't follow you any more if you don't tell me where we are going to." I told him stopping in my tracks. He should at least say something because I was starting to get nervous.

"We are here already so stop talking," He sighed and glanced at me. I looked around but strangely I didn't see anything so I wondered where exactly he was talking about.

"Here? On the street??" I asked puzzled by the situation. A vehicle opposite us suddenly turned on it's headlights and back off. "What was that?" I wanted to ask the guy me but he was already walking towards the big van.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked when he saw I wasn't following him, I shook my head in denial. "We ain't kidnapping you, Or don't you know why you are here?" He asked again.

"You have a choice," He said and walked over to the van.

Hearing him say that made my anxiety doubled up, I wasn't even sure if I was ready for whatever I am about to face. But one thing I was sure off was that these guys aren't the bad ones.

The guy in the black hood was still patiently waiting for me by the van. "You coming or not?" He asked loud enough for only me to hear him, "C-Coming!" I replied and walked across the street over to the van.

He has already opened the front sit door before I got to him so I entered immediately I got there.

There was no one sitting at the driver's seat of the van so I wondered who turned on the headlights earlier.

The hooded guy got into the van from the other door and sat beside me getting ready to drive. "But where are we going now?" I demanded again.

"To your first mission kid," Someone from behind spoke instead of him, I turned to see who it was but I couldn't because the rear of the van has been demarcated from the front side.

"Who is that?" I asked, The shock evident in my voice. "Your new partner or rather 'Friend'," The person spoke again and revealed his face through the medium sized window of the demarcation.

"Micheal!" I looked at him with a shocking expression even though I wasn't supposed to be surprised.