
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

Meghan was cleaning up the blood in the street when the media spotted her, they hurried to her begging her to give them a statement and an update about how the people of Ludso were doing. Meghan's insides smiled, this was the moment she was waiting for, she couldn't seek them out the way Daniel wanted her to, because then she would look desperate to counter Pierre's statements, no, that was not how she was going to play this game. Meghan appeared reluctant to speak to the media, the hosts enjoyed this cat and mouse tag tale, but today was different, today she was determined to say what she had to say, this was the moment the hosts have been waiting for, the mouse had been caught and she would speak.

The reporter, Miss Lars asked "Ettah, that's your name right? We have seen you work tirelessly fro the people, what words of comfort can you give?" Meghan smiled "this effort is for the people, we have suffered as one, we suffer together, we have fought together, and we will survive together" The interviewer asked "yes, but now how do you feel about Mr Boscamo who has just been released out of lockdown, giving to the people, the relief from Mr Boscamo must be a great feeling." Meghan's stance changed now it was time for her speech to show her nature, to show his nature. "I must speak frankly, I am disappointed in Mr Boscamo for let us not forget it was he who burned our food in the first place, under his order the streets were turned into this, innocent people died for no reason other than his own obsession. These people around me got caught up in a battle that should never have happened, the hatred between Ludso and Driddon has ended, now it Ludso against Ludso, my people take comfort, because your man Mr Pierre Boscamo has come back to you, his obsession over Driddon has ended, his words are true, madam you asked me how I feel about Mr Boscamo coming out and helping now, as much as I wish he had come so much earlier, it's better he is late than never, finally the death toll can end. I want my people to do more than just survive, I want them to thrive, if Mr Boscamo can give the people want they need then please Mr Pierre Boscamo don't withhold your hand any longer, my talents only reach so far, I speak for the people, I am their voice, but Mr Boscamo is their heart, please rebuild the City, please I beg you Mr Pierre Boscamo for the sake of my people, for the sake of your people, repair the City, restock the City. We need you, Pierre, I need you. Return to the people and the people will return to you." With that Meghan left back to the shelter to help the people, "Coming from you live from the shelter homes where miss Ettah continues the relief effort to save our people. Miss Lars and associates on 17 News".

Mr Pierre Boscamo watched Meghan's response to him from the conference room which still lies in a state, his heart knew that it was Meghan who was speaking to him, but he just didn't recognise her. Mr Boscamo paused the television and he called for Mr Clarke, "tell me, is this Meghan?" Mr Clarke ordered an investigation the report that returned was inconclusive, when Mr Boscamo went live once more, he was very careful with his words, for he knew that the people were for Ettah and for him, there was no battle any more. Mr Boscamo's loyalties were being questioned, he could no longer hide behind his sweet talking, although angry with Ettah for putting him in this position, he just knew that those words were Meghan's.

Daniel watched the television from the living room, when he saw that Mr Boscamo was about to air he hurried to get Meghan, now she had opened herself up to the media, she had to be prepared for the next interview. With great timing Mr Boscamo began to speak as she entered the room where Pierre was scrutinised. "So Mr Pierre Boscamo, in your last report you said you wanted to help the people the best you could during times of difficulty, in fact since your arrival crime has increased, would you say you have failed the people again, I mean after all you did have our food burned, what do you have to say for yourself?" Meghan watched as Mr Boscamo stared dumbfounded into the camera, Meghan saw how this could turn bad very quickly, "well, let's put this into perspective, if my woman Meghan Maria Colesman, hadn't left me into the lower parts of Ludso then this would never have happened, how dare the Ludso people harbour an outsider, especially someone from Driddon!" The interviewer mocked "my, my, what a change of character, one minute you're spouting concern for Miss Meghan and now you are condemning her, was the death of almost three thousand people really worth it?" Mr Boscamo replied "of course not, I never expected those people to die, their precious lives are gone because those officials went too far, they were beyond my control, I didn't want people to die" Meghan turned off the television. Daniel cried "why would you do that, that man was finally getting what he deserves, we have to see it." Meghan shook her head "what we're seeing is not good, they're pushing him in a corner, Daniel, that's what they're going to do to me, no matter what he says, it cannot influence what I say next, he is blaming, me, you, the officials, nothing he is doing was wrong, while we waste our time listening to his empty words we already know, Daniel, they're still dying out there." Daniel sighed "I'm sorry Ettah, I get lost in this world of politics, I forget the greater goal, the people. They're the ones who truly matter." Daniel and Meghan left the building to the shelters.

