
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

Meghan awoke in a familiar room, she recognised it to be the room which started this mess, this was the room where she was put when she got alcohol poisoning. This was Pierre's home, Meghan's heart began to race, she couldn't stay here. Meghan rushed from the bed with all her might she tried to swing open the door, upon failing it caused her muscles to stretch, Meghan cried in pain as she slipped to the floor, there was no mistaking that she had been locked in. Meghan forced herself to stand, this was not how she was going to end, she was not going to be Pierre's toy. As she analysed the room she noticed a window, as she began to climb out of the window the door to the bedroom opened, Pierre cried out "Meghan, get back in here" Meghan refused to listen, as she slowly held for dear life on the edge of the wall, Meghan hadn't realised how high the window was from the ground, if she jumped it would end badly and of no avail, she would be stopped. Pierre calmly made is way to the window, he stuck his head out and asked "now what are you going to do Meghan?" Meghan looked down and then to Pierre, she was determined to get away from him if it were the last thing she would do. "I know you think I'm crazy, but if you don't stay away from me Pierre, I'm going to jump, I don't care about the consequences, if you capture me again, I will jump again and again until you are forced to let me go." Pierre shakes his head "then I am going to have to lock the window" Meghan replied "then I will break the window and jump, if you remove everything from the room, I will throw myself at the window until it breaks. I will out of desperation be free from you." Pierre groaned "what happened to my Meghan, she was in love with me?" Meghan couldn't believe her ears "you murdered people, you lied to me, you left me to hang. When I needed you the most Pierre, you weren't there. I needed you to love me, I needed you to care for my family. I was struggling and you weren't there." Pierre growled "oh woman, I have no idea what you're talking about" Meghan shook her head "I suppose you don't, you never looked to me as you're equal, you never had any honourable intentions to me, I would have given up my world for you, but you have hurt people just to get to me. That's not love. Under your authority thousands died, under your authority I lost my happiness, I can never go home because of what you have done. My home was all I wanted." Pierre pursed his lips he went to say something but lost the words, instead he let out a sigh "what will it take for you not to jump? What can I do to make this work?" Meghan shook her head "why does it matter so much to you if I jump?" Pierre leaned into the window "because we're being watched, I'm sorry, I know you want me to say something romantic, but that's the truth. If you jump, I lose everything, please, don't make that mistake" Meghan looked across the property from her window, in the distance she saw people watching, what he said was true, "fine, if you want this to work, then I want to work for a hotel in the city, I want to make my own way in Ludso, I don't want to live here, I want my own home, where you are not welcome. If we are to meet it will be in your office. You are not to come to my place of work, you are to be kept secret from my life, but for appearance sake I will be a part of yours. That is my offer or I jump." Pierre pursed his lips in frustration he let out "fine" Meghan looked to him "I mean it Pierre, if you go back on your word, I don't care which building I jump from, I jump." Pierre agreed and assisted her back in through the window, that day she was introduced to the cameras as Mr Pierre Boscamo's fiancée, a beautiful fake proposal was rehearsed and filmed, the public witnessed what appeared to be true love, of screen Meghan couldn't stand the sight of him, the more Meghan forced Pierre away the more he needed her.

Meghan found a place in the City, a home that reminded her of the home she left behind, the layout was the same, the only difference was that her parents didn't live in the upstairs room. Meghan sat on the floor with her back leaning on the front door, Meghan cried to herself as she remembered the good days before Pierre, her work, her family, her home. All she could think about now was the guilt of what she had left behind, Driddon was a family, a home to all, Meghan wondered if she had destroyed that hope. There was something about Driddon that made it mysterious, Meghan thought perhaps it was because she believed it to be mystical, all because she saw the Pegasus falls, Meghan felt determined to go to the falls, she had to see it for real this time. Meghan stopped crying, she would honour her bargain with Pierre, but he would honour his end, it was now up to her to make peace between the three clans, whether Pierre was a part of that or not. Meghan held firm to the bracelet and the necklace which Daniel made for her, she promised that she would return to him, she would break the power Ludso had over her and her family.

Meghan finishes setting up her apartment and she readied herself for the interview at a hotel Mr Boscamo had set up for her, which wasn't far from her home, with experience she has, she wasn't at all concerned over the interview, she had a wonderful reference in Mrs Fisher, what better reference than a former boss. Within hours after the interview Meghan was informed that she gained the job, Meghan had gained this job through her own merit, only later has the company been informed who she is, all at Mr Boscamo's insistence, for there would be times that Meghan would not be present for work, depending on what was happening with him. The company was more than willing to work in with Mr Boscamo, which annoyed Meghan, but for her she could easily dismiss Pierre from her mind as she worked.

Her routine was beginning to fill just as she knew it would, with interviews and contract lunches, Meghan was over the charade of being a fiancée to a two faced man, who cheated and threatens his way into power, although there was nothing she could do but smile sweetly she was seething between her teeth. By the end of the week she was exhausted, on her days off Pierre would occasionally message begging her to come to the house or to work but she refused, she made it plain and clear to Mr Boscamo she was no ones toy, she would not give herself over to him for any form of pleasure. Because Mr Boscamo was being watched he couldn't even invite other women to him, he was stuck and this angered him more and more, which was putting Meghan in an impossible situation, his desire for her gained in strength and velocity the more she denied him.

It was early in the morning when she received a phone call from Pierre, upon answering Pierre began to threaten her, Pierre was tired of not having a woman to hold at night, he was need of Meghan, immediately Meghan hung up on him, Meghan was determined to leave the City, she called into work and let them know she wouldn't be available to come back into work for about a month. Once she sent her statement to the media she set off for her adventure, which would begin in Driddon, the place where it had all begun.

When Megan arrived in Driddon she was warmly welcomed by her friends, Daniel warmly embraced her and after passionately kissing her, he let her go and shyly apologised "I don't really know what came over me" Daniel went bright red as he pushed his hair behind his head, Meghan found his lack of confidence amusing, so she kissed him "never apologise to me, I missed you so much." Daniel held Meghan so tightly he never wanted to let her go again, "what has bought back to us my dear?" Aunt Aloria asked, she was concerned they all were. Meghan pulled away from Daniel "it's time for Ettah to take an adventure, that is the story the media will be posting in tomorrows column, I've already written it. I have to go to the Pegasus falls, if nothing more to just see it, if I'm to have a man like Pierre as my husband, I need an adventure with a real man first. I must set sail within the hour, before too many people know I have arrived. Villyani and I build a beauty years back, we often dreamed of sailing to the falls, as far as I'm away my ship has not yet sailed. It should still be hidden" Daniel took Meghan's hand "you surprise captain, I will go with you, but are you sure this boat of yours is sea worthy?" Meghan giggled and assured them they had helped in building the boat, it was indeed a majestic boat, worthy of the river they were to sail through.

Once the boat had set sail and the bridge had drifted into the night, Daniel put on some gentle music and took Meghan into his arms "I know you were promised a proposal from me, the moment I am free to ask, I will." Meghan just smiled as they danced under the moonlight, this was the moment that made her feel loved, this was the man that wanted to love her forever, no matter the storms which were to come he was the man she wanted to stand beside. Daniel saw her eyes sparkling up at him "so my dear, what are you hoping to find here at the falls?" Meghan shrugged her shoulders "solace, maybe?" Meghan sighed and fell to the deck "Pierre has been demanding my body a lot more recently, I'm just not ready to let him have me. He controls every part of my life, where I'm working, how long I'm working, we I live, where I'm supposed to be and at what time. I've taken a month off, he's going to be so mad when he finds out. There's nothing he can do to change that, Driddon is safe for a month, but no longer than a month, maybe there might be answers here to help our quest to finding peace, marrying Pierre is not the answer." Daniel shook his head, "this is the worst situation to be in" Meghan sighed as she curled up next to him, together they looked up into the stars together they made stories and pictures of the sky above, before drifting off too sleep.