Upon reaching the shelters, Miss Lars hurried to Meghan wanted another statement, Meghan sighed and explained that she had already said all she needed to, she told Miss Lars that she didn't have time to speak. Miss Lars retorted "is it true you are Meghan Maria Colesman?" Meghan turned and looked to Daniel, she then looked back at Miss Lars "what a thing to ask at time such as this, can you not see I am busy trying to save the people of Ludso and you are taking up that precious time on a fantasy woman created by Mr Boscamo. Have you ever thought that he made such a story to fantasise with? How many women have been hurt during his campaign? What good could come from asking me that question? Miss Lars would knowing where and who Miss Colesman is bring hope to the people? Mr Boscamo will finding Miss Colesman really bring an end to this? Will knowing where Miss Colesman is cause you to rebuild the City?" With that Meghan left to nurse the wounded, she no longer was interested in speaking to Miss Lars and associates. For the next few days the people asked and wondered who Miss Colesman was, some wondered if she was, but as Meghan figured she bought more hope to the people as Ettah, for now at least.

Mr Boscamo enthralled the media, his words were that of a raging storm, he couldn't make up what he believed, one minute he was saying one thing and another, often he was boxed in as he was tripped over with his own words, for a certainty he believed Meghan was Ettah, but he had no proof, the moment had come where he was going to visit the people, against Mr Clarke's better judgment, Mr Boscamo announced on national television that he would inspect the people's living conditions and he would help Ettah in any practical way he saw fit. Before the announcement made it to Daniel, Mr Boscamo had arrived, his arrival caused mulch distress, rather than helping the people he was there to put on a good show. Without much effort he gave up, being a humanitarian wasn't his thing, his face showed disdain and he was appalled by the status of the people, he told one shelter that it had been better if they had died, upon leaving he walked into Ettah, where he said "what you have her is a morgue, the smell is awful, there is nothing to be done, get the living out before disease spreads, leave the dead and almost dead, it's better this way." Meghan couldn't believe what she heard "Sir, we have removed the dead, thousands the army took them away, we do not know has died, the officials are working on it, sir, do you not know the healthy are the nurses, all we have here are those almost dead, we need supplies, please Mr Boscamo help us move these people into the hospitals, set them up again, allow the money back into the hospitals, and then we can avoid the spread of disease, get the workers back into the wards. Mr Boscamo this is what you can do for the people. I Ettah am here to support you out in the field, let the people see you haven't given up on them. I know you're in shock, it's not a sight any of us should have to bear. Alas we are, I know you won't fail your people. My people."Meghan softly smiled up at him as he was about to say something a helper called "Meghan, she's dying" over the cries of the mother over her daughter Meghan spouted commands on how to help, she assured the young girls mother "we are doing everything we can, we can only hope in Pierre Boscamo now."