When Meghan woke she realised that they were no longer moving, she woke Daniel up and together they departed from the ship and made their way to the falls, it was such a beautiful place, trees and nature abounded, it was like they stepped into a fairytale, a jungle paradise, this was all Meghan had imagined it would be and more. Hand in hand Daniel and Meghan walked in awe of the Island they had stumbled across, the beautiful falls, they walked under the water falls, as children they played under the water, it had been a long time since Daniel had enjoyed the falls and the springs of the Island, it was like he was returning home, "you know my dad took me to the springs before. That's where I found the shells to make your jewellery, they weren't really shells, more like precious stones." Meghan exclaimed "you've been here before?" Daniel nodded "it's like nothing you'll ever see, experience or feel, there is only peace here. My father said that you can't find this place if you're looking for war to hurt someone, my father told me, the falls are hidden to those who don't deserve it." Meghan's eyes widened "That's what Villyani used to says too, I wonder what is here that makes this place so special, I wonder if we learn its secret we can teach Ludso how to find the peace like it is here." Daniel smiled and quietly he whispered "maybe". Together they walked through the falls just before they crossed over Meghan saw something shimmering in the water, she knelt into the water as she reached for it the light disappeared from the stone, with great delight she showed Daniel "was this the stone which you used to make my necklace and bracelet?" Daniel smiled "something similar" Meghan exclaimed how soft it felt, she was happy, as she went to put it back into the water the light came back, compelling Meghan to keep it, Daniel smiled and took her hand with the stone in it "that's what happened to me, the falls is allowing you to take it" Meghan smiled, looking up to Daniel she held his hand bringing the stone to her lips, where she kissed the stone which Daniel and she held, "I don't know how to make something for you out of this precious stone, but maybe it can hold the love I have for you" at which she gave him the small soft shell like pebble. Daniel graciously took from her hand the stone once through the waterfall Daniel saw some flax which he peeled back and into string, carefully and slowly he pushed the flax into a small hole of the pebble once through he gave the pebble to Meghan "do you mind putting this on for me?" Meghan smiled she parted one of the flax sides and platted the flax together making the base of the necklace strong, then she tied the flax to Daniel's neck. At which he happily wore, it sank just under his shirt.

Together they walked over the hill was the home to a powerful waterfall that lead to an underwater hurricane, Daniel and Meghan watched as the powerful water fuel below them caused the water to encircle one another, "it's magnificent, such power, it really puts life into perspective, there's something awe-inspiring in the design of the water" Daniel agreed with her sentiments, with a helping hand Daniel helped her through the wilderness of jungle they were slowly making their way down the other side of the Pegasus falls, Daniel watched carefully as Meghan slowly made her way down the slippery slope.

A loud deep sound caused Meghan to stop, as she did Daniel held Meghan close, together they searched for the source of the sound, upon feeling that it was safe to do so they continued down, without a moments notice a flying turtle took them from the mountainside, they screamed out of freight, upon realising what happened Meghan began to laugh, she could feel the wind in her hair, although the giggling was short lived when she realised the turtle was heading right for centre of the water hurricane, Daniel instinctively held on to Meghan so as not to lose her when they hit the water, over the pain of the water never came, within a blink of an eye they were transported to a whole new world, rather than being in the middle of whirl pool they had landed in a forest with strange trees, "I've never been here with my dad before" Daniel nervously whispered, "hello" Meghan called, Daniel tried to stop her but then quickly gave up "there's no point, you never listen to me anyways" Meghan rolled her eyes as she playfully pushed him away, "you fear too much, besides I'd much rather die here than there" Michael shrugged in agreeance, Daniel then called "hello" as Meghan did, in sink they called and they were answered "Hello" a mysterious voice from within the trees called back, Meghan followed the voice and asked "do you know where we are? A giant flying turtle bought us here, and I'm not too sure why" the young voice replied "what's a turtle?" As Meghan neared the young voice the owner of it revealed herself to be just a child "Hi, I'm Meghan or Ettah, what's your name?" The child shrugged and ran away, "please don't" Daniel begged, "we're lost" he sighed, Meghan took hold of his hand and together they followed the footsteps of where they thought the child went.

They wandered aimlessly hand in hand wondering if they were even traveling in the right way, "I feel like we're wandering in circles, all these trees look familiar" Daniel sighed, Meghan agreed so they stopped walking, "perhaps I could climb up and see where we are" Daniel helped Meghan climb on to the tree, once she had her footing her took a step back, as soon as Meghan began to near the top of the tree it shook her down, just like a fireman's pole she came down, with every attempt Daniel and Meghan the tree made it clear to them that it was not happy to be climbed, so they apologised to the tree and without another word they kept walking, the uncanny and strangeness of this forest concerned them, rather than giving into fear Meghan kept calling 'Hello' in hope someone else might answer, Daniel felt entranced by the woman standing next to him, giving up or feeling defeated was not in her nature, so he joined her and together they called, only when their voices were in sinc was their a reply, together they followed the voice, which asked them "why are you here?" Together with one voice they answered "we don't know, a flying turtle bought us here" Meghan giggled for she thought it was amazing how they were of one mind, one voice. The owner of the voice came forward with a child next to him, the same child they had seen earlier, the man stood with his spear in one hand his other on the child he bellowed "state your names and from where you came" Daniel answered "this is Meghan Maria Colesman of Driddon and I am Daniel Fisher of Ludso" the man moved in front of the child in a protective way, both hands went to his spear "why have you come?" Meghan took Daniel's hand and came forward "forgive me please, I don't know exactly where this is, but my friend and I built a ship so then I could sail to the Pegasus Falls, I wanted to see if there was a peace could thrive with my people, if I could learn the secret so I could teach it to my people. I'm not sure how, but a flying turtle came and flew us into the eye of the whirlpool at the base of giant waterfall, rather than die, we woke here in this strange and beautiful land." The man with the spear settled his demeanour "long ago there were people from the land of Ludso and of Driddon, they tricked us into believing they wanted peace too, they told us that we had the ability to provide help, but they weren't here for help! They wanted the power for themselves, thing is, what power you seek is not something that you can take. Now be gone" Meghan and Daniel themselves surrounded by angry soldiers with spears, this was their turf, Meghan nor Daniel at the means to go home, they were stuck in between angry men and strange trees, so Daniel begged "please we don't know where to go, take me as your prisoner please help Meghan" the men were not going to be fooled again, without hesitation they lunged to impale them both, Meghan tried to protect Daniel as Daniel tried to protect Meghan, just before impact could take place light emerged and the flying turtle protected Meghan and Daniel from their impending fates. Meghan then stood from the ground "now do you believe me, a flying turtle bought us here" the man spoke saying "that is Rikvogh-Tayira one of the giants which own the skies, we have many creatures which protect us, only on invitation can you stay, it appears you have that invitation. Forgive me for taking extra precautions, my people were almost slaughtered by your people, I'm not taking any chances, I am head Chief Vulghour and you have already met my young daughter Veitta, come please let me introduce you to my family, we must get indoors before dark, the trees change around here, if you're not careful you will be lost within this labyrinth forever, as the trees change so do the rules around it, not everyone you will come across within that forest is kind."

Meghan and Daniel were welcomed into the village as honoured guests, the people had never seen a foreigner before, these people were different from the people they knew, here in the village each one was strong and buff ready for war, fit and agile, Meghan and Daniel were the opposite, there weren't many buff people from where they came from, the people in general on their Islands were weak in comparison, even sickly looking. During the night of rejoicing there was music, songs and dancing, all of which was so different to what Meghan or Daniel had ever experienced, although in the beginning they were known as the clumsy foreigners near the end of the night they had become part of the family, this was the life Meghan wanted. As the night came to its close the people went their way into their tents Meghan was put with a family as Daniel was put with the young men who weren't yet married.