Again Mr Boscamo appeared on national television, this time Daniel watched alone, "Mr Boscamo what have you got to say for us today?" The reporter smirked waiting for Mr Boscamo to mess up again, however Mr Boscamo was determined to help, his reputation was on the line. Mr Clarke reminded him that he was being watched by everyone, everywhere, Mr Clarke also bought his attention to all his clients who were safe from the drama down in low Ludso and they were still deciding whether they wanted to sign contracts with him. Mr Boscamo was ready to man up and be the CEO of a company, "I know my behaviour recently has been shocking to my people, I have never had to deal with this sort of tragedy before, I am a businessman and as a businessman I don't deal in this area of expertise, where the politicians are, I know not, where the power behind Ludso is I don't. The face of Ludso has disappeared. Perhaps as the reporter you can find our politicians." Daniel couldn't believe his ears, here Mr Boscamo was accepting some form of blame, Daniel ran out of the house screaming for Ettah to come to him, once Meghan came to him, he had no time to explain, he ran dragging Meghan behind him, Meghan was just in time to hear the end of Mr Pierre Boscamo's speech "I have to thank Ettah and I thank Meghan, they have given me a push in the direction the people need from me, all funding has returned to the hospitals, the ambulances from the rich end of town are collecting the people on the low end of Ludso, they will be gaining all the special attention they need to live. Please keep up the good work all you helpers in the shelters, as for you politicians of Ludso you have failed your people, my people." Daniel smiled "what you said, it reached him. Meghan he's going to help" Meghan smiled and just as they were leaving they heard sirens, help had arrived, the medics had come slowly the thousands of men, women and children were off the streets and in the hospitals, getting professional help. Once the last of the people were safely in Ludso's health care system, Meghan gave one last speech to the media, "Miss Lars, thank you so much for helping me reach Mr Pierre Boscamo, he has been in shock for sometime, a rich man doesn't have to deal with grief like what we have seen over the past months, I know I speak for the people when I say, thank you Pierre. Now it is your duty Mr Boscamo and the rulers of Ludso to return the water to the people, there is no danger here in the lower parts of Ludso, please restore what all humans deserve to have, fill our stores with food, return our economy to us. Help me Pierre to restore the people's home, your home." Meghan smiled and as she went to leave Miss Lars again asked "Miss, please, the people deserve to know how their hero is, are you Miss Meghan Maria Colesman?" Meghan whispered "if you must know, then you will." Miss Lars smiled as Meghan and Daniel disappeared from view.

The next morning the water was back to low Ludso, for the first time in months they were able to bathe, to clean their clothes and have cup of teas. How the luxury of tea was missed in the Fisher household. In the late afternoon once the house had been aired, the family along with Meghan sat around the television, the mysteries of Ettah filled every channel, Mr Boscamo every now and again would pop up but quickly the conversation changed to Ettah again, the people in hospital thanked her, Ettah our mysterious hero, throughout the channels the idea of Meghan Colesman being Ettah was featured and widely accepted. One thing was for certain Meghan Colesman and Ettah have changed the lower Ludso area forever, thousands love her, even if she were found, Mr Boscamo knows she is protected, her heroism could never be discredited.

Daniel turned off the television, "what can't handle my fame any longer?" Meghan teased. "Well, it is getting dull, it's not like you were alone in this venture" Meghan shrugged "because you were so consumed with anger, I might as well have been" Daniel rolled his eyes, and sat next Meghan "you know you really are something, you are so different to how I ever imagined you would have grown up to be" Meghan smiled "now, was that a compliment I just heard?" Daniel pushed his hair back he hadn't really got on well with Meghan he knew that was more his fault than hers, however he couldn't let the praise go to his "I'm not, I just thought a little bit of commendation was appropriate, after all your way ended up being the better way." Meghan playfully nudged him "try not to be consumed with vengeance and anger, or even grief, this is how this feud between Ludso and Driddon began, we have to fight it, our worst enemy is ourself, not the other person, if I was outraged with Pierre this whole event could have gone a lot worse. Fighting doesn't make hero's. Saving people's lives makes a hero, ending the pain brings peace. Sometimes we have to end our own pain first before we can end someone else's suffering." Daniel nodded "that might be easier said than done" Meghan looked to Daniel "I think you're on the right path, you let me in, that's always a good start, an even more amazing thing, you never said anything to the media, you kept control" Daniel smiled.

Mrs Fisher bought in tea for us, she placed it on the table in front, with polite affections she left the room, without being asked twice Meghan immediately began to sip on her tea, before Daniel could take a drink she asked him "well, what now in your world?" Daniel placed the cup back down on to the table, "I don't know, I've been caught up in the revenge business for so long, I never really thought about my life having any meaning, I was ready to join my uncle in death" Meghan retorted someone as young as you, having no life, that's depressing. Perhaps it is you who have been deprived of so much." Daniel searched through Meghan's eyes "perhaps I want you to stay in my life" Meghan blushed "how will you entice me to stay in your life?" Daniel sat back in his chair, "I have many ideas, my uncle taught me well" Meghan giggled.

Meghan began to fall in love with Daniel, he was kind and soft, it were the little moments which touched Meghans heart, when she cried Daniel was there with a little gift he had made to help cheer her up, the gift which she treasured the most was a heart shaped necklace which he had spent his days working on he had crafted the necklace from a shell he had collected when he was younger. It was the last memory had of his father before the fearful day. Meghan wanted the moments to last when she was with him they laughed, she learned quickly there was no hidden motive with Daniel, there just was the moment. Daniel had something to look forward to again, he hadn't felt happy in a long time, she was his hope, his joy. When Meghan cried because she missed her family, he felt compelled to make her better, whether it were long walks along the garden in their back yard, which he began to make any excuse to spend time in the garden with her, she was his rose, delicate and beautiful.

One fateful day when Meghan was mending to the garden bed she noticed Daniel watching her his smile faded into a downcast look, Meghan left the plants to go to his side, she inquired after him, Daniel took her hands "I received a phone call from Mr Pierre, he's going to make an announcement tonight, we've enjoyed our fun, we have two choices, we can run to the East, and let the people suffer, but we'll be happy. Or we can let each other go, you return to Pierre and I will suffer by myself for the sake of the people, that is the option Pierre has given to us." Meghan slowly fell to the ground "I don't understand, we've been living peacefully for a little while now, everyone who was dying is very much alive, why are not able to move forward? What could Pierre possibly do that he hasn't already done?" Daniel groaned "dunno, but I tested him before, the people have note recovered from the loss as it is, I don't want them to suffer like that again, I don't want us to suffer like that again. Meghan darling, I want peace, a revolution has not taken place the way I had hoped. If you don't return to Pierre, who will die next. Or if we run away. I don't know what to do." Meghan slowly breathed in, "I need to speak to our Aunty, you know you're not safe here, and I can't run from him, he won't give up." Daniel questioned "what are you thinking?" Meghan looked into Daniel's eyes "I've fallen for you Daniel, I don't want to lose you, please leave to my Aunty, be there for my parents, my father is dying if not already, help my mother through the grief, take your family and run across the bridge, we will have an uprising, but not yet. Let me work on Pierre, I can't fight him, please don't wait for me. Once you get over the bridge, remember me as a close friend, think highly of me, please don't wait for me." Daniel began to cry, "just when I found you, I lose you, you have made no promise to him, yet he has all the cards, I'll never forget the day I fell in love with you, you were saying your first speech to the media, I thought how fine you looked, you spoke with love and conviction for the people. You were born to lead. Without a care for yourself you tended to those people. I wanted to be worthy enough to stand by your side. You know, I looked to you for guidance, my whole adult life I was trying to lead a rebellion, I failed because of who I was and what I believed in, you can't rebel if it's not for the right reasons. Maybe you can lead us to freedom, freedom in the right way, the people are for you, I didn't reach the people, I found others who were angry, a lot of angry people and things go south. Thank you for giving me hope, a true rebellion is built on hope." Meghan gave Daniel a firm hugged she promised that even if she were to fail in finding peace, she would always be there to give the people hope and joy.

That evening Aunt Aloria came by with three guards from Driddon, they had come to escort the rest of the Fisher family, it was time to return home, Aunt Aloria hugged Meghan and whispered words of courage and praise, but she couldn't help but burst into tears when the news of her fathers passing, Aunt Aloria hugged her tightly and said "despite your father's ailing health he died proud, he was so proud of you Meghan, when he heard your speeches, when he saw you working for the people, what broke the town made him stronger, in his final hours he called your name and begged for you not give up, you were his shining star he saw in the night sky, you were his flickering embers in fire, you Meghan were always his spark of life, never forget that. No matter what happens with Pierre, the town is with you, you are not in exile as far as the people are concerned. Only Pierre believes you to be alone. Never believe. My dearest girl, your mother stays strong and waits for your return, we will be there with her, waiting." Meghan sobbed into Aunt Aloria, Daniel knelt beside her, "I have one more gift to you my darling, no matter what happens, I am waiting and I will be watching for your return, I can't promise anything else, but have this, a bracelet to go with the necklace, inside of the bracelet is a message of hope. Please keep your light shining. Pierre cannot keep your family from you, we are always right there." The moment was interrupted by one of the guards who was instant on their departure. The hardest sound for Meghan to bear was the door shutting, Meghan feared that would be the last time she would see any of them. As she huddled into herself she cried for as long as she could before she found the strength to turn on the television, she had made a deal with the one man who had ruined her families lives, she had to know what was being asked of her now.