The morning drills were an unusual experience for both Meghan and Daniel, each one was busy fulfilling their duties whilst they were floundering around the villagers, Chief Vulghour found them to be amusing, when his amusement ran dry he summoned them to his tent, upon arrival he had Meghan and Daniel kneel at his table, he explained "I don't know why you have been bought to us, but we may need your help, our people are facing a dangerous threat, my people do not understand, but I have a feeling it has to do with your people that came earlier, this is going back hundreds of years. Recently my men were scouting and they came across a breech in the land, maybe if you heal it, our world will be safe and that maybe your ticket home. Meghan looked to Daniel who nodded "take us there, let's see what our forefathers have done."

Once Meghan and Daniel were shown where the breech was together they climbed down the hill and into the cave, upon entering the cave they heard the loud deep noise again, the same noise they had heard when they were on top of the Pegasus falls. Chief Vulghour heard the noise to, he feared about what was to come, he felt guilty for sending those foreigners alone into the breech, for he knew these were good people, so he had his son in law take his place over village. For he was determined to go after Meghan and Daniel, three other of his trusted soldiers were determined to stay by his side. Quickly the four set out after Meghan and Daniel. Meghan called "hello" to see if anyone was inside, her voice quivered as her body stiffened, Daniel gently placed his hand on her back and together they called "hello" at once the cave lit with light so they followed the light which lead Meghan and Daniel to the edge of cave, they were unsure about what to, once they held hands they land beneath them opened up causing Meghan and Daniel to fall through the trap door then closed engulfing Meghan and Daniel.

Chief Vulghour and his men finally reached the cave, they saw the lights were beginning to dim within the cave, immediately they ran through ignoring the growls of the cave, Chief Vulghour was determined to find the two he set away. For if anything were to happen to them, he would never forgive himself. Once the men made to the edge of the cave Chief Vulghour cried "where are they?" The men firmly grasped his shoulder in hope to console him, the moment they were all connected as one the trap door opened engulfing them into the hollow mountain floor.

Meghan and Daniel had just regained their footing in the darkness when they heard yelling and screaming from above, in an instant Daniel pulled Meghan out of the way pushing her into the side of the mountain, he protected her with his body from the impeding danger. With an ouff all four men fell on top of each other. Meghan and Daniel heard a familiar voice calling "Maddach, Dennat, Sadarv?" Upon hearing their names each one responded with a sorrowful "yeah" the chief let out a sigh "we can't see a thing" Meghan answered "neither can we, but I hear you didn't want to miss out on an adventure either Chief Vulghour" Chief Vulghour bellowed in hysterics "you're too right kiddo, you need some guidance in this tour my friend." Meghan took Daniels hand and together they called "hello" immediately light emerged filling the mountain "shall we?" Daniel asked, amazed Maddach asked "how is that possible, your voices connect as one and light, I've never seen such a thing" Chief Vulghour agreed but told his men to keep walking, they were still in danger.

Eventually the lights lead them to a secret room within the mountain, Meghan and Daniel knocked upon which the door opened. Bravely the group entered as they did the door closed behind them, within the room there were interesting and odd humanoids some with long noses, others with different skin colours ranging between all suits of colours, each one had a different appearance, Meghan smiled to the group "Hello, we're sorry to interrupt, the mountain lead us to you." Daniel asked "do you know why?" Silence fell over the room, the ground of humans standing before the humanoids remained silent, after an awkward amount of time past, the humanoids intermingled speaking softly to each other in a language none of the humans understood.