"On air with us tonight is our hero himself, Mr Pierre Boscamo, so Mr Boscamo how is life now I assume back on schedule?" Pierre sighed "not quite, it's been difficult to win the people back, sadly without the contracts, there is no money, without the money I cannot rebuild the City" the chairman reminds the public "of course, your promise not just to the people but to our heroin herself, Ettah, how has your investigations gone? Do we know who the heroin is? Pierre devilishly smiles "I do, as a matter of fact, she has choice to make, I have made an offer of marriage to her, if she accepts my hand you will finally meet your hero, but if she refuses I am going to have to be firm with you is sheltering her, I hear she has another offer of marriage." The chairman laughs "wow, busy woman, how does she do it, two lovers, incredible, who is the other mystery man? Did you happen to know him" Pierre nods "we do, he's a very dangerous man, he's the leader of the rebellion movement which caused so much grief over the years, in fact he was working alongside Ettah to help the people" with an ecstatic noise the chairman says "oh wow, that's him, our mystery man with Ettah, let's show the people, that's the other man who has asked our heroin, what a story Lady and gents, so Mr Boscamo, what is store now?" Pierre explains "well, if she doesn't choose me I must assume then she has chosen him, unless she comes forward and publicly condemns that man for his war effort. Ludso has suffered a tremendous blow, we are mourning thousands of lives, we are angry and hurt. I personally am afraid of what this criminal has in store for us, we cannot afford another blow out, a man like him is willing to die and have others die as a martyr for his cause, I refuse to let that happen, as we speak I have ordered his arrest, the officials are on the lookout, I'm afraid we cannot let him get away with this" the Chairman nods "will this mean there is a penalty of death?" Pierre sighs "unless Ettah comes forward and proves to the people she is a hero, we can end this, I do not know the full details of what will happen but if Ettah comes forward now we can avoid any further unnecessary bloodshed, which is the end goal." The chairmen nods "of course it is, when do expect Ettah to come forward?" Pierre looks to the camera "the moment the officials arrive on your door, Ettah you have a choice!" Meghan's heart began to race as the door was forced open by strong men in vests, one man bellowed "this is your choice" Meghan took the phone "this is no choice" she retorted. As she answered the phone, the house was torn a part, on the other side she heard Pierre's voice "well, what have you to say?" Meghan looked around the house and replied "I am watching you on nationally television sir, I assure you are misinformed, you have found me, I'm living in the old Fisher home, the family have already died, also you are quite mistaken I have not been asked to marry anybody, not you nor the other man whom you seemed to be so sure of, have you not been informed, I have been living alone for awhile now. Also Mr Boscamo I am a house maid, my profession is not overly desirable but it pays the bills. Rest assure City of Ludso I'm not part of any form or rebellion, I just want peace for me and for you, especially for you. Why can I not be left in peace?" The chairmen exclaimed "oh you poor things, one minute you have two proposals and now you have none, there seems to be a lot of confusion here tonight folks. What can be done sir, the lady is all alone tonight." Meghan watched Pierre smile into the camera "we can't have our heroin left alone, if my proposal was lost in translation forgive me, I mean to ask you, let Ludso's hero and heroin join in the bond of matrimony" Meghan scowled at the television she hoped he could feel the burn "I'd rather not, we would never work, we may have a common goal, but there is so much to a relationship than that. Good bye" Meghan hung up, rather than leave her be the officials were ordered to take her from the house.