Eventually the humanoids felt it was time to acknowledge the intruders, one with a deep voice, that appeared to be like a lion human, but not quite answered "we did not summon you, how did you find us?" Meghan took Daniel's hand together they answered "we do not know" immediately the lights in the room shone brighter and the stones around Daniel and Meghan's necks revealed a light. The humanoids before them stopped they intently watched what unfolded, after a moment another humanoid said in astonishment "it is true, we have found what we are looking for" with that the light in the room dimmed, Meghan and Daniel looked to Chief Vulghour but he had nothing, this was something that he had only ever read about in children's fiction, this was not something he had ever witnessed or ever believed to be true. A humanoid told the humans "you have entered our mountain because we did call, but we did not know it was going to be answered by the very humans who started this mess, our people were large, prosperous people, enjoying the peaceful life this world had to offer. Our women, our children, our men were slaughtered, by King Ludso the second himself, he was accompanied by others, he had followed a young daughter of Driddon, we allowed her to enter our land, but not him, somehow he and his men came on board, we liked her, we trusted her, but she tricked us to save her own life, we showed her the way to safety and she told them, upon which she was murdered on this island, of course she too was tricked and her body joined the river, our world forgave her error because she was pure, but as for the Ludso King, we do not forgive, so how is it that man has come?" Meghan looked to Daniel and said "he is not a Ludso, perhaps from that family line long ago, he is a Fisher, and the Fisher men love, the family line leading to Ludso himself struggle in that area. A different humanoid bellowed "I conquer, the stones would not protect just anyone, we cannot be fooled by these two, but they must endure the tests for peace. If you endure and end our suffering we will help you return home." Meghan worriedly looked from Daniel to the humanoids "but sirs, I only have less than a month to return home, or my enemy will kill our families. We do not have long." The lion like humanoid scoffed "time here is different to how you know it to be. We assure you if you endure, you will return precisely when you mean to." Daniel held onto Meghan round the waste he looked to her "we can take that chance" Meghan nodded in agreeance. Rikvogh-Tayira walked in front of everyone and in a language unknown to the humans he told his brothers "Daniel and Meghan will help us, they can find the peace" The lion like humanoid stated to the humans "seeing as you have Rikvogh-Tayira at your side I'm sure you will endure. You are to go to the far South of our map to recover the lost items of Aadvar, we have lost our homes, from the ten corners of the world you are to restore our homes, the lost items of Aadvar will help you in your task, until then my eight brothers and I are imprisoned within these walls, so far only you have entered. And some how my brother Rikvogh-Tayira has not been imprisoned to these walls, rather he has been stuck in his form and unable to change back into a humanoid, we are not from Earth, but we have been attached to your planet, we hope to break away and your world will continue seperate from ours. Rikvogh-Tayira will lead you out."

Within a moment Rikvogh-Tayira had them all out into the wide open expanse, Meghan smiled as she took in the fresh air, quickly though her relief turned to sadness, "Rikvogh-Tayira how did King Ludso the second accomplish this, a mere man? I don't see how someone not so powerful could create so much destruction" Rikvogh-Tayira could only explain in the native of his own tongue, Chief Vulghour had learned the ancient way, he interpreted, and so Chief Vulghour interpreted "long ago there was an evil that lived, she wanted the humanoids under control, they are strong and brave, the only way to get to them was through an evil human, which she called to the Island, at the same time the humanoids had called the young Driddon girl, knowing the ongoing battle between Driddon and Ludso, Veritole Nazera she wanted to control both worlds this one and your one. But King Ludso the second was just as devious, once Veritole Nazera accomplished her end of the deal by locking the protectors of each clan away King Ludso grabbed the young girl to torture and to eventually kill he used a poison on the innocent one rubbing it onto her skin King Ludso then threw the child onto Veritole Nazera killing them both. The poison came from Veritole Nazera's on wrath, it was supposed have been used on me to kill me, but instead King Ludso turned on the murderess herself. Once Veritole Nazera was dead it entrapped the other brothers forever, having the protectors incarcerated, King Ludzo had free reign over our world and he laid it to waste, I was forgotten left in the chamber with the bodies, however when I neared the young girl she wasn't quite dead, her final words "stop him, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" her words stayed with me for these hundreds of years, her dying plead was to stop him, and I did, using the last her strength I sent them out, but I used all the strength I had up, I am now stuck in this weak form unable to do much else." Meghan and Daniel compassionately held Rikvogh-Tayira there were no words of comfort for the loss he has endured, Meghan firmly stated "for sure we will endure, let's go to the south and find the lost items of Aardvar